| \/ | / \ | | | | |_ _| / ___> / ___> | |_| | | | \| / ___> | | | ~ | | |_| | | | \___ \ | |__ | _ | | | \___ \ |_|\/|_| |_|~|_| \___/ |__| <_____/ \____> |__| |__| |_| <_____/ |>>> | |>>> _ _|_ _ |>>> | |;| |;| |;| | _ _|_ _ \\. . / _ _|_ _ . |;|_|;|_|;| \\:. , / |;|_|;|_|;| \,/ \\.. / ||; . | \\. . / ^ \\. , / ||: . | \\: . / . ||: |_ _ ||_ . _ | _ _||: | . ||: .|||_|;|_|;|_|;|_|;|_|;||:. | . /`\ ||: . || . . . . , ||: | \,/ ||: ||: , _______ . ||: , | /`\ ||: || . /+++++++\ . ||: | V ||: ||. |+++++++| . ||: . | V __ ||: . ||: , |+++++++|. . _||_ | v ____--`~ '--~~__|. |+++++__|----~ ~`---, ___ -~--~ ~---__|,--~' ~~----_____-~' `~---- ____ Sysop : Andreas Mautsch - operating 25h a day _____ / ___> ___ Achtung : Kein Gastzugang ! _ / ___> | |__ __ / \ _____ ______ | | __ | ___> \____> _\/_ | ~ | __ / ___> __ |_ _| __ | |__ _\/_ \_____> \/\/ |_|~|_| _\/_ \___ \ _\/_ | | _\/_ |____> \/\/ \/\/ <_____/ \/\/ |__| \/\/ Ŀ AREANAME : 1 DESCRIPTION : AUSSORTIERSTES , WAS MANCHE TROTZDEM GUT FINDEN ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC AKM_DOB.ZIP 40456 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : A Breathtaking 64kb intro by A R K H A M ..D..O..B.. featuring phong reflection bump the ultimate code 1st at Nowhere'95 introcompo NOC-BRI.ZIP 674300 07.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Brilliance / Noice, 2nd at Icing'95 Demo Comp Ŀ TOTAL KB : 698 TOTAL FILES : 2 Ŀ AREANAME : 2 DESCRIPTION : TEXTE , FILELISTEN UND DER USERANTRAG :-) ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC -----------------------------Filelisten--------------------------------------- ANTRAG.TXT 5491 17.04.94 [88] Antrag meiner Box CASTLLST.ZIP 183190 20.08.95 [304] Fileliste meiner Box CASTLNEW.ZIP 3048 20.08.95 [63] Newfiles meiner Box PEGASUS5.ZIP 126745 01.01.95 [06] Fileliste der Pegasus 5.0 die in der Box liegt 22454091.ZIP 226273 05.06.95 [00] Fileliste des SchachCafes 22454092.LZH 161547 17.05.95 [02] Filelist der Pellenz-BBs 22454105.ZIP 128209 20.03.95 [00] Fileliste der Gummibaers-Bermuda-Triangle 22454109.ARJ 117409 20.03.95 [ 4] Fileliste der Fantasia Film BBS 22454500.ZIP 148949 17.01.95 [ 2] Fileliste des Cyberspace Cafe 22454520.ZIP 169997 20.03.95 [ 3] Fileliste der Tcp 22454523.ZIP 296463 01.04.95 [00] Fileliste der Toga 22455611.ARJ 167673 26.06.94 [ 2] Fileliste der Interbase in Koblenz 2454_315.ZIP 164607 27.03.95 [01] Fileliste der Coolman-BBS 24560095.ZIP 93557 27.03.95 [00] Fileliste der Scary Monster 24610329.ARJ 301102 15.01.95 [ 1] Filelist der Stargate BBs 22454201.ZIP 566309 09.05.95 [00] Fileliste des Unikums 22454118.ARJ 49377 17.07.95 [00] Fileliste von Elle's Fischteich (2:2454/118) 22454108.ZIP 24500 17.05.95 [00] Fileliste der N-Box 22410122.ZIP 30337 26.05.95 [00] Fileliste der Magic View SPIRLST.RAR 49120 30.07.95 [00] FileListe der SPIRIT BBS ! BLACKBOX.ARJ 54291 20.03.95 [00] Fileliste der BlackBox BLUBBER.ZIP 107447 27.03.95 [03] FileListe der BlubberBox BURATINO.ARJ 530035 28.12.94 [00] Fileliste der Buratino Box NGBFILES.ZIP 94559 08.08.94 [ 1] Fileliste der NewGeneration. PAEBBELS.ZIP 74489 02.01.95 [ 2] Fileliste vom Paebbels-BBs PLANET.ZIP 64197 24.04.94 [03] Fileliste vom Wild Planet WILDMOON.ZIP 49847 31.12.94 [ 3] Fileliste der WildMoon ELLE.ARJ 54208 02.03.95 [01] Fileliste von Elle's Fischteich SUPERGAU.ZIP 82059 27.03.95 [00] Fileliste der Supergau RHLB_ALL.LZH 163365 14.05.95 [00] Fileliste der Rheinland-BBs B_DATA.RAR 2632 29.07.95 [00] Fileliste der Datensysteme Bruziks CRUDEMOS.ZIP 48592 22.06.94 [ 6] Demo Liste des Crusader BBS DS8_LIST.ARJ 30116 02.08.94 [ 2] Fileliste der DeepSpaceEight! LOTUSFIL.ARJ 195273 21.03.95 [00] AllfilesListe der Lotus-BBS VPLFILES.ARJ 8904 20.12.94 [05] Fileliste der VgaPlanets Box von HEiko Tobias F1060.ZIP 409652 17.04.95 [00] Liste der Keok-BBs DOOMLIST.ARJ 146581 12.08.95 [00] Liste der Genesis BBS ------------------------------Text-Files-------------------------------------- POLICY4.ARJ 25077 13.01.95 [03] Die Fido Policy im original englischen Text - Pflichteletuere fuer jeden Point und Node ! 3DCHESS.ARJ 3036 27.05.94 [ 2] Text ueber 3D-Chess ABLAUF.ZIP 1458 27.04.95 [01] Was sich so im inneren eines Compis so abspielt :-) ALF.ZIP 1630 20.03.95 [05] Alle Alfwitze ALLERLEI.ZIP 2641 27.04.95 [00] Lauter Top 10 , koennten von David Letterman sein AMIGA.LZH 4876 27.04.95 [02] Geschichter ueber AmigaUser :-) AMIGA.ZIP 1532 27.04.95 [01] Lauter Fragen ueber Amigauser ;-) ANIMAL.ZIP 3393 24.05.94 [ 3] Ein ganzer Bauernhof als Ascii-File ATARI.ZIP 1403 27.04.95 [01] Die Geschichte das Ataris :-) ATBUSLST.ARJ 3279 06.10.94 [ 7] Welche Platte laeuft mit welchen zusammen ? ATOMBOMB.LZH 3023 27.04.95 [03] Wie baue ich mir eine Atombombe :-) AUFMTEST.LZH 755 27.04.95 [01] Aufmerksamkeitstest :-) BEEP.ARJ 4862 27.06.94 [08] Die Computer Beep-Codes BEER.ZIP 2945 20.04.94 [12] Warum ein Bier besser ist als eine Frau BLONDINE.ZIP 4127 07.11.94 [27] 1001 Blondinenwitz :-) BLONDJOK.ARJ 26374 20.03.95 [04] Noch mehr Blondinenwitze BOFH.ARJ 27608 27.05.94 [ 2] The Bastard Operator from Hell BOXLIST.ZIP 2836 25.01.95 [14] BoxListe fuer Koblenz BRIAN.ZIP 31624 25.04.94 [07] Das Leben des Brian CDHUELLE.ZIP 1179 21.11.94 [04] So mache ich mir meine eigene CD-Einlage fuer CD-Rom Huellen. CDNINFO.ARJ 7467 16.07.94 [ 1] CDN-Info-File COBAIN.ZIP 2186 10.05.94 [16] Kurt Cobain Witze COLA.LZH 2993 27.04.95 [02] Wie oeffne ich eine ColaDose :-) COMPUTER.ARJ 2588 01.09.94 [09] Die xyz besten Gruende , warum es besser ist sich einen Computer anzuschaffen als eine Frau ;) (Ich glaub es sind 134) COMPUTER.LZH 5093 27.04.95 [02] Haende weg vom Computer :-) COMPUTER.ZIP 1594 27.04.95 [01] Warum ein Computer besser ist als eine Frau :-) COOL.LZH 5094 27.04.95 [01] Wie man C00l wird :-) DFUE.ZIP 1898 23.02.95 [04] Aus dem leben eines Dfue-Freaks DGRAY10.ZIP 172786 04.12.94 [00] The Picture of Dorian Gray, gutes Buch aus dem Gutenberg Project DMF.ZIP 4790 07.08.94 [05] Aufbau des Dmf-Formats EJASA5_5.ZIP 16469 20.03.95 [02] Text ueber die Existens von ausseridischem Leben EVOLUTIO.ZIP 1716 25.01.95 [04] Die Evolutions-Theorie aus der Sicht eines Informatikers :-) FIDOSLG.ARJ 2990 27.04.95 [00] List der MAilNetzAbkuerzungen FLAME.ZIP 3116 23.02.95 [01] Noch eine Robo-Flame FLIRTEN.ARJ 79587 20.03.95 [04] Wie mache ich eine Frau an FRAU.ARJ 4482 20.04.94 [18] Wie spreche ich eine Frau an FRAUEN.LZH 1287 27.04.95 [01] Was sind Frauen :-> FRAUZITA.ZIP 2071 27.04.95 [01] Frauen-Zitate von beruehmten Persoenlichkeiten GEEKCODE.ZIP 7167 07.11.94 [06] Der Ultimative Geek-Code mit dem man seine eigene Persoenlichkeit codieren kann GFAQ155.ARJ 30931 10.11.94 [ 1] Gus-Faq 1.55 GURKE.ARJ 1032 20.04.94 [07] Wieso eine Gurke besser ist als ein Mann HACKING.ZIP 8560 25.01.95 [02] Kompletter HackingKurs HITCH1.ZIP 123840 04.05.94 [02] Hitchiker's Guide through the Galaxy 1 HITCH_ST.ARJ 30271 29.01.95 [ 2] Hitchhikers Guide to StarTrek. H_GRAIL.LZH 27635 27.06.94 [00] Textfiles von the Quest for the Holy Grail LIFE.ARJ 30322 29.01.95 [ 1] Der Text von Monty Pythons "The meaning of Life" LWORT.ZIP 3858 07.11.94 [08] Die beruehmten letzte Worte :-) MANTAWI.ZIP 6029 25.01.95 [09] 1001 Manta-Witz MAXFAQ.ZIP 13155 07.11.94 [07] Maximus-Faq MIDINFO.ZIP 31547 14.03.95 [00] Infos ueber das Midi-Format MONTY_PY.ZIP 49584 25.04.94 [06] Texte aus Monty Python Filmen MUDCMD.ZIP 2018 07.02.95 [ 1] Alle Mud Commandos NEWCOMER.ARJ 9411 16.07.94 [ 6] Info-File fuer Treknet NEWRELS.ARJ 16812 18.09.94 [ 2] Liste der Games die in diesem Jahr noch erscheinen werden OOPSINFO.ARJ 72905 28.09.94 [ 1] Infos ueber Oopsnet , das Internet Gate PENTFAQ.ZIP 1307 25.01.95 [ 1] Pentium-Faq :-) PFLOYD.ARJ 30341 20.03.95 [01] Witze ueber Pink Floyd POINTS.ARJ 5114 04.11.94 [06] Was ist ein Point ? RHPS.ARJ 25100 29.01.95 [01] Der Text des Films "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". 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Und natuerlich in Deutschland. ============================== P.S.: Der Gebrauch einiger dieser # ist strafbar, da geheim... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GAMEINFO.ARJ 15707 31.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ====================== = GamesNet Zone 144 = = INFO FILE = ====================== = = = feel free to req. = = 1/95 = ====================== FFMTS001.ZIP 85010 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: File formats Release #01 06/95 A documentation of over 100 file formats covering : Modules : (MOD,S3M,669,XM etc.) Images : (GIF,LBM,IFF,PCX etc.) Binaries: (COM,EXE,Windows etc.) Archives: (ARJ,LHA,ZIP etc.) VPLINFO.ARJ 11820 07.04.95 [00] Info-File zum VPL-NET VPLNET_E.FAQ 5722 17.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 12.04.95 TELEKOM.ARJ 33619 17.05.95 [00] Informationen ueber die Fido-Protestaktion gegen die Verteuerung der Telefongebuehren ab 1996. Von W.Schuettler 2:2457/330 (Olpe) FIDODE.ZIP 23985 29.07.95 [02] Infos ueber Internet - Fido.DE Ŀ TOTAL KB : 6704 TOTAL FILES : 155 Ŀ AREANAME : 3 DESCRIPTION : DATENBANKEN UND AEHNLICHES ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC SKYMAP.ARJ 1307494 02.05.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: SKYMAP v2.0 Part 2 of 2. SkyMap data file archive. This forms a part of the SkyMap package together with "skymp20a.zip". BREITENG.ARJ 108666 05.09.94 [00] Programm zur bestimmung der Breitengrade Ŀ TOTAL KB : 1382 TOTAL FILES : 2 Ŀ AREANAME : 4 DESCRIPTION : STARTREK-ZEUGS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC --------------------Text-Files zum Thema Startrek---------------------------- 10_STICK.ZIP 1960 30.06.94 [07] Top Ten Sprueche der Enterprise 10_STRES.ZIP 2202 30.06.94 [04] Top Ten , wie die Commander unter Druck handeln 20_DATA.ZIP 2186 30.06.94 [09] Top 20 von Data-Spruechen CAPTAINS.ZIP 3698 30.06.94 [03] Wer war Captain bei den verschiedenen Filmen ? CHRNLOGY.ARJ 88289 01.08.94 [02] Gute Chronologie der Enterprise-Zeit. FILK001.ZIP 13989 30.06.94 [05] Ein paar dumme Sprueche INEWS009.ZIP 5055 30.06.94 [03] Startrek Inside-News KLING_EN.ARJ 38302 13.01.95 [02] Text zum Klingonisch lernen KL_PARSE.ARJ 24296 26.06.94 [02] Wandelt Klingonisch nach Englisch LALGFK05.ARJ 19699 26.06.94 [01] Einschaltqouten von TNG LALTNG04.ARJ 125912 26.06.94 [02] Interesante Informationen zu TNG STARFLEE.ZIP 11464 30.06.94 [02] Informationen ueber Starfleet ST_GEN.ARJ 39965 02.08.94 [02] Das Script zu Star Trek : Generations! ST_NEWS3.ARJ 12357 08.08.94 [00] St-News. Update Freitag 05.08.94 ST_RACES.ARJ 5434 26.06.94 [04] Erklaerung der Verschiedenen Rassen von TNG TNGBLP02.ARJ 16902 26.06.94 [04] Fehler die in TNG bis jetzt auftraten TNGFAQ03.ARJ 23872 26.06.94 [02] StarTrek-Faq , gesplittet TNG_UNIF.ARJ 2439 02.08.94 [03] Infos zur ST:Uniform. TROI.ARJ 1222 01.08.94 [05] Die 10 besten Tode der Deanna Troi! VII_FAQ.ZIP 18933 30.06.94 [04] Informationen ueber neue Startrek-Filme VOY_FAQ.ZIP 14049 30.06.94 [04] Informationen ueber die neue Voyager Serie WARPHIST.ZIP 13015 30.06.94 [02] Informationen zum Thema Warp WESLEY.ZIP 2191 01.08.94 [03] Text aus Internet , Wesley.die.die.die :-) XMAS.ARJ 1574 01.08.94 [03] Weihnachten!!! (Q als Sankt Nikolausi) DSNFAQ.ZIP 13559 02.01.95 [01] DS9-Faq LALDSN05.ARJ 44440 02.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: <03.10.94> LISTE ALLER LISTEN: DSN, mit Infos zu: Besetzung, Episoden, Ferengi-Regeln der Akquisition, Snafus, In-Jokes, Crossovers, Odo, Orte des Geschehens, Raumschiffe, Geburtstage, Raenge, Sender-Notizen, Schreibweisen, Wuten Sie schon, ... (von Michael Spohn, dt.) LALTOS05.ARJ 95865 02.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: <28.09.94> LISTE ALLER LISTEN: TOS. Mit Infos zu: Besetzung, Episoden, Snafus, Injokes, Raumschiffe, Raumfaehren, Planeten, Regionen, Geburtstage, Raenge, Sender-Notizen, Convention-Hinweise, Was ist abgesegnet (canon)?, Wuten Sie schon, ... (von Michael Spohn, dt.) LALVOY01.ARJ 8221 02.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: <28.10.94> Liste aller Listen: Star Trek: Voyager mit Infos zu Schauspielern, Episoden, Hintergrund- Infos u.a. (von Marco Radke; dt.) STVOY.ARJ 5972 02.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: <09.09.94> Infos zur neuen Serie Star Trek:Voyager (von Marco Radke; dt.) ---------------------Soundfiles zum Thema Startrek---------------------------- SPOCK_AB.LZH 138327 08.08.94 [03] Spocks Anrufbeantworter. ST6THEME.ARJ 401828 01.08.94 [03] The Theme of Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country (Klasse ding) TNG_FX.ARJ 395559 02.08.94 [ 1] Geraeusche aus ST:TNG! TNG_VOIC.ARJ 651960 02.08.94 [ 1] Stimmen aus ST:TNG! TOSSND2.ARJ 383975 02.08.94 [ 1] Sounds aus ST:TOS! TNGAGT46.ZIP 188219 02.01.95 [02] Wav-File aus Tng-Generations GENERA.ZIP 179383 15.11.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Star Trek: Generations - Teaser ---------------------Programme zum Thema Startrek----------------------------- STFONTS.ARJ 227549 26.06.94 [ 4] Windows Fonts im Startrek-Stil ST_KTTF.ARJ 9266 06.08.94 [ 4] Klingon Empire True Type Fonts... TREKTRIV.ARJ 27162 26.06.94 [ 2] Lustiges Startrek-Quiz UFPLOGO.ARJ 7865 06.08.94 [ 4] Das UFP-LOGO als WindowsLOGO (Mit Einbau-anleitung) UFP450.ARJ 977885 17.03.95 [01] Ufp Info 4.50 Basispaket UFP450S1.ARJ 1684271 17.03.95 [01] Ufp Info 4.50 SVGA Paket [1/4] UFP450S2.ARJ 1697222 17.03.95 [01] Ufp Info 4.50 SVGA Paket [2/4] UFP450S3.ARJ 1683600 17.03.95 [01] Ufp Info 4.50 SVGA Paket [3/4] UFP450S4.ARJ 444948 17.03.95 [01] Ufp Info 4.50 SVGA Paket [4/4] Ŀ TOTAL KB : 9527 TOTAL FILES : 45 Ŀ AREANAME : 5 DESCRIPTION : SOURCEN FUER TP UND ASSEMBLER ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 3DVECT38.ZIP 447094 20.11.94 [05] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ 3D Vector Engine,By John McCarthy. Polygon Routines, Gouraud Shading. Make Your Own Objects, Xmode Mouse, Mix Vectors With Bitmaps, 3d Math, Variable Sized Bitmaps Multiple Objects, Full 3d Matrix Rotation User Defined Clipping, IRQ Driven Movement Make Your Own Vector Demo. Uses Any Xmode Runs in Protected Mode. All in 100% Assembler! Protected Mode Header by TRAN Xmode Routines by Matt Pritchard. CARDWARE Ĵ FULL SOURCE CODE,NOT JUST USELESS OBJECT CODE!! Ĵ Version: 3.8 Requires: 386+CPU ; POINTBREAK+3211436925 HDEUT49611547324 AMNESSRC.ZIP 7617 28.09.94 [01] Der Temple Part aus Amnesia FCSP2SRC.ZIP 33486 28.09.94 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Proudly Presents: The COMPLETE sources for StarPort BBS Intro II. Includes updated FCINFO.TXT GUSP15.ZIP 19344 28.09.94 [02] Cascada Gus Player in Asm PMODE24.ZIP 58179 28.09.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ PMODE v2.4 ޳ Coded By: Tran Of ???? ͵ Finally! A raw, DPMI, VCPI, and XMS Compliant Protected Mode System Designed For The Serious 386 Programmer. Works Flawlessly Under DesqView, QEMM, and even Windows 3.1! Forget Ever Having To Deal With The 64K Segment Barrier, or Even The 640K Limit Again! Includes Full ASM Source Code And Coding Examples. Also File, Command Line, Keyboard, And Text Mode Libraries As Well As An ASM Precompiler With Tons Of Useful Arithmetic Functions! ; TF-SRC2.ARJ 26535 28.09.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ /\Technology /--\forthe /\people! AARDVARKin'93 ͵ 'A PASCAL LIB FOR USE WITH MODE 13 COPPER EFFECTS AND MUCH MORE!' ; TF-STAR.ARJ 11715 28.09.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ /\Technology /--\forthe /\people! AARDVARKin'93 ͵ 'STARFIELD IN VESA MODE ' ; TF-TEXTU.ARJ 37784 28.09.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ /\Technology /--\forthe /\people! AARDVARKin'93 ͵ 'FULLSCREEN TEXTURE' ; LDPLASM.ZIP 154941 02.10.94 [05] Plasma-Source von Legend Design REN93ASM.ZIP 9153 02.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Ϳ -=- Renaissance '93 -=- Ŀ Renaissance has included the source code for REN-93.EXE. Requires VGA! VLASTARS.ZIP 10840 02.10.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ͹ Ĵ A Starfield by VLA The best one i saw ͻ on the PC...!! ͹ ͼ VLAWAVES.ZIP 22154 02.10.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ͹ Ĵ Nice waves as seen in Future Crew's ͻ ASM-93 intro! ͹ ͼ VGTRK12B.ZIP 613122 24.06.95 [00] Vangelis Tracker , der beste Soundblaster-Player seiner Zeit mit allen Sourcen VTSOURCE.ZIP 364831 05.10.94 [05] Source fuer den Vangelis Tracker , jetzt mit Gus Support ! TEXTURE.ZIP 114612 06.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: This package is FREEWARE so you may distribute Keep the contents of this ZIP in it's original Files in ZIP: ------------- TEXMAP.EXE Texture mapped polygon FANTOM93.EXE Same as above... 3D.EXE 3D-Demonstration TEXMAP.ASM Source code for texture UBLOGO.RAW Rawdata for the Logo in KICK.RAW Rawdata for the mainscr UBLOGO.PAL Guess.. KICK.PAL Ups?! SIN.INC Sintable for 3D-rotatio SINTABLE.INC Sintable for Texturemap TEXTURE.INC Texturemap for texmap.a TEXTPAL.INC Palette for texturemap README Some info about these F README.1ST Control keys for the 3D FILEID.DIZ List of files in this Z SUN_SRC.ZIP 70890 06.10.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ///////////////// SUPERUNKNOWN //////////////// Complete C++/assembly source of the megademo SUPERUNKNOWN By Five, And Then Some. /////////////////////////////////////////////// DS_PLAS2.ZIP 19863 06.11.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ..::: D E E P :::.. ...::::: S P A C E :::::... | | .... [PrESeNTs Ya] .... | | : : Our first release . : ! Get it ! . . A cuTe, liTTlE PLaSMa . ----- OHH NO ------ [286+/VGA (fast)] only 1108 Bytes Sourcecode in ASM (15KB) FT-PGSRC.ZIP 86454 13.11.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: tm PowerGrid Loader HDEUT49611547324 DOTUNNEL.ZIP 52667 13.11.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: Dot Tunnel Effect By Friar Tuck (Ofcourse With Full ASM Source) YANNS3D.ZIP 86621 31.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Just some 3D stuff I'm not working at anymore with ASM sources, real and protected mode versions. Something to look at if you are just learning (fully comented sources). Yann/Iguana, september'94 DMFUPACK.ARJ 10512 28.02.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Mr. Patcher presents Ĵ CODER INFORMATION Ĵ How to unpack samples of DELUSION's digital music format (DMF) Full Pascal example source included DMFEFFE.ZIP 3844 06.03.95 [01] Alle DMF-Effekte ! SBLAST09.ZIP 513636 28.02.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ڿ ڿ ڿڿڿô ڿڿڿڿ ô ô Programming Information ͻ Version 0.90 - 1995 ͼ Andr Baresel & Craig Jackson SWAG9311.ZIP 524484 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: SWAG File SWAG9311 from the SourceWare Archival Group. ALL new snippets since last release THROUGH 11/27/93, PLUS updated version of READER.EXE v2.5 and DOC files. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS. SWAG9402.ZIP 664463 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 2/26/94. OVER 350+ New Items. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.6 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG9405.ARJ 442654 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 5/28/94. OVER 150+ New Items. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.8 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG9408.ZIP 794769 20.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 8/27/94. OVER 300+ New Items. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.9 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG9411.ZIP 826434 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 11/26/94. OVER 250+ New Items. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.0 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. SWAG9502.ZIP 628975 20.03.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 02/28/95. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. ALLSWAGS.ZIP 1121285 20.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ALLSWAGS from Sourceware Archive Group. This archive contains ALL SWAG snippets THROUGH 8/27/93, PLUS updated version of READER.EXE and DOC file. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. There are 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. SWAG.ZIP 60799 20.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: SWAG READER v1.0 SWAG (Sourceware Archival Group) file reader. EXE needed to read SWAG packets. SWAG packets are available in separate archives. (SWAGABC,SWAGDEF,SWAGG-M, SWAGN-R,SWAGS-Z). You WILL need this program to read these files. GUSDK222.ZIP 955399 01.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: A d v a n c e d Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd. Gravis UltraSound,PC GamePad and Analog Pro SD (GUSDK222.ZIP) MIKM202.ZIP 282314 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ķ ͹ Soundsystem for GUS & SB v2.02 for both Watcom & Borland plays XM MOD M15 MTM S3M STM ULT MED DSM FAR 669 UNI Cheap non-crippled shareware Comes with FULL 'C' source Ľ HaRDCoDE '95 Production BLASTREF.ZIP 10000 17.05.95 [00] Infos ueber Soundblaster Programierung BP7BUGS1.ZIP 16045 17.05.95 [01] Bugs in BP7.0 DPMISPEC.ZIP 37094 17.05.95 [00] Infos ueber DPMI SBINFO.ARJ 12485 24.06.95 [00] Viele Informationen zur Programierung der SB 4KAPSINI.ZIP 9125 31.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Wes /Appellssiini presents a 4k-intro From Assembly'94 ACME-SAT.ARJ 13244 28.06.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: d e l i v e r s Ŀ Adlib player source for SAdT A(c)mE TPSBK100.ARJ 86802 30.06.95 [01] Soundblaster SDK ( Fuer SB 2.0) TED.ARJ 7951 24.07.95 [02] Tiny Editor , schoener Editor mit SOurce WHATVGA.ZIP 5276 29.07.95 [01] Source um bestimmte Grafikkarten zu erkennen und in den entsprechenden Modus zu schalten PM-9-94.ARJ 89030 04.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͻ Latest versions of PMODE protected mode DOS extender by Tran as of - September 1994. Ķ Small, fast, stable, and FREE!!! Ķ Includes versions 2.5 and 3.03. ͼ START32.ARJ 18540 04.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Start 32 - 32-Bit Protected Mode Header For ASM. Learn How To Program The 386 Processor In FULL 32-Bit Protected Mode! Includes the Protected Mode Header and an Example. Get out of the stone-age and start taking advantage of your investment! .ASM File Included... ...Written By Tran Of Renaissance... Ŀ TOTAL KB : 9163 TOTAL FILES : 44 Ŀ AREANAME : 6 DESCRIPTION : FILES DER GRENZWISSEN.GER ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ----------------------------------Texte--------------------------------------- INTROTXT.ZIP 1440 12.05.95 [00] Kurzinfo ueber die Gernzwissen Files COOPER1.ARJ 36749 27.04.95 [00] Allgemeiner Text ueber seltsame Ereignisse seit dem 2. Weltkrieg DLTASIRA.ZIP 4053 27.04.95 [00] Das Verschwinden der Delta Sierra HILLGRAB.ZIP 4710 12.05.95 [00] Info ueber die Groom-Base MARSFAC.ZIP 2647 12.05.95 [00] First Communication with E.T. Liveforms ? 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CYDONIA.ZIP 2659 28.06.95 [00] First Communication from an Exterrestial Civilization ? ---------------------------------Bilder--------------------------------------- ASTRNAUT.JPG 35333 12.05.95 [01] Bild von einem Astronauten im Weltall EARTH.GIF 54869 27.04.95 [00] (640*480*16) Die Erde vom Weltraum Aus JUPITER.JPG 10124 12.05.95 [00] Ein Bild von Jupiter M1.GIF 37534 12.05.95 [00] (320*200*256) Crabnebel (Sternbild Stier) M13.GIF 31093 12.05.95 [00] (320*200*256) Kugelhaufen (Sternbild Herkules) M15.GIF 18588 12.05.95 [00] (320*200*256) Kugelhaufen (Sternbild Pegasus) M16.GIF 38016 12.05.95 [00] (320*200*256) Adlernebel (Sternbild Schlange) M17.GIF 34675 12.05.95 [00] (320*200*256) Omeganebel (Sternbild Sagittarius) M33.GIF 78151 12.05.95 [00] (555*408*256) keine Ahnung, was das fuer ein Nebel ist !? :-) MARS-1.GIF 28768 12.05.95 [00] (320*200*256) Der rote Planet MARS-2.JPG 55431 12.05.95 [00] Der Rote Planet MARSFAC3.GIF 207051 27.04.95 [00] (1027*900*64) Die Marsoberflaeche NASA4.GIF 62071 12.05.95 [00] (640*480*256) Ein Spaceshuttle PHOBOS1.JPG 33013 12.05.95 [00] Ein Bild vom Marsmond Phobos SATURN.JPG 98092 12.05.95 [00] Saturn UFO1.GIF 39012 27.04.95 [01] (318*244*256) Ufo Erscheinung UFO2.GIF 47950 27.04.95 [01] (321*233*256) Ufo Erscheinung ALIEN_47.JPG 83630 15.06.95 [00] Das Bild eines Alienebabies ? 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C64DEMO.RAR 152927 06.07.95 [00] Mehrere verschiedene C64-Demos C64_ASM.ZIP 347138 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : DEMO: Collection of C64 demo's of ASM95 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3426 TOTAL FILES : 8 Ŀ AREANAME : B01 DESCRIPTION : BILDER VON MODELS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------Jpegs sind am besten anzugucken mit Qpeg---------------------- -----------------superschnell und supergute Qualitaet------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------Model-Bilder von Claudia Schiffer------------------------- CLAU-01.JPG 80373 18.04.94 [23] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-02.JPG 38740 28.05.94 [15] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-03.JPG 28846 18.04.94 [13] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-04.JPG 28376 18.04.94 [13] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-05.JPG 23061 18.04.94 [11] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-06.JPG 39531 18.04.94 [11] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-07.JPG 37855 18.04.94 [10] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-11.JPG 61775 07.07.94 [07] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-13.JPG 55005 18.04.94 [10] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-18.JPG 40754 18.04.94 [08] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-19.JPG 46412 18.04.94 [12] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-20.JPG 53861 18.04.94 [10] Claudia Schiffer Bild CLAU-24.JPG 34448 07.07.94 [06] Claudia Schiffer Bild CS94_02.JPG 138322 29.04.94 [10] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_03.JPG 147118 29.04.94 [08] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_04.JPG 161535 29.04.94 [08] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_06.JPG 128525 29.04.94 [08] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_07.JPG 154536 29.04.94 [08] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_08.JPG 135965 29.04.94 [07] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_10.JPG 92924 04.05.94 [07] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_12.JPG 147143 04.05.94 [07] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_14.JPG 118505 04.05.94 [07] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_16.JPG 137172 04.05.94 [07] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_18.JPG 162212 04.05.94 [08] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS94_24.JPG 133835 17.05.94 [09] Bild aus Dem Claudi-Kalender CS-9501.JPG 47323 25.11.94 [19] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9502.JPG 45243 25.11.94 [17] Claudia Schiffer (95 Kalender) CS-9503.JPG 47720 25.11.94 [17] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9504.JPG 55009 25.11.94 [16] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9505.JPG 51830 25.11.94 [16] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9506.JPG 47599 25.11.94 [17] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9507.JPG 59523 25.11.94 [16] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9508.JPG 47032 25.11.94 [16] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9509.JPG 54070 25.11.94 [14] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9510.JPG 50033 25.11.94 [14] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9511.JPG 47171 25.11.94 [13] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CS-9512.JPG 57229 25.11.94 [12] Claudia Schiffer (95er Kalender) CLAUDI.JPG 82864 18.04.94 [09] Claudia Schiffer CLAUDI04.JPG 42434 05.06.94 [05] Claudia Schiffer CLAUDI12.JPG 52338 05.06.94 [05] Claudia Schiffer CLAUDIAS.JPG 18755 05.06.94 [04] Claudia Schiffer CLAUDIA1.JPG 40143 15.05.94 [25] Claudia Schiffer Oben ohne nur mit ver- schraenkten Armen und offener Jeans CLAUDIA.JPG 24919 01.06.94 [08] Claudia Schiffer SCHIFF11.JPG 46696 18.04.94 [09] Schon wieder Claudia -----------------------Bilder von Cindy Crawford------------------------------ CC03.JPG 29363 25.05.94 [08] Cindy Crawford CINDY.JPG 37100 12.05.94 [09] Cindy Crawford CINDY080.JPG 5992 20.04.95 [01] Cindy mit verzogener Schnute CINDY01.JPG 32673 25.05.94 [07] Cindy Crawford CINDY01A.JPG 42061 18.04.94 [07] Cindy Crawford CINDY03.JPG 18372 25.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY04.JPG 25301 25.05.94 [06] Cindy Crawford CINDY05.JPG 20985 25.05.94 [07] Cindy Crawford CINDY053.JPG 56490 07.07.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY054.JPG 31172 07.07.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY055.JPG 82872 07.07.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY070.JPG 47818 07.07.94 [04] Cindy Crawford CINDY071.JPG 33729 07.07.94 [04] Cindy Crawford CINDY072.JPG 38673 07.07.94 [ 2] Cindy Crawford CINDY074.JPG 54929 07.07.94 [ 2] Cindy Crawford CINDY075.JPG 33501 07.07.94 [ 2] Cindy Crawford CINDY076.JPG 32521 07.07.94 [ 2] Cindy Crawford CINDY078.JPG 73195 07.07.94 [ 2] Cindy Crawford CINDY079.JPG 26699 07.07.94 [ 3] Cindy Crawford CINDY081.JPG 216296 07.07.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY082.JPG 46680 07.07.94 [ 3] Cindy Crawford CINDY083.JPG 52500 07.07.94 [ 3] Cindy Crawford CINDY084.JPG 15170 25.05.94 [04] Cindy Crawford CINDY085.JPG 17724 25.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY1.JPG 45952 25.05.94 [06] Cindy Crawford CINDY11.JPG 49359 12.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY12.JPG 30351 25.05.94 [03] Cindy Crawford CINDY13.JPG 27783 25.05.94 [03] Cindy Crawford CINDY170.JPG 39665 12.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY2.JPG 43814 25.05.94 [06] Cindy Crawford CINDY3.JPG 39054 25.05.94 [03] Cindy Crawford CINDY4.JPG 38480 25.05.94 [03] Cindy Crawford CINDY5.JPG 47589 12.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY56.JPG 11538 25.05.94 [04] Cindy Crawford CINDY6.JPG 36929 12.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY7.JPG 32079 12.05.94 [04] Cindy Crawford CINDY8.JPG 47262 12.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford CINDY9.JPG 45864 18.04.94 [08] Cindy Crawford CINDY_18.JPG 39605 18.04.94 [06] Cindy Crawford CINDY_19.JPG 43609 18.04.94 [08] Cindy Crawford CINDY_C.JPG 28818 25.05.94 [05] Cindy Crawford BABE1103.JPG 30739 25.11.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford BABE1139.JPG 57858 25.11.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford BABE1199.JPG 43541 25.11.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford BABE1217.JPG 36290 25.11.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford BABE1227.JPG 33048 25.11.94 [ 3] Cinfy Crawford BABE1231.JPG 29958 25.11.94 [ 4] Cindy Crawford BABE1288.JPG 38302 25.11.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford BABE1316.JPG 41988 25.11.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford CRAWFORD.JPG 41304 26.07.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford CRAWFOR2.JPG 47373 25.05.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford LG-CIN11.JPG 46811 18.04.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford MBCRAW3A.JPG 44939 25.05.94 [ 4] Cindy Crawford NLCRAW-2.JPG 42324 12.05.94 [06] Cindy Crawford NLCRAW-6.JPG 45006 24.01.95 [ 1] Cindy Crawford im Badeanzug NLCRAW-7.JPG 50638 24.01.95 [ 1] Cindy Crawford mit Samtjacke NLCRAW29.JPG 68825 12.05.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford NLG_0019.JPG 24921 25.05.94 [ 5] Cindy Crawford NLG_0023.JPG 39564 25.05.94 [ 4] Cindy Crawford NLG_0021.JPG 27894 01.06.94 [ 3] Cindy Crawford NLG_0026.JPG 32369 25.05.94 [ 4] Cindy Crawford CC-VF-2.JPG 81662 01.12.94 [ 3] Cindy Crawford CC_WRAP.JPG 34696 01.12.94 [ 2] Cindy Crawford CC_HOOD.JPG 27904 24.01.95 [ 1] Cindy Crawford mit Schleier FASH-098.JPG 45733 01.12.94 [04] Cindy Crawford FASH-099.JPG 38221 01.12.94 [04] Cindy Crawford FASH2513.JPG 50803 01.12.94 [ 3] Cindy Crawford CICR012.JPG 220734 24.08.94 [13] Eine Cindy raekelt sich irgendwo... CICR0393.JPG 136714 24.08.94 [ 5] Noch eine Cindy MBCRAW4A.JPG 40271 26.07.94 [ 6] Cindy Crawford FASH-055.JPG 38848 25.08.94 [08] Eine Cindy CC95-01.JPG 67764 12.02.95 [02] Cindy Crawford Kalender 95 ------------------Bilder von verschiedenen Models----------------------------- NLG_0001.JPG 32523 01.06.94 [11] Schoenes Frau NLG_0009.JPG 32941 01.06.94 [ 7] Schoenes Frau NLG_0015.JPG 25805 01.06.94 [ 6] Schoenes Frau NLG_0017.JPG 20021 01.06.94 [ 7] Schoenes Frau NLG_0022.JPG 28604 01.06.94 [ 5] Schoenes Frau NLG_0025.JPG 27396 01.06.94 [ 5] Schoenes Frau GATORS09.JPG 28260 01.06.94 [ 5] Wunderhueche Frau GATORS1.JPG 30801 27.10.94 [ 3] Wunderschoenes Maedchen mit Strohhut GATORS10.JPG 39024 01.06.94 [ 6] Wunderhueche Frau GATORS2.JPG 37556 01.06.94 [ 5] Wunderhueche Frau GATORS3.JPG 31166 01.06.94 [ 4] Wunderhueche Frau GATORS4.JPG 33822 01.06.94 [ 5] Wunderhueche Frau GATORS6.JPG 25659 01.06.94 [ 4] Wunderhueche Frau GATORS11.JPG 29470 01.12.94 [ 4] Schoenes Maedchen am Strand GATORS7.JPG 25601 01.12.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen am Strand WINONA1.JPG 26226 29.04.94 [12] Winona Ryder WINONA3.JPG 37552 18.09.94 [ 5] Winona Ryder WINONA4.JPG 45204 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA7.JPG 18616 29.04.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA02.JPG 21243 20.05.94 [ 6] Winona Ryder WINONA17.JPG 25857 20.05.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA13.JPG 31366 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA19.JPG 53976 18.09.94 [ 5] Winona Ryder WINONA21.JPG 34163 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA22.JPG 47273 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA23.JPG 35446 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA24.JPG 35581 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA25.JPG 27766 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA5.JPG 32462 18.09.94 [ 5] Winona Ryder WINONA8.JPG 27418 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder WINONA9.JPG 30620 18.09.94 [ 4] Winona Ryder MY_ELLE1.JPG 19648 07.12.94 [07] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE2.JPG 29684 07.12.94 [08] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE3.JPG 45223 07.12.94 [05] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE4.JPG 42335 07.12.94 [05] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE5.JPG 52965 07.12.94 [05] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE6.JPG 38031 07.12.94 [04] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE7.JPG 43610 07.12.94 [04] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE8.JPG 38853 07.12.94 [04] Elle MacPherson MY_ELLE9.JPG 39356 07.12.94 [04] Elle MacPherson 0101PICG.JPG 36201 26.07.94 [ 7] Schoenes Maedchen 0102PICG.JPG 43434 27.10.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau vorm Meer 0104PICG.JPG 38181 27.10.94 [ 5] Schoene Frau auf einem Auto 0130PICG.JPG 66279 27.10.94 [05] Schoenes Maedel auf einem Stuhl 0238PICG.JPG 44510 27.10.94 [ 4] 2 Cowgirls 0261PICR.JPG 59282 27.10.94 [ 3] Wunderschoene Frau , ganz in weiss 0293PICP.JPG 37681 27.10.94 [ 7] Brigitte Nielson ? 0294PICG.JPG 84572 27.10.94 [ 5] Schoene Frau auf ner Couch 0375PICG.JPG 66348 27.10.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau am Strand 0378PICG.JPG 64170 27.10.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau im Sand sitzend 0606PICP.JPG 63979 27.09.94 [ 3] Schoene Frau in der Sonne 0652PICP.JPG 56171 27.10.94 [04] 2 Maedchen im Bikini APPLEG1.JPG 90390 12.02.95 [02] Christina Applegate aus "Einer schrecklich APPLE_01.JPG 89929 12.02.95 [02] Cristina Applegate aus "Eine schrecklich APPLE_02.JPG 58005 12.02.95 [02] Christina Applegate aus "Einer schrecklich nette Familie" APPLE_03.JPG 43233 12.02.95 [02] Christina Applegate aus "Einer schrecklich nette Familie" APPLE_04.JPG 32879 12.02.95 [02] Christina Applegate aus "Einer schrecklich nette Familie" CA_XXX2.JPG 55972 12.02.95 [ 2] Christina Applegate in hbscher Pose CHRISTNA.JPG 28308 27.09.94 [29] Christina Applegate , viel intelligenter als auf anderen Photos DUMPFBAK.JPG 32316 26.07.94 [18] Kelly Bundy GQAPLGAT.JPG 88931 18.04.94 [24] Christina Applegate VS01.JPG 100240 24.06.95 [00] Stephanie Seymour im roten Body auf einer Couch VS02.JPG 46579 24.06.95 [00] Stephanie Seymour im schwarzen Body auf Leopardenfell VS03.JPG 80785 24.06.95 [00] Stephanie Seymour im scharzen Dessous mit Strapse VS04.JPG 95752 24.06.95 [00] Stephanie Seymour in sehr kurzen schwarzen Kleidern VS07.JPG 63366 24.06.95 [00] Stephanie Seymour , noch kuerzer und noch schwarzer :-) ELITE_10.JPG 38970 25.05.94 [07] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_12.JPG 34268 25.05.94 [04] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_4.JPG 37417 25.05.94 [05] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_9.JPG 68288 16.05.94 [07] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE90B.JPG <> ELITE90C.JPG 63322 01.06.94 [05] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_3.JPG 40164 01.06.94 [06] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_5.JPG 34132 01.06.94 [08] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_6.JPG 41600 01.06.94 [06] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE_7.JPG 37293 01.06.94 [ 3] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau ELITE-13.JPG 33859 29.05.94 [ 3] Eine wirklich wunderhuebche Frau BABE02.JPG 35933 25.05.94 [08] Schoene Frau im Wasser BABE04.JPG 50098 25.05.94 [05] Schoene Frau im Wasser BABE29.JPG 31545 25.05.94 [07] Babe NT (Nice Try) BABE06.JPG 47977 01.06.94 [05] Schoenes Babe BABE07.JPG 50861 01.06.94 [04] Schoenes Babe BABE10.JPG 58195 01.06.94 [05] Schoenes Babe BABE18.JPG 61822 01.06.94 [05] Schoenes Babe BABE20.JPG 32458 01.06.94 [03] Schoenes Babe BABE22.JPG 20806 26.06.94 [05] Nice Babe BABE05.JPG 64967 01.12.94 [03] Schoene Frau planscht im Pool BABE09.JPG 44603 01.12.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau laesst sich braeunen MODEL001.JPG 35538 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Christian Dior MODEL002.JPG 37272 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Dolce & Gabbana MODEL004.JPG 53518 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Rocco Barocco MODEL006.JPG 39714 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Martine Sitbon MODEL007.JPG 36519 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Yohji Yamamoto MODEL009.JPG 39638 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Prada MODEL011.JPG 36751 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Yves Saint Laurant MODEL012.JPG 39932 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Max Mara MODEL013.JPG 40230 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Mario Valentino MODEL014.JPG 37554 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Mariella Burani MODEL015.JPG 39930 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Chanel MODEL016.JPG 39371 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Claude Montana MODEL017.JPG 52082 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Missoni MODEL018.JPG 42415 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Romeo Gigli MODEL020.JPG 34482 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Herve Leger MODEL021.JPG 37575 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Comme des Garcons MODEL022.JPG 35313 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Gianni Versace MODEL023.JPG 31377 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Chloe MODEL024.JPG 42760 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Martine Sitbon MODEL027.JPG 40430 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Krizia MODEL028.JPG 47028 27.03.95 [01] Das Model von Genny (Naomi Campbell) G_14.JPG 43956 05.08.94 [ 6] Kakaobraune Schoenheit G_20.JPG 91650 05.08.94 [ 5] Suesse Maus auf Steinen G_29.JPG 61613 05.08.94 [ 8] Zwei nette Girls mit kurzem Bikini im Pool G_33.JPG 31123 05.08.94 [ 6] Schoene Frau aufm Boot G_50.JPG 87104 05.08.94 [ 7] Traumfrau am Meer G_57.JPG 53044 05.08.94 [ 8] Suesse Blondine mit angefetzter Hose DOHERTY2.JPG 39055 16.12.94 [ 4] Shannon Doherty DOHERTY3.JPG 38469 16.12.94 [ 3] Shannon Doherty SD1.JPG 38737 16.12.94 [04] Shannon Doherty SD2.JPG 29850 16.12.94 [04] Shannon Doherty SD3.JPG 34417 16.12.94 [04] Shannon Doherty SD4.JPG 40430 16.12.94 [ 3] Shannon Doherty SD6.JPG 21538 16.12.94 [ 3] Shannon Doherty SHADO002.JPG 53065 16.12.94 [ 2] Shannon Doherty SHADO003.JPG 52144 16.12.94 [ 1] Frau Doherty SHADO005.JPG 54431 16.12.94 [ 1] Shannon Doherty S_DOHE01.JPG 49922 16.12.94 [ 1] Shannon Doherty DOHERT15.JPG 43909 12.02.95 [01] Shannen Doherty, Gesicht DOHERT13.JPG 45146 12.02.95 [01] Shannen Doherty (Brenda aus 'Beverly Hills 90210') XNADJA01.JPG 89288 27.03.95 [05] Nadja Auermann beim Biertrinken XNADJA02.JPG 78489 27.03.95 [05] Nadja Auermann in Strapse auf einem Stein XNADJA03.JPG 57122 27.03.95 [04] Nadja Auermann unter einer Bruecke XNADJA04.JPG 71930 27.03.95 [04] Nadja Auermann beim Abtanzen XNADJA05.JPG 88114 27.03.95 [03] Nadja Auermann beim noch mehr Tanzen :-) XNADJA06.JPG 52857 27.03.95 [03] Nadja Auermann im Minirock XNADJA07.JPG 54869 27.03.95 [04] Nadja Auermann mit knappen Oberteil XNADJA09.JPG 70476 27.03.95 [03] Nadja Auermann ganz eingewebt STRAND0.JPG 68935 24.05.95 [00] Braunhaariges Maedel auf einer Palme STRAND1.JPG 38658 24.05.95 [00] Traumgirl mit Brille im heissen Sand STRAND11.JPG 87987 24.05.95 [00] Blondes MAedel hinter Palmen versteckt STRAND12.JPG 40411 24.05.95 [00] Braunhaarige Schoenheit laeuft am Strand entlang STRAND13.JPG 60279 24.05.95 [00] Schoenes MAedel im Badeanzug STRAND14.JPG 35793 24.05.95 [00] Braunhaariges Traumgirl mit Muschel am Ohr STRAND3.JPG 47855 20.05.95 [00] Blonde Traumfrau liegt in einer Liege , sehr gute Bildqualitaet! STRAND4.JPG 38009 24.05.95 [00] Schoenes Blondes MAedel im nassen Sand STRAND5.JPG 27002 24.05.95 [01] Sehr schone Silhouten :-) STRAND6.JPG 31910 24.05.95 [00] Schoene Blondine von Hinten STRAND7.JPG 32979 24.05.95 [00] Kuehle Blonde mit SOnnenbrille STRAND8.JPG 39023 24.05.95 [00] Blondes Maedel am Holzpfahl STRAND9.JPG 57035 24.05.95 [00] Blondes Maedel im Badeanzug im BAch SNAP1_B.JPG 112240 27.09.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau mit Werkzeug in der Hand SNAP2_B.JPG 96649 27.09.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau mit Werkzeug in der Hand SNAP4_B.JPG 94476 27.09.94 [ 3] Schoene Frau mit Werkzeug in der Hand SNAP6_B.JPG 90736 27.09.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau mit Werkzeug in der Hand SNAP7_B.JPG 98850 27.09.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau mit Werkzeug in der Hand NIKI05.JPG 54940 20.01.95 [ 1] Niki Taylor NIKI07.JPG 56281 20.01.95 [ 1] Niki Taylor NIKI10.JPG 53233 20.01.95 [ 1] Niki Taylor BAYWATC1.JPG 55815 12.05.94 [07] Erika Eleniak (aus BAYWATCH) ELENIAK1.JPG 46499 01.06.94 [08] Erika Eleniak (aus BAYWATCH) ELI2.JPG 25047 01.06.94 [09] Erika Eleniak (aus BAYWATCH) SHARON1.JPG 34451 01.02.95 [01] Sharon Stone im schwarzen Body SHARON3.JPG 56148 01.02.95 [01] Sharon Stone im Buissnes-Dress SHARON7.JPG 30037 01.02.95 [03] Sharon Stone auf einem Hocker mit Strumpfhose SSTONE.JPG 48369 01.02.95 [01] Supergutes Bild von Sharon Stone im Body (s/w) ELLE02.JPG 45532 04.12.94 [03] Elle McPherson ELLE1.JPG 54509 04.12.94 [01] Elle McPherson VENDELA1.JPG 54001 20.01.95 [ 3] Vandella Kirsebom VENDELA7.JPG 48111 20.01.95 [ 1] Vandella Kirsebom HEATHER.JPG 29338 20.01.95 [03] Heather Locklear im Bikini HEATHER1.JPG 24979 20.01.95 [ 2] Heather Locklear mit Badetuch SI91_04.JPG 55557 27.09.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen das in die Kamera lacht SI91_22.JPG 30996 27.09.94 [ 3] Schoenes Maedchen im Badeanzug SI91_27.JPG 27154 27.09.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen im Badeanzug DS-F-073.JPG 35504 01.12.94 [ 3] Braune Schoenheit an einem Wasserfall DS-F-074.JPG 31747 01.12.94 [ 3] Schoenes Maedchen im Stran kniend DS-F-076.JPG 29995 01.12.94 [ 3] Braune Schoenheit an einem Baum CGIRL1_I.JPG 55459 01.06.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau am Strand CGIRL7_I.JPG 73105 01.06.94 [ 5] Schoene Frau am Strand EFACE.JPG 43631 27.10.94 [ 2] Gesicht von Kim Bassinger KIMBASS2.JPG 33693 18.09.94 [ 8] Kim Basinger MARIAH01.JPG 28977 12.02.95 [05] Mariah Carrey im sexy Kleidchen CAREY2.JPG 18839 12.02.95 [04] Mariah Carey, so eine Stimme und dann so ein toller Krper MARIAH03.JPG 70866 12.02.95 [02] Mariah Carey - Cover: Singend mit Mikro MARIAHC.JPG 61586 12.02.95 [00] Mariah Carrey (face; Plattencover) CAREY1.JPG 19237 12.02.95 [03] Mariah Carey im engen Leibchen MARIAH02.JPG 64604 12.02.95 [01] Mariah Carey - Cover-Portrait KINSKI05.JPG 39318 12.02.95 [ 3] Nastasja Kinski im Marlenelook, transparentes Oberteil KINSKI03.JPG 44160 12.02.95 [04] Nastasja Kinski, Rckenakt KINSKI4.JPG 46134 12.02.95 [ 1] Nastassja Kinski mit Schlange MAGDA3.JPG 36452 12.02.95 [ 1] Magda Breszka beim Trainung in blau MAGDA5.JPG 26445 12.02.95 [ 4] Magda Breszka im blauen Badeanzug MAGDA4.JPG 44706 12.02.95 [ 4] Magda Breszka im roten Kleid, sehr tiefer Ausschnitt MAGDA1.JPG 34702 12.02.95 [ 3] Kunstturnerin Magda Brzeska VAN4.JPG 26380 05.03.95 [05] Vanessa Paradise VAN5.JPG 49906 05.03.95 [03] Vanessa Paradise VAN6.JPG 29577 05.03.95 [03] Vanessa Paradise VANESSA1.JPG 13519 05.03.95 [04] Vanessa Paradise BULL03.JPG 26464 12.02.95 [03] Sandra Bullock, blaues T-Shirt BULL02.JPG 129764 12.02.95 [02] Sandra Bullock, schwarzes Kleid DPG_1115.JPG 35894 12.02.95 [07] Pamela Denise Anderson, wet & sexy DPG_1995.JPG 43146 12.02.95 [07] Pamela Anderson, showing her behind LS_1001.JPG 107463 02.03.95 [01] Schoenes Maedchen an eine Hauswand gelehnt LS_R_40.JPG 67242 02.03.95 [01] 2 Schoene Maedchen LS_R_42.JPG 86089 02.03.95 [01] Sehr schoene Frau auf einem SPiegel liegend BUNNY023.JPG 50885 02.03.95 [06] Schoene Frau in weissen Dessous BUNNY072.JPG 48319 02.03.95 [05] Schoene Frau in weissem Body CATWOM2.JPG 75066 15.02.95 [ 4] Michelle Pfeifer als Catwoman 20FINGER.JPG 14325 24.06.95 [01] Eine von den 2 MAedels von 20 Fingers 1BIKINI.JPG 66963 18.05.94 [ 3] Schoene , lachende Frau :-)) 2GIRLS.JPG 40399 26.06.94 [ 8] 2 Schoene Madchen 2GREAT.JPG 74127 27.10.94 [ 1] Gleich 2 wunderhuebsche Maedchen auf einmal ALEX.JPG 48477 26.06.94 [ 7] Schoenes Maedel AMIEE2.JPG 36537 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoenes Maedchen im Bikini ANNIE.JPG 39653 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoene Frau badet im Pool APRIL89.JPG 49833 01.06.94 [ 3] Bild aus einem Kalender ASHLEYM.JPG 75642 27.09.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau auf blauem Hintergrund BABE781.JPG 83989 27.09.94 [03] Schoenes Babe in der Sonne liegend BIRGIT.JPG 26539 04.11.94 [ 1] Schoene Blonde in Leder BL-12.JPG 38943 18.04.94 [ 5] Model-Bild CAROL1.JPG 38707 01.12.94 [00] Schoene Frau an Baum gelehnt CAROL2.JPG 45342 27.10.94 [ 6] Mein Freund der Baum :-) CD10031.JPG 47825 24.11.94 [ 1] Schoene Frau in weissen Dessous CD60023.JPG 62785 24.11.94 [00] Schoene Frau in der Freien Natur CKAYE.JPG 33481 27.10.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau in schwarzem Dessous COWGIRL.JPG 37635 27.09.94 [ 2] Na ein Cowgirl ebenb DAPHNE.JPG 54581 01.12.94 [00] Braune Schoenheit im Bikini DEMI3.JPG 30981 29.05.94 [09] Demi Moore DISWIM01.JPG 76840 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoene Frau auf dem Meer EHTS0011.JPG 93630 27.10.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau an steinigem Strand EHZS03.JPG 161661 27.09.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau die Freeclimbing betreibt ELIZABET.JPG 47902 01.12.94 [ 3] Schoene Frau in einem Wasserfall GIRL51.JPG 28855 27.09.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen mit Sonnenhut GLQ094.JPG 40351 27.10.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen und ein Baum HAMMOCK.JPG 47256 01.12.94 [ 3] Traummaedchen in einer Haengematte HOSIN.JPG 39644 27.10.94 [ 4] Schoene Frau mit Gartenschlauch im Wasser HSI1990.JPG 58793 27.10.94 [03] 2 Wunderhuebsche Zwillinge IRE-LAND.JPG 91768 01.12.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen auf Stein IRELAND.JPG 48353 27.09.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen am Pool JAN89.JPG 33050 01.12.94 [ 2] Schoenes Madchen in freier Natur JERRYHAL.JPG 28565 01.12.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau in schwarzer Lederkluft JILLG1.JPG 52941 27.09.94 [ 3] Schoenes Maedchen das sich in den Haaren rumfummelt JRFC.JPG 57668 04.11.94 [ 3] Julia Roberts an eine Wand gelehnt JUETI.JPG 62855 01.12.94 [ 2] Die Joggerin JULI89.JPG 20104 06.03.95 [02] Miss Juli 1989 L-BUF186.JPG 118061 07.08.94 [ 4] Samantha Fox LADY010.JPG 111417 18.05.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau am Strand LADY10.JPG 41222 01.12.94 [ 1] Wunderhuebsches Maedchen im Sand LG_MCP04.JPG 80468 26.07.94 [ 2] Schoenes Maedchen im Morgenmantel LIA2.JPG 45159 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoenes Maedchen von der Seite L_EVAN00.JPG 69823 07.08.94 [09] Linda Evangelista MARIA1.JPG 37404 02.01.95 [ 2] Schoene Spaniarin MBRINK.JPG 54020 27.09.94 [ 2] Ein Wunderschoenes Gesicht METAL023.JPG 61228 04.11.94 [03] Schones Girl mit aufgeknoepfter Bluse NICELEGS.JPG 31478 20.01.95 [00] Man hat die schoene Beine NICE_02.JPG 29345 06.03.95 [05] Wunderschoene Frau - ganz nackt ! :-) PAUL16.JPG 51281 01.12.94 [ 1] 2 Schoene Maedchen auf einmal PAULE.JPG 41050 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoenes Maedchen im Badeanzug PAULINA4.JPG 17965 28.09.94 [ 1] Schoenes Maedel PFEIFFER.JPG 114984 27.07.94 [08] Michelle Pfeiffer PHOTO137.JPG <> PIC2.JPG 75709 01.12.94 [ 1] 2 Schoene MAedchen PLAYBOY.JPG 88703 20.07.94 [19] Schoenes Maedchen ausm Playboy SAMFOX2.JPG 26309 12.05.94 [ 5] Samantha Fox (mit Kleidern) SEYMOU.JPG 39194 25.05.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau mit Sonnenschirm SHANNEN2.JPG 22422 11.12.94 [ 5] (649x450x256) Shannon Doherty (s/w) SI04.JPG 31213 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoenes MAedchen im Wasser SI1990F.JPG 33459 01.12.94 [ 1] Schoemes Maedchen auf einer Bank SI29.JPG 44179 28.09.94 [ 1] Schoenes Maedel SO-WHY1.JPG 49386 01.12.94 [04] Wunderschoene Werbung fuer eine Box :) SPRITE.JPG 81723 27.09.94 [ 4] Die Traum SpriteWerbung :-) STEPH1.JPG 73292 25.05.94 [ 5] Freundin von Axel Rose STEPHE.JPG 37241 20.04.95 [00] Schoenes Maedel steht im Springbrunnen SUB-GIRL.JPG 30428 01.12.94 [03] Huebsches Maedchen im Kornfeld SUMMER.JPG 44327 01.12.94 [ 2] Wunderhuebsche Blonde SW35.JPG 50778 27.09.94 [ 2] Schoene Frau die in der Sonne vor sich hinbrutzelt SWIM03.JPG 61220 07.07.94 [ 1] Schoenes Maedchen WETT.JPG 73606 15.05.94 [ 8] Maedchen nach einen Regenschauer WHO.JPG 43692 13.12.94 [00] Schoenes Maedel mit Blonden Haren 16.JPG 31575 04.07.95 [00] Schoene Frau mit schwarzen Strumpfhosen 18.JPG 32618 04.07.95 [02] huebsches Maedchen , total nackt BASIC.JPG 52352 10.07.95 [03] Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct JANET.JPG 61489 10.07.95 [03] Janet Jackson NICOLEK.JPG 50925 10.07.95 [03] Nicole Kidman Ŀ TOTAL KB : 19673 TOTAL FILES : 397 Ŀ AREANAME : B03 DESCRIPTION : STARTREK-BILDER ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 1701D.JPG 77501 09.06.94 [ 2] Eine Enterprise ACADEMY.JPG 46089 11.11.94 [ 5] Die Starfleet Academy vor der Golden Gate Bridge! AGT1701D.JPG 32493 02.01.95 [ 2] Future-Enterprise 1701-D aus "All Good Things" BEAVIS_B.GIF 10104 17.06.94 [07] Beavis and Butt-head als Riker und Picard BETAZED.JPG 42030 02.01.95 [ 1] Auf Betazed (Riker und Troi) aus Menage a Troi BEVERLEY.JPG 23391 05.06.94 [07] Beverly Crusher BEV_WES2.JPG 65768 17.03.95 [02] Beverly Crusher und Weschli BIG_E.JPG 89520 02.05.94 [01] Enterprise vorm Planeten CAPTKIRK.JPG 56527 05.06.94 [04] Der gute alte Captain Kirk :) COLAGE.JPG 52682 05.06.94 [02] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.06.94 COVER800.JPG 79848 05.06.94 [01] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.06.94 CRUISERI.JPG 57552 09.06.94 [ 2] Ein Romulanischer Cruiser DAT-TAS3.JPG 72182 02.08.94 [03] Bild von Data mit Tasha Yar. DATA-8.JPG 64545 17.03.95 [02] Data DATA1.JPG 49385 05.06.94 [05] Data DEFIANT.JPG 108037 02.01.95 [02] Die U.S.S Defiant DORN2.JPG 63635 02.01.95 [02] Michael Dorn, mal ohne Stirn :) DS9-2.JPG 41691 09.06.94 [04] Deep Space 9 in voller Pracht DS9001.JPG 46459 09.06.94 [ 1] Die Deep Space Nine Station ENTWAR.JPG 22039 15.11.94 [ 2] Enterprise bei Warpflug. GATES.JPG 28533 09.06.94 [09] Beverly Crusher oben ohne ! GENOVESE.JPG 44193 11.11.94 [02] Auf dem Set von "All Good Things" mit Genovese. GEORDIE2.JPG 24272 08.08.94 [03] Geordi LaForge an einer Konsole sitzend. GOWRON1.JPG 39941 08.08.94 [01] Gowron, Fuehrer des Hohen Rates! GUINAN_3.JPG 17513 17.03.95 [01] Guinan JORIE.JPG 39834 05.06.94 [05] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.06.94 KLINGON.JPG 12300 20.03.95 [02] Romulan Warbird NCC1701E.GIF 64617 09.06.94 [03] Die USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E NCC1701E.JPG 25194 09.06.94 [ 1] (v0.00) Adopted : 09.06.94 NEXUS2.JPG 43632 02.01.95 [03] Nexus 2 PICBRG.JPG 22697 05.06.94 [04] Jean Luc Picard POSTER2.JPG 59980 02.08.94 [03] Wie der Name schon sagt: Ein ST:Poster. PSTEWART.JPG 221885 09.06.94 [00] Ein Bild von Patrik Steward (hochaufloesend PVJANEWY.JPG 146015 02.01.95 [ 1] Der zukuenftige Captain auf der USS Voyager PVTREK14.JPG 79284 09.06.94 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 09.06.94 ROMENC3D.JPG 156851 11.11.94 [05] Romulanische Warbirds als 3D-Bild Marke "Das Magische Auge" mit Aufloesung fuer die die immer noch nix sehen :) RUNABOUT.GIF 32384 02.01.95 [02] (800*600*16) BluePrint eines Rounadout SAREK.JPG 38559 05.06.94 [01] Spock's Vater SCOTTY.JPG 10721 05.06.94 [01] Scotty eben SOONG.JPG 86210 02.01.95 [02] Dr. Soong, Bauer von Data und Lore STARTRK6.JPG 71686 25.08.94 [ 1] Startrek6-Plakat STATION.JPG 66801 09.06.94 [ 2] Eine Station STGIMG06.JPG 30135 02.01.95 [02] Kirk, Scotty und Pavel Chekov STGIMG07.JPG 31599 02.01.95 [03] Picard und Data auf Observation Dingens STII.JPG 131591 05.06.94 [ 1] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.06.94 STNG-4.JPG 67099 02.05.94 [ 3] Crew aus The Next Generation STNGF01A.JPG 23858 05.06.94 [ 1] STTNG015.JPG 59477 05.06.94 [ 1] STTNG06.JPG 50288 05.06.94 [ 1] ST_LOGO.JPG 67924 08.08.94 [ 2] Das StarTrek-Logo (Filmlogo). ST_V_05.JPG 25400 05.06.94 [ 3] Kampfschiffe aus TNG ST_V_06.JPG 38045 05.06.94 [ 3] Kampfschiffe aus TNG ST_V_08.JPG 52167 05.06.94 [ 3] Kampfschiffe aus TNG TNADV01.GIF 51741 09.06.94 [ 3] Bild aus TNG TNGCOMIC.GIF 22685 28.12.94 [02] (400*278*16) TNG-COmic TREKCREW.JPG 49376 05.06.94 [ 2] Startrek-Crew UFPLOGO2.GIF 4869 08.08.94 [ 2] Das Ufp-logo (Farbe). VOYAGE.JPG 44891 02.01.95 [02] U.S.S Voyager (raytraced) WARBIRD.GIF 24419 02.08.94 [ 1] Der Plan eines Warbird. WORF__06.JPG 83136 09.06.94 [ 1] Ein Bild von Worf SPOCK.JPG 144818 25.04.95 [00] 12 X (AD-)Spock in Action VOY_LOGO.JPG 11500 30.06.95 [01] StarTrek-Voyager-Logo VOYSHP01.JPG 58436 30.06.95 [01] U.S.S. Voyager STREK-5.ANS 2892 09.06.94 [05] Ein Ansi zu Startrek 5 Q.ANS 4113 05.08.94 [07] Startrek-Ansi , The Q Contiunoum TREKASC.ZIP 9702 17.03.95 [01] Mehrere sehr Gute Startrek-Asciis Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3442 TOTAL FILES : 66 Ŀ AREANAME : B04 DESCRIPTION : VERSCHIEDENE BILDER ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------Jpegs sind am besten anzugucken mit Qpeg---------------------- -----------------superschnell und supergute Qualitaet------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------Zeichentrick-Bilder--------------------------------- CDP1.JPG 78002 03.05.94 [ 5] Japanisches Maedchen CDP2.JPG 21901 03.05.94 [ 6] Japanisches Maedchen CDP3.JPG 30702 03.05.94 [ 5] Japanisches Maedchen DP.JPG 58591 09.06.94 [ 4] 2 Japanische Maedchen DP02.JPG 46593 03.05.94 [ 6] 2 Japanische Maedchen DP_24.JPG 35773 01.12.94 [ 3] Dirty Pair , japan Zeichentrick DP_25.JPG 40171 01.12.94 [ 1] Dirty Pair , japan Zeichentrick BILL_9.GIF 30425 24.06.95 [00] (640*400*16) Schoenes Bild von einem Maedchen (jap. Stil) DPHOLWN.JPG 72891 09.06.94 [ 4] 2 Japanische Maedchen DPJKT1.JPG 15808 09.06.94 [ 4] 2 Japanische Maedchen JAPAN_36.JPG 66395 03.05.94 [02] Japanisches Maedchen KYOKO1.JPG 67862 03.05.94 [ 2] Japanisches Maedchen ORANGE_2.JPG 43473 25.05.94 [ 4] Japanisches Maedchen UY_CARD.JPG 35332 03.05.94 [ 2] Japanisches Maedchen EVE.GIF 28672 01.12.94 [ 5] (420*288*32) Zeichentrick Rockstar B&B_01.GIF 68631 13.08.94 [08] Beavis and Butthead B&B_02.JPG 52751 13.08.94 [10] Beavis and Butthead BBOOP.JPG 10313 03.05.94 [ 5] Betty Boop BUGS1.JPG 29509 03.05.94 [ 2] Bugs Bunny BUGS_SIM.JPG 46996 03.05.94 [ 5] The Simpsons CAP.JPG 58100 03.05.94 [ 4] Captain America DP_26.JPG 54190 01.12.94 [00] Dirty Pair , japan Zeichentrick GARFIELD.GIF 3456 01.12.94 [ 2] (640*350*16) Na Garfield eben OUHAUERA.JPG 86307 23.02.95 [ 4] Wernaer WERNER.JPG 57583 23.02.95 [ 4] Werner und sein Bier --------------------Karikaturen und witzige Bilder---------------------------- CAMEL.JPG 48702 18.04.94 [11] Camel-Werbung :-)) DAVIDHA&.JPG 43583 16.04.94 [ 3] Karikatur von David Haselnuss HAPEKER&.JPG 40115 16.04.94 [ 3] Karikatur von Hape Kerkeling HEINO&.JPG 38577 16.04.94 [ 1] Karikatur von Heino HONECKER.JPG 47311 16.04.94 [ 1] Karikatur von unserem liebsten Ex-Ost-Politiker LEMMIMO&.JPG 54767 02.05.94 [04] Englaender mit Melone MADONNA&.JPG 34909 16.04.94 [ 3] Karikatur von Madonna MICHAEL&.JPG 44890 02.05.94 [ 2] Michael Jackson MICKYMA&.JPG 42053 02.05.94 [ 3] Helmut Mouse :-)) NEONAZI&.JPG 52366 16.04.94 [ 3] Ein echter Deutscher :-> RODSTEW&.GIF 193805 19.08.94 [ 1] Karrikatur von Rod Stewart STEFFIG&.JPG 57258 02.05.94 [ 2] Knoedel Steffi :-)) SYLVEST&.JPG 33082 29.04.94 [ 4] Karikatur von Sylvester Calzone THEOWAI&.JPG 42635 02.05.94 [ 2] Theo Waigel ROBERTO&.JPG 45316 13.01.95 [ 1] Roberto Blanko Karrikatur 1_CAMEL.JPG 52348 16.04.94 [ 2] Iraqui Misslie launcher :-)) BERLIN1.JPG 36917 15.05.94 [ 2] Hermann der USER Bild von seiner ersten PD-Disk BERLIN2.JPG 23777 15.05.94 [ 1] Hermann der USER Bild von seiner ersten PD-Disk HERMANNA.JPG 65300 15.05.94 [00] Hermann der USER Bild von seiner ersten PD-Disk KABELANS.JPG 31867 15.05.94 [00] Hermann der USER Bild von seiner ersten PD-Disk Antiwerbung fr Kabelanschluss STEIN00.JPG 123956 21.02.95 [07] Uli-Stein Bilder STEIN01.JPG 98353 21.02.95 [07] Uli-Stein Bilder STEIN03.JPG 122943 21.02.95 [07] Uli-Stein Bilder STEIN05.JPG 35275 17.05.94 [10] Der Weinachtsmann :-)) STEIN06.JPG 37268 17.05.94 [09] Roboter Lieferung STEIN07.JPG 114772 21.02.95 [07] Uli-Stein Bilder STEIN08.JPG 75786 21.02.95 [ 6] Uli-Stein Bilder STEIN09.JPG 82797 21.02.95 [ 6] Uli-Stein Bilder STEIN10.JPG 72799 21.02.95 [ 4] Uli-Stein Bilder BASELOPE.JPG 56143 25.05.94 [ 4] The Secret Wapon :-)) GAS2.JPG 73894 26.07.94 [08] Beavis und Butthead LEG_MAN.GIF 71693 23.02.95 [ 2] (640*480*256) Legisteniker-Man :-) WUT-ZETT.GIF 25059 27.04.95 [01] (1103*1615*16) Der Wutzettel XR-2000.GIF 7530 27.04.95 [00] (400*421*2) Der neue Computer :-) ----------------------------Al Bundy------------------------------------------ AL1.JPG 48876 11.11.94 [05] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL10.JPG 137535 27.11.94 [ 1] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL2.JPG 50692 11.11.94 [ 3] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL3.JPG 50898 27.11.94 [ 0] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL5.JPG 50969 11.11.94 [ 3] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL6.JPG 49441 27.11.94 [ 1] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL7.JPG 50390 27.11.94 [ 1] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL8.JPG 50216 27.11.94 [ 1] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) AL9.JPG 144751 27.11.94 [ 1] Bilder von AlBundy mit Fortsetzung :-) ALCLAUS.JPG 161725 27.04.95 [00] Al als Nikolaus ALCRY.JPG 202231 27.04.95 [00] Al mit wilden Haaren am Schreien ALDRESS.JPG 59873 27.04.95 [00] Al und seine Familie ?! ALDWARF.JPG 56977 27.04.95 [00] Al und der kleine Mann ALPLAY.JPG 51825 27.04.95 [00] Al im FoorballTrikot ALTOILET.JPG 57829 27.04.95 [00] Al und die Toilette AL_ARM.JPG 52928 27.04.95 [00] Al zeigt seine "Muskeln" AL_FIGHT.JPG 52406 27.04.95 [00] Gleich schlaegt er ihn :) AL_POLKH.JPG 48108 27.04.95 [00] Nochmal im FootballAnzug BUDBUNDY.JPG 50510 27.04.95 [01] Bud mit 3 Tage Bart BUDKELPG.JPG 56467 28.06.95 [03] Bud , Kelly und Peg BUDTIFFY.JPG 49143 28.06.95 [01] Bud und ein bllooondes Maedel KELLY.JPG 50232 27.04.95 [01] Kelly mit 60er Jahre Frisur -------------------------Berechnete Bilder------------------------------------ BALLS2.JPG 173363 03.05.94 [ 1] Fraktale Baelle B_PACMAN.JPG 24636 03.05.94 [ 2] Pacman CHRMFI.JPG 53913 03.05.94 [00] Ein ChromFisch COSMOS64.JPG 34401 03.05.94 [00] Gyroskop DRAG11.JPG 86296 08.05.94 [ 1] Noch nen paar gerenderte Drachen, super ! DRAG5.JPG 40503 18.04.94 [ 1] Geraytraceder Drache NEOFRAG.JPG 25881 04.05.94 [ 1] Kugel mit Fraktalen XWING.JPG 35191 12.05.94 [ 2] Ray-Tracing Bild eines X-Wing Gerendet by Tobias Richter with REFLECTIONS -------------------Bilder von verschiedenen UserTreffen----------------------- ----------------------Bilder vom Skynettreffen 94------------------------------- DANIEL1.JPG 107607 24.07.94 [ 6] Daniel Schlenzig , Cosys der Tcp GRUPPE.JPG 85916 24.07.94 [ 5] Fast alle Leute vom Treffen JAN1.JPG 75767 24.07.94 [ 3] Jan Dierich , Sysop der Toga MARCUS.JPG 81914 24.07.94 [ 1] Marcus Junglas MAUTSCH1.JPG 81113 24.07.94 [ 8] C'est moi :-) M_WEGE.JPG 75952 24.07.94 [ 1] Mathias Trampelpfad , aeh Wege aus Sknyet PROST.JPG 99025 24.07.94 [ 2] Robert , Judit und noch ein paar andere RALF3.JPG 86824 24.07.94 [ 1] Ralf Fritsch , Host Koeln des Sknyet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------Verschiedene Bilder---------------------------------- BABYDNO2.JPG 154288 17.05.94 [ 2] Baby Sinclair mit Kochloeffel EARL2.JPG 186180 19.08.94 [ 1] Earl Sinclair NOTDMAMA.JPG 149149 07.08.94 [ 2] Nicht die Mama ! :-) RICHFLD.JPG 113596 07.08.94 [00] Herr Riechfield SINCLAIR.JPG 223767 07.08.94 [ 1] Die ganze Sinclair Familie ALIEN01.JPG 48453 26.07.94 [07] Das Alien BEAR.JPG 49486 09.06.94 [ 2] Das legendaere Bild von der Asm93 BOADICEA.JPG 43447 09.06.94 [00] Fantasy-Bid BORIS49.JPG 47405 09.06.94 [ 1] Fantasy-Bild DRAGNSLR.JPG 62500 09.06.94 [00] Bild von Dragon's Lair EINSTEIN.JPG 121000 02.07.94 [ 4] Einstein der die Zunge rausstreckt GREMLIN.JPG 19331 16.04.94 [02] Bild von Gizmo INDIAN.JPG 139040 15.05.94 [00] Filmplakat: Der mit dem Wolf tanzt JEDIMAST.JPG 197898 15.05.94 [ 2] Bild von Yoda, den Jedi-Meister JUDIT.JPG 18587 16.04.94 [ 3] Der Sysop der Tcp RAVENLFT.JPG 64344 09.06.94 [ 1] Vampir mit Frau SPACEWAR.JPG 66080 16.04.94 [ 4] Ein Haufen X-Wings , Y-WIngs .. und ne Enterprise ?? STARWARS.JPG 43276 08.08.94 [ 1] StarwarsBild SWFALCON.JPG 15776 08.08.94 [ 2] Milenium Falcon aus Starwars UNICORNS.JPG 57277 09.06.94 [ 1] Die letzten Einhoerner ?! VIRUS.JPG 37451 03.05.94 [00] Der PacVirus MAUTSCH.JPG 30462 25.08.94 [ 5] Werbung fuer Mautschi's Castle :) TIE-FIGH.GIF 103638 05.09.94 [ 2] Ein Tie-Fighter der ueber eine Landschaft fliegt, by Martin Sarosiek UNHMAN.JPG 203410 22.08.94 [ 1] Unholy - Fantasy Bild SAFESEX.GIF 30517 28.12.94 [04] Safesex halt ;-) EAGLE2.JPG 76378 08.02.95 [00] Sehr schoenes Raytraced Bild mit den Eagles aus Moondbasis Alpha FALLS.JPG 161490 12.05.95 [00] Ein wunderschoner Wasserfall MIRRI3.JPG 75759 12.05.95 [00] Eine Kleine Mitzekatze :-) SIMPSONS.MPG 653793 19.08.94 [00] Mpeg von den Simpsons ASM94PIC.ZIP 222867 05.10.94 [ 1] Bilder von der Asm94 RAMNRAL.ZIP 41471 28.08.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Assembly 94 gfx compo entry ! ----------------------------- (Think it was done by someone of Future crew... dunno for sure, sorry guys... correct me, if I might be wrong ! ) ASM94PI2.ZIP 1198254 07.10.94 [ 2] Alle Bilder die auf der Asm94 gemalt wurden NADIA.ZIP 50563 12.11.94 [01] Description from File_id.diz: [An Another Official Paddy Release !] WiRED 1994 Nadia And The Secret Of Blue Water 2nd at the PC GFX Compo Done By Moebius [WS BILLY.PCX <=- -- - - -Ŀ | THE WiNNiNG PiCTURE OF THE UC95 | | BiLL-GATES-REALTiME-COMPO | -- - - -| [VacuumNet 12/O3/95]-- VAMPIRE!.ZIP 47351 04.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ VAMPIRE   A really nice piccie for all you computer- nerdidized freaks out there... by MIRAGE/BZ!  requires: HAL 9000 ĿmegaVGA B O N Z A IGUS ultramix I A Z N O Bٳ   Ŀ TOTAL KB : 10434 TOTAL FILES : 132 Ŀ AREANAME : B05 DESCRIPTION : ANSIS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ASCII.ZIP 15174 20.04.95 [00] Megacoole ASCIIS ABBS9093.ZIP 650707 29.07.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: This file contains all files that were ever hatched in the AnsiClub (AnsiNet) from 11/1990 til 31/12/1993 Fileecho ANSI_BBS - ANSI BBS welcome and logoff display files (naming Convention *.ans *.gbs) 447 Files, 2.154.312 Bytes Origin: Device=AnsiNet.Hdq /z2 THE 49ERS Wuppertal, Germany 49-202-305801, 49-202-305803 VANSI.ZIP 335416 18.04.94 [15] Verschiedene Ansis ICE-9404.ZIP 1211954 24.01.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: The April '94 iCEPACK ICE-0294.ZIP 986549 25.01.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: February ߱ iCEPACK 1994 ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ߲ ޲ ܲ ܲܲ ICE-0793.LZH 357487 25.01.95 [03] Ice-Pack 7/94 ICEPK-08.ZIP 191781 25.01.95 [07] Ice-Pack 8/94 ACDU0594.ZIP 957642 31.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: The May 1994 Acquisition TM S Productions Presents! ICE-9506.ZIP 1250695 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : iCE July '95 [1/2] Ŀ TOTAL KB : 5817 TOTAL FILES : 9 Ŀ AREANAME : D01 DESCRIPTION : DEMOS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC --------------------Demos von verschiedenen Gruppen--------------------------- UNREAL11.ARJ 1344845 14.02.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: Future Crew proudly presents version 1.1. w/ GUS support PANIC.ARJ 918374 17.07.93 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: ķ F U T U R E C R E W p r e s e n t s VGA/SB/SBPro D E M O Released 4th Feb 1993 Ľ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>>>>> Spread by : T F L <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2NDREALI.ARJ 2067000 16.04.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: 1/2 REALITY sp b y F u t u r e C r e w Ŀ The winning demo of Assembly'93 SB, SB Pro and GUS support In  DOLBY SURROUND  Where Available ELEMENTS.ZIP 1422401 27.07.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ A Xography Production of 1993 ߱߱߱߱߱߱߱߱߱߱ .o Magic Of The Elements o. ĺ MEGA - DEMO ĺ ĺ 3rd place ASSEMBLY'93 GUS/SB-(PRO) Release Date: 28. Oct 1993 ͼ UNTITLED.ARJ 865242 27.07.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz:  A Dust-Production  -- Bugfixed-Release 2/1/1994 ----  GUS-/SBPRO-/SB-Support  -- ۱ Winner Of The DemoCompetition ۲ At The Party 1993 ۲ In Herning / Denmark! GBUFINAL.ZIP 560527 27.07.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ߺ PRODUCTIONS ܺ Ĵ THEGOOD,THEBAD,&THEUGLY Thedemothatmade2ndplaceat TheParty'93!GUSsupport Requires286andcompatibleVGA uploadedbyTheFaker CARDIAC.ARJ 2596918 24.07.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ By I N F I N Y ͵ VGA/ SB/ GUS Released the 10th April 1994 Third at The Party ]I[ ; HELL.ARJ 886199 27.01.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ A Tran Production In 1993 Requires A 386 With 2 Megs RAM And A Gravis Ultrasound w/512k ͵ WARNING: Losers And Religious People Do Not Download! ; CRYSTLDR.ARJ 1074399 13.07.93 [ 1] Crystel Dreams von Triton CD2.ARJ 1456401 01.02.94 [ 3] Crystal Dream2 von Triton , benoetigt 486+ 1/2 CD2.A01 624846 01.02.94 [ 3] Crystal Dream2 von Triton , benoetigt 486+ 2/2 EMF_VRS.ZIP 526176 18.08.94 [12] Description from File_id.diz: Winner of the Asm'94 demo compo ͸ ķҷķ an Ӻ production ijĺĺĺij Ľ ַ ķķķķķ Ӻ Ľ ķĽķ ĽĽ ĽĽĽ Ĵ Supports 386 + GUS / silence 486 + GUS recommended ; CVRSHOLI.ZIP 1073047 11.09.94 [11] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Z | | C A S C A D A VIRTUAL REALITY SECTION : | presents H O L I S T I C | | : : Second place at Asm'94 VGA, 4MB, 386 required GUS,486/66 recommended : SB/SBPRO/SB16/GUS/COVOX/SP - --- HEARTQ.ZIP 1847862 31.08.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: ߳ ߳ ܳ ----Ĵ An Iguana production of 1994 3rd place at Assembly'94 Supports GUS, SB/Pro/SB16 Can be executed from CDROM ; LD-WARP.ZIP 2260962 07.09.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Legend Design 1994 presents : the 4th place on Assembly : | 1994 demo competition | | A VGA/GUS/486 production called | IMAGES.ZIP 1388452 07.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ַ ַ ҷ ҷ ҷ ҷ ҷ Ķ ҷ ҷ ӽ ӽ ӽ ӽ ӽ н н н by EPICAL in 1994 ķ This demo came 5th at ASM'94 386+, GUS / No Sound Ľ UNEATBLE.ZIP 2236136 30.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: -- - - - - - - -- --ĺijTHECOEXiSTENCEijĺ-- presents: U N E A T A B L E - D E M O FIRST SHOWN AT ASSEMBLY '94 -- TREKMO.ZIP 621776 23.08.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ TREKMO by Patrick Aalto Ĵ This demo competed at the Assembly '94 demo competition. Ĵ It features : Gouraud shading of over 2000 faces at once. Requirements : VGA, fast CPU and GUS Ĵ [iMAGiANTiON] FAIRY.ZIP 790359 14.09.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: 'FairyTale' On the Oath of Styx Productions This demo was made to Assembly'94 party, which was held in Finland. CC_RTHNG.ZIP 1366327 23.08.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ CAPACALA VGA 386 GUS Demo from da Assembly '94 1INFECT.ZIP 758459 04.11.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ 1STiFTi tAkE tImE 2 dIScoVeR dA nEw eXpErIenCe a nEw CreW iS bOrN 2 bRinG ya pLeaSuRe fEaTuRIng dA sTanDaRd :  GuS  Released: 31.10.94 at the Wired '94 CLASSIKA.ZIP 612795 08.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: RENEGADE DEMOGROUP R Presents MEGADEMO Req 80386, w/GUS (optional) PERFECT!.ZIP 1201484 08.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ P E R F E C T B A L A N C E ͼ by ͻ WILD STYLE Ķ ͹ Our latest MEGADEMO released in january of 1995. Ķ required: 386, VGA ,2800K EMS recommended: 486 50 MHz, SB/SBPro/GUS Ķ commanche, doom parody, vectors, fractal zoom .. ..and more, more, more !!! (C) 1995 ͼ 255!DISP.ZIP 754910 28.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ܲ ߲ ۲ ܲ۱ ߱ ߱ ߲ ۱۲ܱ۲ ۲ ܲ ߲ Blank presents a new production called Dispepsia! Containing phongshading environment and refraction mapping. EPSILON.ZIP 415047 07.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ߲ ޱ ޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޱޱ ޱޱ ޱޱ ޱ ޱ-kP ްް ްް ްް ްޱްaRT! - --- INFINY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS E-P-S-I-L-O-N PROJECT.ZIP 3745583 02.01.95 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: PC DEMO: IMPACT PRODUCTIONS present ANGEL for The Party IV WARNING! This is the competition version. Watch out for the final release soon out... >>> From THE PARTY 1994 <<< NOOON_NO.ZIP 1338618 27.02.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: - NOOON PRESENTS - KARL BARTI RA MOBY This is the final release with GUS,SB & silence support --- From THE PARTY 1994 --- CONTAGIO.ZIP 1119058 31.12.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: ܱ۲߲ ߲ ޲۲ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ ܱ۲ ް ް ް ް ްܱܲ ߱ ߲ PRESENTS : C O N T A G i O N won the 3rd place at T H E P A R T Y ۲ I V ۱ ۲ܱ۰۲ ߱ VGA  GUS  386+ 486 recommended ۰ ܱܲ SOBEIT.ZIP 355658 07.01.95 [12] Description from File_id.diz: PC DEMO: Ŀ PRESENTED : AT THE PARTY IV 486+GUS >>> From THE PARTY 1994 <<< GUSTRIT.ZIP 1435099 12.04.95 [00] Kommerzielle GusDemo von Triton , mittelmaessige Demo , seht guter Sound :-) OPTICRON.ZIP 574132 27.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Craw Productions presents ۱ɱ۱ͻ ۱ ۰۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۰ ۱ ͱ۰۱ͱͱ۱ͱ ۱ ۱ Tome of the Impossible ɻ ɻ ȼ The 1st place winner of NAID! ȼ Demo with GUS/SB/SBpro/SB16 support CC_UREAH.ZIP 945553 01.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Capacala presents. THE UNREAL THING a demo released on 12. 4. 1995 AD No Fancy dizzies. FLIGHT.ZIP 1784495 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ܲ ܲ ܲ ޲ ܲ - Flight Demo: 3rd Place at Naid 95 By Kosmic [04/18/95] Requires 8 megs and a soundcard Prepare to board your flight! - Kosmic Free Music Foundation 1995 TECHNON2.RAR 417739 17.05.95 [00] Schoene Vektor Demo von Core Design CLX-DOPE.ZIP 921468 16.04.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ------------------------------- CoMPLEX DoPE ------------------------------- jmagic/jugi/reward ------------------------------- from The Gathering 95 democompo ACME-BIG.ZIP 671916 05.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: _________________________ ________________ | _ .\ ______/ \/ \ ______/ |. _ \\ .|/ \ \ / \ ___/__: || | / || / \/ ./ |: /: | |____/________/_____| //________/:: |_____|====[ dELIVERy: ]==|____/zACk======== ******************************************** *** *** *** .o) Big Deal (o. *** *** *** *** An X'95 Party demo *** *** *** ************************************[ACME]** AC_EXPR.ZIP 566829 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Abstract Concepts presents a X'95 demo -= EXPRESSION =- Ĵ 386+ / VGA / GUS ͼ ͻ summon the expression ͼ -- ACT1.ZIP 768969 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ -=[ Psychic Link ]=- -=[ presents ]=- -= =- A 386/VGA/GUS/SB Demo CONTRAST.ZIP 921288 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ------=-ͻ =/\/>!PROUDLYPRESENTS!<\/\= CONTRAST DEMO CONTRAST DEMO ų TFL-TDV CoNtRibuTioN To ų WIRED PARTY '94 \ SHOWN On 31 October at WIRED'94 / \\/ 2ND place for DEMO-COMPO \// \\/ GUS/SB/SBPro/SB16/WSS/PAS \// ------=-ͼ LEGEND.ARJ 1610513 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ķ IMPACT Studios presents... LEGEND 1.0 Features : - For 286 / 16Mhz computers - Gravis Ultrasound support - Nice musics / GFX / codes Take a look and make YOUR opinion ! ͼ IMPACT WHQ, GENESiS BBS +32-(0)22453498 LUMINOUS.RAR 1804815 26.05.95 [00] Gute Demo von der Gathering von Scoop NECRONOM.ZIP 1421900 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: LMS MS V' DM CW ڿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ڿ ¿ ¿ ٰٰٰ ڿô¿ڿ ڿ <> PRztz <> 1St. PlAC At th WiRd'94 DM CMP IJ fEAtURiNG AMG thR thiGz NAkd bAbz Ad bEAViz & bUtthEAd i fUll SPCh (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) NUKETREA.ZIP 557456 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Z E R O P U L S E by THE NUCLEAR THREAT Competed in the demo-compo at TP4 You need a 486DX and a GUS if you want it with sound (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) RAISER.ZIP 1185413 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: BY THE MEGABUSTERS DESIGN SECTION Presented At THE PARTY4 Support: GUS or SILENCE REVENGE.ZIP 54996 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PC INTRO: REALTIME: "Revenge" >>> From THE PARTY 1994 <<< (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) SEMTEX.ZIP 404963 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: JESKOLA! SEMTEX CITY THE WINNER FROM JUHLA'95 DEMOCOMPO WICKEDL.ZIP 351960 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ a new cobra creations creation L E N S E S Better late than never?-) SB/GUS/386+ X-Y-Z.ZIP 507793 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -PROJECT XYZ- orange demo from JUHLA'95 demo competition . (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) ASMINST.ZIP 701395 28.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ...ASSEMBLER INSTINCT... /////// BY GOLLUM \\\\\\\ ͵ From the PARTY '93 demo compo GUS Support ۲ Released 24/01/1994 WGT_GN.ZIP 643311 28.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PRESENTSĺĿ GooRoo Nation Megademo v2.0 Requires: VGA, 386 or better (486 DX2 preferred) Sound cards supported: SB, SB16, SB 2.01, SBPro, GUS, Quiet. Uses the DSIK and WGT libraries- C/ASM SOURCE CODE INCLUDED!!!!! ۺStarryKnightsProductionsۺ PURENESS.ZIP 1436291 15.07.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: WaterLogic ķ presents PURENESS Winner of 'The Scene 95' demo competition held in Singapore on 2nd July 1995 Ķ Requires: 486DX,2Mb,VGA,GUS Ľ VAL_OS2.ZIP 513724 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ----------------------------- OS/2 Presentation by Valhalla ----------------------------- OS2COMIC.ZIP 377739 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OS/2 Warp demo by Comic Ŀ ۳ DEMO COMPO 2nd place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo SNC_WARP.ZIP 807567 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OS/2 Warp demo by Sonic Ŀ ۳ DEMO COMPO 3rd place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo GOLDORAK.ZIP 1117971 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: \ _/\/\_ / \ ^\/ \ / \/^ / ^\ /^ ^\Ĵ  /^ \ ۳ / ^Ĵ /\ ^ \.__/^\__./ \ / \\/_\// A Demo by REAL-TIME 1st place At SIH'95 GUS Support from A.C.E - RealTime WHQ FSN_HIVE.ZIP 890380 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: F A S C I N A T I O N the winning demo of abduction '95 98% humour free ultrasnd 512k only! NONAME00.ZIP 572330 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ -= NAPALM PRESENTS =- N O N A M E 0 0 (tm) First time presented at Abduction'95 parties held in Rovaniemi, 9.-11.6.1995. X14.ZIP 700997 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: X14 - Orange The winning demo from Juhla 2 Never failing demotaste optional. req. 386/gus FTJ_PIKA.ZIP 560400 13.08.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: -- .,oO Juhla'95 Partyrelease Oo,. C Y B O M A N 3 The Honeynut Loop -- H-LIFE.ZIP 310574 13.08.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: ٿij lifeforms monitor demu computer óĿ ÿ ڴ o Ŀ TOTAL KB : 60322 TOTAL FILES : 60 Ŀ AREANAME : D02 DESCRIPTION : INTROS UND KLEINE DEMOS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC GR8.ARJ 32100 30.06.94 [ 7] Future Crew's allererste Pc-Demo !!! TIMELESS.ARJ 154636 05.05.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Ĵ A Demo in 1994 by Tran Ĵ Requires: 386+ Supports: SB, GUS ASM-94.ZIP 223144 01.05.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: mh[iCE] Ŀ INVITATION TO ASSEMBLY'94 ͳ Organized by: ACCESSION - FUTURE CREW THE MOVEMENT - SONIC PC CARILLON & CYBERIAD ͳ Intro by Future Crew & Sonic PC ASM-94_2.ZIP 581613 10.07.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: ߲wi߲ ߲ ޲ ۲ ޲ ۲޲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ܲ ۲ ۱ ܲ۲ ߲۲ ۲ ߰ 1 9 9 4 ij Accession Future Crew The Movement Sonic PC Virtual Dreams ij FINAL INVITATION DENTRO FISHTRO.ARJ 222742 26.06.94 [ 2] Kleine Demo von Future Crew SHOW_FIX.ZIP 691506 14.07.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ¿ Ŀ Ŀ ij p r e s e n t s Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ -ٳ ---- Req: GUS,386 it's the final bugfree version ---- Eine fuer 700k supergeniale Demo TZPYTHON.ARJ 852881 24.07.94 [ 1] Superlustige Demo von Twilight , Gusonly INCONEXI.ARJ 477592 30.01.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ķ INCONEXIA, by Iguana --- --Ķ An Iguana/VangeliSTeam production of 1993. --- --Ķ 386 or higher required Supports SB/Pro/16ASP ------ E N J O Y I T ! ! ͼ MSQBZ.ZIP 95635 15.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: MASQUEͻ Presents: -* BLACKZONE *- The Intro 3rd place of the pc intro compo Bugfixed version GUS only ! ͼ TBB-HELP.ARJ 134065 11.08.94 [ 1] The Bitblasters Demo gegen Rassismus CYBOMAN.ARJ 76903 24.07.94 [05] Description from File_id.diz: C Y B O M A N ! Final release with configurable Gravis UltraSound port address DIESEL.ZIP 43156 23.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Diesel by Core Image Production! at ASM94 [oOUNDERCOVEROo] [oOCHECK YOUR NEXT MOVEOo] DENTROCF.EXE 55820 27.11.93 [00] Intro der Party 3 EMF_ECL.EXE 76387 31.07.93 [ 4] Intro der Asm93 1. Platz SYMB.EXE 76360 28.12.93 [00] Intro der Party 3 TANGLE.EXE 67428 30.07.93 [ 1] Intro der Asm93 2. Platz TIMEOUT.EXE 66765 28.12.93 [00] Intro der Party 3 PCG_BOX.ZIP 64259 08.09.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ PC-Games BOX ۲ Ĵ A new generation of Mail- box is born! DL this Information for more details! ++49-911-209911 6 Nodes Ring Down 4PM.COM 5905 24.12.93 [ 2] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 JOOPINC.EXE 61772 21.09.92 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 JOOPINC2.EXE 18464 21.08.92 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 LKCC.EXE 345 30.12.93 [ 2] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 SP2.COM 1993 20.11.93 [ 2] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 SS_TINY.COM 434 18.10.92 [ 2] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 STARPORT.EXE 6400 13.09.92 [ 2] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.06.94 YO.ARJ 32663 22.09.94 [00] Yo! Eine der aeltesten Fc-Demos :-) OLIVE.ZIP 45194 06.10.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ 32k intro by Tonic/sYmptom VGA/GUS OSPARTY2.ZIP 104206 06.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ OSPARTY 2 INTRO PACK (or actually it would be like ONESYMFDFRC but who cares...) 5 32k-intros Lotsa crap.. Lotsa shit, or? -Files below this are COOL!- AIRFRAME.ZIP 60255 14.08.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: =-------=-= PRiME PRODUCTION'S INTRO CALLED | | : ۳ : _ _ _ : : | Released on ASM'94 Introcompo | =--------= MAGIC.ZIP 70189 11.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ķ T h e ܿ ܿ ܿ ܿ ܿ ۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ܿ ۳ ۳ ܿ ܿ ܿ ܿ ܿ ܿ ۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ ٰ Ķ our contribution to the 64 kb intro competition at Assembly '94! ͼ ۲ FYVUSH.ZIP 65670 13.08.94 [ 7] Description from File_id.diz: ݿ ݳ ݳ ݵ a 64kb intro by JAMM ?:st on Assembly'94 intro compo - 386/GUS - FLIGHT.ZIP 77418 13.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: PRESENTS Ŀ PSYCHIC FLIGHT ͵ Code: - COUNSELLOR - FRANKIED - TRAX - RICO - MAGIC BOY Gfx : - ZEST - MAGIC BOY - FRANKIED Msc : - SYNTHFREAK - ZEST Dsgn: - COUNSELLOR ͵ RELEASED AT ASSEMBLY'94 ASM94_4K.ARJ 70657 11.08.94 [ 5] Die Besten 12 4k Intros von der Assembley 94 MARS3D.ZIP 11322 31.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Did you think that the voxel 3d engine used in the game Commanche was kick ass? Well, you'll love this! This came from a gfx wiz on the Internet, and it blows Commanche's engine away. Simply RUN the .exe file and the engine will generate a DIFFERENT landscape each time. Looks great with all those shades, right? Well, try moving the mouse! Its fast too! MEGAbit Z-X Crew 94! BUSMATK4.ZIP 58063 12.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: THE PARTY 1994 BUSSIMATKA INTRO --- 26.12. - 31.12.-94 FUTURE CREW THE MOVEMENT ACCESSION -- ONCE-LSD.ZIP 67170 12.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŵ A 64kb Intro For Wired '94 ĴThe Second One Man Projectſ ¿ ĴBy Laserdance / AcmE NUTRA.ZIP 47368 17.11.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: _ ܿ ޿ݳڿ ݳ- ۴ ٳۿ ۴ ۴ a happy 40kb intro by Jamm ۴ released at Nordic Line 12.11.94۴ - 386/GUS - ACME-PCE.ZIP 44343 23.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: _________________________ ________________ | _ .\ ______/ \/ \ ______/ |. _ \\ .|/ \ \ / \ ___/__: || | / || / \/ ./ |: /: | |____/________/_____| //________/:: |_____|====[ dELIVERy: ]==|____/zACk======== ******************************************** *** *** *** Peace 32Kb Intro *** *** *** ************************************[ACME]** SHOEBOX.ZIP 25327 23.11.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: @X09ͻ @X09 @X09 @X09 @X09 @X09͹ @X09 <*> nUCLEAR wINTER <*> @X09 pRESENTS aN @X89iNTRO@X09 fOR tHE @X09͹ @X09 @X09 @X09 @X09 @X09 @X09 sURPRISE! pRODUCTIONS aWHQ @X09 nUCLEAR wINTER wHQ @X09ͼ TD2_INTR.ZIP 34455 23.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: @X0A . Ŀ Ŀ . ij Ŀ Ŀ ij . Ŀ . @X0E Presents a new intro called @X0F ============================ @X0B TOXIC DREAMS 2:The Vengeance sysop: Hellmaster / PRIVATE coded by Freaker'94 @X0F ============================ FACE_M12.ZIP 106798 28.11.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ (Poor 2) - Majic 12 >>> required: GUS,386 <<< AMBIENCE.ZIP 373931 04.12.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ (: Ambience (Timeless 2) :) Ķ A demo as of November 1994 by Tran. Ķ Suggested: ) 386/40+ with a FAST video card. ) A GUS, but any soundcard will do. ͼ TP4_INV.ZIP 783550 04.12.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: The Official Invitation Intro to ۲۲۲۲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲۲۲۲۲۲ ۲ ۲۲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ܲܲ۲۲ ۲۲۲۲  Produced By Dust!  STARGATE.ARJ 11657 08.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Stargate BBStro done by n-Factor ٳ 3DVEDEMO.ZIP 41543 21.02.95 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: 3D VECTOR ENGINE DEMO [01/01] GIANT.ZIP 18974 21.02.95 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ɼ G I A N T ͻ the Ultimate 4KB-Intro released in Assembly '94 ͼ HN-VOYA.ZIP 416583 21.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: PROUdlY PRESENtS thEiR fiRSt dEMO * . . * fiNiShEd 3Rd PLACE At WiREd'94! (REQ:486dX/GUS/VGA) (diZZY: OVAN) NAZISTOP.ZIP 61926 27.02.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: A BIG FUCKTRO TO ALL NAZI GUYS! (Only GUS Support!) Fuer ein Netz frei von braunem Gesocks IUS Duisburg INCOMPB.ZIP 66431 27.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: 64Kintro winner? at cache95 INCOMPATIBILITY (----) 386 req 486+GUS recommended (fOUNd At tRANCENtAL^bE UNdERCOVER) REA!ATLA.ZIP 68792 07.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: . ATLANTIS BBS Add on By DuSh/ReaCT . :: BubuL.Fx.Intro.BBS.20K. . :::. _______ ________________________.: ::::/ \/ / \ \ \: :::/ ! / __/ | __/ _ __/: ::/ _/ __/ ! | / _\// /:::: :/ \ \__ _ | \/ \/ /::::: / /\ \ / | | / /::#95: \___/::\___/\____/___|__|___/___/::::::: CYBO_FIX.ZIP 76015 23.01.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͵oͻ ķ ķҷ ķķķ : ĶǴ \/ з ķ Ľ Ľ ĽĽĽ : P R E S E N T : CYBOMAN ][ - BugFixed : Winning 64k intro ** from TP4 Fixes the gouraud shading bug Looks nicer... cleaner... ͼ VAL-PV.ZIP 89579 31.12.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: * VALHALLA *Ŀ === PERIPHERAL === -- VISION -- Ĵ 386,VGA,GUS req [/ECR/STH] ANOREXIA.ZIP 70809 31.12.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: ----------- ----- | The Party '94 Release: | "Anorexia" - by Hazard.. | | [Intro-compo] ------- ----- STAiRWAY TO HEAVEN | +45 747-263-03 28k8 3.6G -- ----------- [/ECR/STH] S2LIVE_F.ZIP 85744 31.12.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ /_ /_//_//_//_//_/ /_ / //_//_ /_ /_//_ __// // // //| / / __//_//| / /__/| __/ Present Live - 64kb intro for The Party 1994 FULL VERSION [/ECR/STH] DRAGON.ZIP 68858 18.01.95 [ 1] Sehr gute party4 intro FINKEL.ZIP 74684 18.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Jamm presents:Ŀ requires 386. 486 with GUS preferred. TP4 64k intro FTJ&EROS.ZIP 73434 18.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: PROJECT PLANT. ABRAHAM. ISD.ZIP 60179 18.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: PC INTRO: MASSIVE: "Infinite Space Dreams" >>> From THE PARTY 1994 <<< MB-MAGIC.ZIP 73159 16.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PRAESENTIERT: BBS-INTRO FOR THE "MAGIC VIEW" 386+/SB/SB16/GUS CLASH.ZIP 406369 25.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: CLAsH -+- WiNNER -+- DeMo FRoM sceNEst '95 bY GRiF == pRe ReLEaSe pLEaSe DELeTe iT! :) == NEXUS!PC.ZIP 193444 05.05.95 [00] Nexus Invitation Intro MAPLE_DZ.ZIP 48058 20.05.95 [01] Gute 64k Intro von der Gathering MASS_ULT.ARJ 323195 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ M A S S i V E presents U L T I M A TE P O S S I B I L I T I E S --------------------- Our contribution to X'95 DEMO COMPO --------------------- Required: 386 Preferably: 486VLB GUS VAL-FMF.ZIP 126476 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Valhalla present Ĵ Fluid Motion - Final version Ĵ Requires 386, 486DX recomended now supports Soundblaster / Pro !! also has the original, non Ŀ cut-down music ! Ĵ Released 10th May 1995 255!RFIN.ZIP 189407 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ܲ ߲ ۲ ܲ۱ ߱ ߱ ߲ ۱۲ܱ۲ ۲ ܲ ߲ Blank presents finally the fixed up release of The Rising, New: SB support! Design & Soundtrack! Bugfixes! Happy Somertime'95! Most late Party IV Intro fixup!!! :) WISH.ZIP 297449 26.05.95 [00] Wish , allererste Demo von Majic 12 Y_ST.ZIP 67974 26.05.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 26.05.95 SPRING!.ZIP 120280 31.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ LOGIC DESIGN ۲ ۱ S P R I N G ! Winner of the X'95 Introcompo Please Enjoy! ۲ ۲ Released Date: 12/5/95 ۲ MINDFLUX.ZIP 20451 31.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: " MINDFLUX BBS INTRO " by - April 1995 - PSILLY.ZIP 61952 09.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: - dEUS Presents- - A Stupid 64k Intro -[] KORSO.ZIP 56985 24.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Who else can upgrade a robot by ORANGE req@386.gus.optional SEMTEX64.ZIP 69521 24.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ... Jeskola! SEMTEX ANNIHILATION 64KB OF SEMTEX POWER RELEASED AT ABDUCTION'95 AC-ROPE.ZIP 74591 28.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Abstract Concepts presents a fliptro -= ROPE =- Ĵ 386+ / VGA / GUS ͼ -- TESSIER.EXE 6555 13.07.95 [00] Schoenes BBS-Addy fuer die Tessier Ashpool BBS A95INV.ZIP 744826 10.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ASSEMBLY '95 INVITATION INTRO Final information about ASM'95 MB-NEXUS.ZIP 40017 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PRAESENTIERT: - NEXUS - THE TIMEGATE 40K INTRO FOR THE NEXUS PARTY 95 - 386+/GUS NOPE.ZIP 462048 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: IOl(W-------------------------------- COMPO-VERSiON / PC-DEMO 'DOPE' BY LEGEND DESiGN ----[DOS]----------------------------[1/1]---- Ŀ TOTAL KB : 10580 TOTAL FILES : 77 Ŀ AREANAME : D03 DESCRIPTION : MUSICDISKS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC INFERNO.ARJ 911472 18.10.93 [04] Musicdisk von Pentagon NOTHINON.ARJ 1349615 01.05.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ \ ĿĿ \ ۳ ['94] ۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ /\ ۳ ų ۳ \/ / / Nothing On A Renaissance Music Disk Listen to some great new tunes in our first release of 1994! SB/SBPRO/GUS compatible,386 required RR_CH#01.ZIP 1670522 09.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: [RADiCAL RHYTHMS CHAPTER #1]޿ THE ULTiMATE SAMPLER SERiES ޳ --޳ The solution for ya GUS SBLASTER޳ ------------------޳ B4 you gonna download mysterious ޳ [.MOD/.S3M] files .. choose this ޳ ------------------޳ -[THiS CHAPTER OFFERS YOU:]-޳ ݳ6amazingXTRACKERsongs޳ ݳX-PLAYV1.2ODMFPLAYER޳ ݳapplicationgeneratorV1.OO޳ ݳrrreleaseinformationfiles޳ --޳ SUPPORTS GUSSBSBPROSB 16ASP ޳ OFFiCiAL RELEASE DATE O7O494޳ ľ RR_CH2-1.ZIP 1443624 02.06.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: -[RADiCAL RHYTHMS #O2]-[1/2] R Y H S H T M THE ULTiMATE SONG COMPiLATiON... -- INCLUDiNG ABOUT 8 AMAZiNG DMF TRAX CANNiBAL [3] COSMiC [4] NAUTiLUS [1] -- X-PLAYER V1.27 - FRONT SHELL 1.44MB HD DiSK iNSTALL SUPPORT GUS (1MEG) SB SB PRO SB16ASP޳ 44 KHz & iN STEREO WHERE AVAiLABLE޳ ľ RR_CH2-2.ZIP 1071170 02.06.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: -[RADiCAL RHYTHMS #O2]-[2/2] R Y H S H T M THE ULTiMATE SONG COMPiLATiON... -- RR_CH3-1.ZIP 1353248 09.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: -[RADiCAL RHYTHMS #O3]-[1/2] R Y H S H T M THE ULTiMATE SONG COMPiLATiON... -- INCLUDiNG ABOUT 9 AMAZiNG DMF TRAX -- X-PLAYER V1.3O - FRONT SHELL 1.44MB HD DiSK iNSTALL SUPPORT GUS (1MEG) SB SB PRO SB16ASP޳ 44 KHz & iN STEREO WHERE AVAiLABLE޳ ľ RR_CH3-2.ZIP 1040741 09.10.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: -[RADiCAL RHYTHMS #O3]-[2/2] R Y H S H T M THE ULTiMATE SONG COMPiLATiON... -- RR_CH6-1.ZIP 518864 02.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RADICAL RHYTHMS CHAPTER 6 THE DAWN OF A NEW AGE DISK 1 OF 5 CRuSAdeR-RuLeZ! RR_CH6-2.ZIP 1351774 02.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RADICAL RHYTHMS CHAPTER 6 THE DAWN OF A NEW AGE DISK 2 OF 5 RR_CH6-3.ZIP 1247806 02.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RADICAL RHYTHMS CHAPTER 6 THE DAWN OF A NEW AGE DISK 3 OF 5 RR_CH6-4.ZIP 1384777 02.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RADICAL RHYTHMS CHAPTER 6 THE DAWN OF A NEW AGE DISK 4 OF 5 RR_CH6-5.ZIP 1375189 02.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RADICAL RHYTHMS CHAPTER 6 THE DAWN OF A NEW AGE DISK 5 OF 5 SIXPACK!.ZIP 584621 13.06.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: [] CYBERNETiC [] [PRESENTS] A MUSICDISK CALLED : SiXPACK [] WCHARTS.ARJ 611776 24.07.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ڳij ۳ W O R L D C H A R T S ۳ ó Issue #1 ij ó by ij ۳ F U T U R E C R E W ۳ Released May 26th, 1993 (Includes info about Assembly'93!) ij FANTASY.ZIP 453779 20.08.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Ĵ A little music thingy by Tran... Ĵ Requires: 386+ and a soundcard. JOURNEY1.ZIP 840992 12.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: presents S3M/MOD player & Music Collection 1/2 JOURNEY2.ZIP 1008826 12.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: presents S3M/MOD player & Music Collection 2/2 CHMIND.ZIP 1430178 25.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: presents: Chaotic Mind a MDP Musicdisk by Skaven / FC with MDP v1.1 LSTMODS.ZIP 465453 14.09.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ - Stefan Brink - Chris Korte Ŀ - Rainer Grebin - Wombel Ŀ ThE laSt MoD's of tIs ͻ ںĺ after this you'll get crewler dmf's. So listen to this last mod-files... (S.Brink) Watch out for our forthcoming dmf supporting MusicDisk ĺ Ŀ a tIs production in 1994 ļ A-WINTER.ZIP 2374466 16.10.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: An Anarchy Production Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ -=- WINTER - MELODIES -=- The Music-Disk of the year! ReleaseDate: 08/07/94 (VGA/386/All Sound Cards!!) Let's KiCKin' ButTs... EPIDEM-1.ZIP 1323651 11.11.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ܲݰ pn ܰ ߲ ܰ ۲ ܰ ް ۲ ۲ ݱ ۲ ۲ ۲ݲ ޲ ݲ۰ݲ ݲ ߲ ߰ E P I D E M I C MultiGroup Music Extravaganza! Featuring music from iCE, Ren, FC, Orange, Legend Design, EMF and more! Sensory Overload! REN/iCE Disk [1 / 3] iCE/Ren EPIDEM-2.ZIP 1479058 11.11.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ܲݰ pn ܰ ߲ ܰ ۲ ܰ ް ۲ ۲ ݱ ۲ ۲ ۲ݲ ޲ ݲ۰ݲ ݲ ߲ ߰ E P I D E M I C MultiGroup Music Extravaganza! Featuring music from iCE, Ren, FC, Orange, Legend Design, EMF and more! Sensory Overload! REN/iCE Disk [2 / 3] iCE/Ren EPIDEM-3.ZIP 1463262 11.11.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ܲݰ pn ܰ ߲ ܰ ۲ ܰ ް ۲ ۲ ݱ ۲ ۲ ۲ݲ ޲ ݲ۰ݲ ݲ ߲ ߰ E P I D E M I C MultiGroup Music Extravaganza! Featuring music from iCE, Ren, FC, Orange, Legend Design, EMF and more! Sensory Overload! REN/iCE Disk [3 / 3] iCE/Ren RR-DMIND.ZIP 1546262 22.12.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: -(rr94)(ser2)- The Gate to your dreadful mind an eternal experience of Acid Trance with O7 songs by COSMiC & CANNiBAL -- SPECiAL Radical Limited Rhythms Chapter this is definitly 2 blow ya mind -- Total Running Time (37mins 2Oseks) Bonus (XPlay 2.4O . DMFShell 1.1O) gus (1meg) creative's sbpro16awe 44 KHz & in stereo where available (12.12.1994)(Undercover) REM.ZIP 566787 06.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Hot Dicks Rapid Erection Music SB/GUS/VGA The first music-synchronized babes 01-01-'95 CHROMAT2.ARJ 1328740 28.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Chromatiks 2, the sequel to the first multi-group music disk! Features previously unreleased music by Skaven/FC, REW/Nostalgia, Snowman/Hornet, and others! CS_DISK.ZIP 428114 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: To The Extreme MusicDisk By ET Productions And Future Crew ! Awesome MusicDisk with Tons of cool songs for you To hear! A MUST HAVE!! (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) RMUZIK0.ZIP 352766 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ - Renaissance 1993 Presents Ĵ ͵ Renaissance Music Pack #0 A Collection Of 3 Digital/FM Songs Composed By C.C.Catch. Self Playing Music With A Neat Psychodelic VGA Screen... Requires At Least A 386, VGA Graphics, And An SB or SBPro. Sorry, No GUS Support This Time :-) ; PH-0695A.ZIP 1453447 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ..pHluid % ACiDmusicdisc % vol-1.. . [1/2] . . ܲ۲ ۲߲۲ ܲ ߲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ݰ ۲tn!۲ ܲ۲ . H ߲ l i p . u d PH-0695B.ZIP 1355413 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ..pHluid % ACiDmusicdisc % vol-1.. . [2/2] . . ܲ۲ ۲߲۲ ܲ ߲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ݰ ۲tn!۲ ܲ۲ . H ߲ l i p . u d RR_CH7-1.ZIP 440112 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 The Pure Experience About 8Omins Music - 9Megs Data RElEASE PAkk 1 Of 7 RR_CH7-2.ZIP 1146614 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 RElEASE PAkk 2 Of 7 RR_CH7-3.ZIP 1076673 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 RElEASE PAkk 3 Of 7 RR_CH7-4.ZIP 1185682 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 RElEASE PAkk 4 Of 7 RR_CH7-5.ZIP 1085241 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 RElEASE PAkk 5 Of 7 RR_CH7-6.ZIP 1154953 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 RElEASE PAkk 6 Of 7 RR_CH7-7.ZIP 719322 19.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAl RhYtHMS ChAPtER 7 Rel Date 14O695 RElEASE PAkk 7 Of 7 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 39643 TOTAL FILES : 37 Ŀ AREANAME : D04 DESCRIPTION : DISKMAGS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC PARROT02.ZIP 287157 29.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: a crypton production Ŀ ĿĿĿĿĿĿ Ĵ --the disk magazine - issue 2-- we're back with a brand new issue! This time featuring things like: graphics by Fat Morgan of Deus and Bw of Crn. Music by WodeTc of Crn. Many mind blasting articles. Four interesting interviews. Midas sound system with support for Gus, Sb and Sb Pro. Beautiful interface, beautiful colors, and so on! **D/L THIS NOW!!** [ 15.08.94 ] SCENE-FC.ZIP 43560 28.09.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: %%%%%%)\________________________/( tHe/\/ _ ________________ _ \\ %%/ \\____ \\!bt/ _ ______/ %/ \./ \%/ \\%%% %\ ______________X_____________\%% o )/ tHe ScENe PoSt iSSUE #3 : Back after Summerhole release Releaselist of last 14 days incl two party announcements No. 4 ĿRelease date: 2o.o9.'94Ŀ Everything below is CRAP!٫ GD0994.ZIP 355021 06.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: GENETIC DREAMS ISSUE 1 (c) 1994 by ESCAPE PARTY3RE.ARJ 1427439 01.05.94 [ 2] Party 3 Report von Xography ASM94RPT.ZIP 1451445 16.10.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ݳ ݳ a production from IGUANA DASK01.ZIP 152541 04.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ڿĴĿ Independents Productions ٳ 1994 /\-/ DaskMig Issue #1 \-/\ Not Quite the Real Thing Req: VGA, 286+ GUS IMPHOB#9.ZIP 1372390 15.02.95 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: Tree months passed... Imphobia strikes back again with another cool issue, tons of Articles, Reviews, Interviews, Party Reports, musics and nice arts! i M P H O B i A i S S U E N i N E - You got what you deserved! - . support Sb and Gravis Ultrasound . ܲ Dont accept substitutes:choose the original! TP4_REP.ZIP 1627691 07.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ][ [K]een [L]ike [F]rogs in cooperation with [L]egend [D]esign ][ Ŀ [ tHE PARtY 1994 REPORt ]Ŀ Including first picy *ever* taken of Tran & a hot IRC screensaver ! IMPHOB10.ZIP 1448384 17.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: TENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE (#10) ۱ Imphobia is back again with another issue. The tenth anniversary issue! Featuring a new design, nice tunes and even more articles & materials. ۲ ۲ Support Sb & Gravis Ultrasound ۲ Ŀ TOTAL KB : 7974 TOTAL FILES : 9 Ŀ AREANAME : D05 DESCRIPTION : TEXTE UND PATCHES UEBER DEMOS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ----------------------------------Texte--------------------------------------- GDN_INFO.ZIP 19438 16.07.94 [ 2] GDN-Info-File ASM94IRC.ZIP 64330 11.08.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Assembly '94 PC Demo Competition IRC Report =========================================== Over 4000 lines of text from the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel #asm94 at the time of the PC demo compo. Read what happened! FC_TRUE.ARJ 109941 03.09.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ THE FINAL TRUTH ABOUT F U T U R E - C R E W How they shitted at the Assembly-93 Compo! ͹ !!! SPREAD THIS FILE !!! ͼ CARDNFO.ZIP 555 23.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ How to enter the secret part of By I N F I N Y ; CMN_INF6.ZIP 17236 10.04.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۰ ۰ COMPUTERMUSICNET Ŀ . Infopackage Numero 6 : CMN (ComputerMusic-Network) is the only true musicrelated echo mail network available.. Areas related to Midi, Trackers : Modules, HiFi, Real Music, | Chitchat and much much more... DGINFO19.ZIP 18929 09.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: [DGi] Network DEMOGROUPS iNTERCHANGE Official InfoPacket v1.9 The N1 PC-DemoScene Net High Quality GSN1601.ZIP 15316 09.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: | GATHERING THE SCENE IN A NETWORK | Ĵ Includes the Newest Info Packet and Nodelist 16/01/95 These groups are already connected to the GSN: Sonic, Complex, Admire, ElectroMotiveForce, Mental Design, The Black Rain, Topaz Beerline, Paranoids, Flatline, TET, Cybernetic Dreams, Jeskola!,Anarchy, Mindprobe, Bonzai, Diffusion, Hyste- ria, Surprise! Prods, Cascada, Dust, | Xography, Logic Design, Gollum, Imp- | | hobia Cascada, Orange, Exile etc. | [ JOIN DA GROWING DEMO SCENE NET NOW ] ICENET-3.ZIP 24432 09.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ϳ NET Application Revision #3: July 30, 1994 ͹ Newest International NET based in the York Region/Toronto area. Rapidly growing! Contains the nodelist for July 30, Net policy, application, echo listing. ** Join Today! ** PRT4_DEM.ZIP 15190 04.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ The final results from the PC demo compo at the party 4 Incl. an explaining text about the things that made it like it is now. ASM95INF.ARJ 10224 12.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Assembly Organizing brings you PREINVITATION INFO FILE GUS-NFO2.ZIP 9138 03.09.94 [11] Description from File_id.diz: G U S INFO #2 Ŀ Some new infos about Gravis, the GUS-MAX, and where you can get a GUS in Germany. GUSACE.ZIP 15431 27.01.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Offical Gravis Info UltraSound ACE the new soundboard from Advanced Gravis AWE_NEE.ZIP 32306 18.12.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ڿڿڿڿڿ ڿڿڿڿڿ¿¿ڿ ô Ĵ This report about the SB16-AWE32 crap-card hopefully will stop ya from buying it. 100% truth only. Ĵ TKB : Baseball with kittens rulez! OA-NET.ZIP 11477 17.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ O/A-Net * Info-File ͵ Zone *123* ͵ DAS Grafik-, Sound- und CDROM Network - Immer die neusten Tools parat ! MUSFMT10.ZIP 171813 18.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: THE COMPUTER MUSIC FILE FORMATS V1.0 ------------------------------------ Collected by Jamal Hannah on 5/2/94. Many of these text files use the IBM ANSI-style graphic character set. Macintosh users can view these text files correctly with "UnZip 2.0.1". AACRGUS.ZIP 11422 25.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: All About Click Removal on Gravis UltraSound Written By: Icarus of TRIAL AQNODE.ZIP 8864 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ .. | | :N: E ۲ ۲T ۱۲۱ ۲۱IJ :۰ ޱ ޲۱ ۰ ޱ : | | ---ij =[] []= |ij iNFORMATiON PACKAGE V3.25 | =[] []= -----------Ĵ YOU ARE COOL ? YOU WANNA BE COOL? | YOU LiKE DEMOS/MUSIC/GRAFIX ? | : WANNA GET iN TOUCH WiTH DA SCENE? : | JUST WANNA HAVE FUN ? | ! THEN DOWNLOAD THiS ONE ! ----------- -----------------------------------Patches------------------------------------ 2NDPATCH.ARJ 49065 02.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: PATCH REALITY b y F u t u r e C r e w Ŀ Fixes the slowdown bug (nothing more) SIX_FIX.ZIP 38399 21.10.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: [] CYBERNETiC [] [PRESENTS] UPDATE FOR SiXPACK MUSiCDISK [] --------------------------------Programme------------------------------------- NADD_V10.ZIP 1392071 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ DEMODATABASE Version : 1.0 (72 demos) A great database with lots of texts and graphics. Easy to use with the NA-GUI ! VGA/386/MOUSE required. Released November 2, 1994 NADD_U01.ZIP 1428034 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ New Age Demo Database Upgrade: 1 (69 demos) Don't know which demos to download ? Check out the NADD before getting mad ! VGA/386/Mouse required. Released January 26, 1995 NADD_U02.ZIP 1289914 26.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ͵ New Age Demo Database ͵ Ĵ UPGRADE 2 Ĵ Ĵ Check out this NADD upgrade with reviews and pictures of 59 demos including 'Project Angel', 'No', 'Warp' and many more. A must for every demo freak. Get it today ! ĵ VGA/386/Mouse required. Released April 15, 1995 ASM95PUR.ZIP 298361 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ۲ PURE Organizes Plane-Trip to cm ۲ܲ ۱۲۲۱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱۲ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ Grab this invitation intro now before it grabs you !! Contains full trip information Book your seats NOW !!! GUSDRIVE.ZIP 12716 15.07.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: The CCS-Productions presents: The worlds first RamDisc ever made for a sound-card ! * ͼ ۲Ŀ Ĵ ۲Ĵ Ĵ ۲Ĵ D R I V E Ĵ <|.O> * This fantastic driver makes your Gravis Ultrasound to a 684k DOS-compatible and re- set resistent(!) disc drive with less than 400 bytes(!) memory requirement and 100% > fast ASM 386-code.<ĺ GUSer,you must leech it ;) ! [dATa]ͼ Ŀ TOTAL KB : 4945 TOTAL FILES : 24 Ŀ AREANAME : DSANC DESCRIPTION : SANCTION RELEASES ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ---------------------------Der Kult-Player------------------------------------ XTCP050G.ARJ 149556 09.07.95 [76] Description from File_id.diz: VD.LDi presents ͸ ĿĿĿ | | : Ŀ : ĿĿ ٳų o.50g! Դ The ultimate module player Ŀ 669,AMF,DMF,DSM,FAR,MDL,MED,MOD ij MTM,NST,S3M,STM,OKT,PTM,ULT,WOW,XM! [Features] . DOUBLE SOUNDMEM . : play up to 8MB modules ! : | FILE SELECTION | ARCHIVER SUPPORT TIMESLICES FOR OS/2 -[Added]- All new protected mode version ! Completely new DMF player routine with nearly all DMF effects ! Major XM and MDL bugfixes MMD1, PTM, NST and WOW support Smart Memory Multiplier (SMM). Now you can load up to 8 MB! Important : If you got the 0.50 alpha , please get this file , the RTM and OVL we was very buggy ! This is GUS-Only ; --------------------------Sound-Releases von LDi------------------------------ POWER.ZIP 126419 19.03.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ͹ TeMpLeR of S!P pReSeNtS.. h PW gic II A 10 ChAnnEl (XM) TuNe fOr ThE PaRtY 4 MuLTi CHaNNeL CoMPo ͼ ENERGIZE.ZIP 109546 14.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: -- --Ŀ ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: : :[TMP]:: ::::::: :: ::::::::: WHQ: +43-5523-64876 22:OO-6:OO LIQUID DREAMS INC PREZENTS Ĵ ENERGIZER FROG [S3M] |WHAT RELEASED AT TP94 |WHAT BY PROTECTOR/LDi |WHAT STYLE: TECHNO/?? |INFO CHANNELS: O8 |INFO RUNNING LENGTH: O4:13 |INFO [FRM!] FRM!ARSN.ZIP 11752 14.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -- --Ŀ ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: : :[TMP]:: ::::::: :: ::::::::: WHQ: +43-5523-64876 22:OO-6:OO LIQUID DREAMS INC PREZENTS Ĵ ARSEN LOGO *FINAL* |WHAT DONE BY FRAME/S!P/LDi |WHAT [FRM!] HUUS.ZIP 24871 14.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: _______ \---/ H - s /-----//--/ /-\-------/-----/ / --/ / / \/ \ / --x / --|/ /_ / \ \ --| t \_____/_____/\_____/___/\____/ r ds [ Pruldy presents] --> Grusl Huus v1.4 german <-- [1 f 1] LDI-OATH.ZIP 207798 14.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -- --Ŀ ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: : :[TMP]:: ::::::: :: ::::::::: WHQ: +43-5523-64876 22:OO-7:OO LIQUID DREAMS INC PREZENTS Ĵ OATH [XM] |WHAT BY PROTECTOR/LDi |WHAT STYLE: UNKNOWN |INFO CHANNELS: O8 |INFO RUNNING LENGTH: O4:O5 |INFO [FRM!] LDI-PIX1.ZIP 1436556 14.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -- --Ŀ ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: : :[TMP]:: ::::::: :: ::::::::: WHQ: +43-5523-64876 22:OO-6:OO LIQUID DREAMS INC PREZENTS Ĵ AUSTRIA WAS AT TP94... |WHAT BY FRAME/S!P/LDi [1/2] |WHAT 16x256-COL HI-RES PICS |INFO GOOD QUALITY - NO LAME |INFO HANDHELD SCANNER USED! |INFO [FRM!] LDI-PIX2.ZIP 1233665 14.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -- --Ŀ ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: : :[TMP]:: ::::::: :: ::::::::: WHQ: +43-5523-64876 22:OO-6:OO LIQUID DREAMS INC PREZENTS Ĵ AUSTRIA WAS AT TP94... |WHAT BY FRAME/S!P/LDi [2/2] |WHAT 16x256-COL HI-RES PICS |INFO GOOD QUALITY - NO LAME |INFO HANDHELD SCANNER USED! |INFO [FRM!] NECLEUS.ZIP 99990 14.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -- --Ŀ ::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::: :: :::::: :::: : :[TMP]:: ::::::: :: ::::::::: WHQ: +43-5523-64876 22:OO-6:OO LIQUID DREAMS INC PREZENTS Ĵ NECLEUS [XM] |WHAT BY PROTECTOR |WHAT CHANNELS: 6 |INFO RELEASED: 08-MARCH-95 |INFO [FRM!] EUPHORIA.ZIP 951314 15.07.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: virtual design presents ޱ ޲ a great XM called .Euphoria. ޲ ߰ frm! born on 18/05/95 DRZ-DARK.ZIP 162279 13.08.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: IOl(W-------------------------------- COMPO-VERSiON / PC-MODULE 'THE DARK SiDE' BY DRIZZT/MOZ[iC]ART ----[DOS/*.XM]-----------------------[1/1]---- Ŀ TOTAL KB : 4407 TOTAL FILES : 11 Ŀ AREANAME : DPA DESCRIPTION : RELEASES VON AKTUELLEN PARTIES ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------------Demo-Compo-------------------------------------- ------------------------------1. Platz---------------------------------------- NOOON_ST.ZIP 1630879 14.08.95 [06] Description from File_ID.Diz : ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ tK- NOOON 1995 - First shown at ASM 95 -----------------------------2. Platz----------------------------------------- JUICE.ZIP 855132 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : * JUICE * a demo by Psychic Link * From Assembly'95 PC DEMO compo (came 2nd) -----------------------------3. Platz----------------------------------------- DXPROJ.ZIP 2430277 18.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : () Assembly'95 Demo Contribution Official Release in Dolby Surround/ Super-VGA 640x480 SB/SB16/PAS/GUS-386/486/Pentium+ v1.01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CC_2LITE.ZIP 1026376 16.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ Capacala presents... An Assembly '95 production ZWEILIGHT ZONE [GUS/SB/NOSOUND] DEAPARCA.ZIP 1103553 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : ------------------------------- The Underworld Corporation presents D E A P A R C A Our contribution to Assembly'95 ------------------------------- Copyright (c)1995 by Tuc, Bel. LGM_KOSM.ZIP 1041276 14.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : ----------------------------------- | LITTLE GREEN MEN | ----------------------------------- | An ASM'95 demo by KOSMIC | | | | O O O O O O O O | | /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ | | Do YOU have a little green man? | ----------------------------------- AMENDINO.ZIP 494704 15.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : A-MEN CONTRIBUTION TO A S S E M B L Y 9 5 PC D E M O C O M P O Requires: 386 VGA Supports: GUS SB SBPRO SILENCE TV.ZIP 676476 15.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : Orange demo from asm95 television 386, gus/sb/nosound -------------------------------64k-COmpo-------------------------------------- -------------------------------1. Platz--------------------------------------- DRIFT.ZIP 70941 17.08.95 [05] Description from File_ID.Diz : D R I F T by Wild Light The winner at the Assembly'95 64K Intro competition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLX_BGFR.ZIP 65528 13.08.95 [04] Bill G-Force / Complex . sehr schoene Intro , ein bischen bizarre aber gut NATION0.ZIP 85710 13.08.95 [04] Nation Zero / Jamm , auch seeeehr schoene Intro , aber 85k ?! COCAHOLC.ZIP 67847 13.08.95 [01] Cocaholic / Hazard , fuer Coka Cola Fans :-) UKKO.ZIP 49283 13.08.95 [02] Ukko / ??? Gute Musik , aber StrichmaenchenGrafik ! BELIEVE.ZIP 63719 13.08.95 [04] Believe / Valhalla , aeusserst gute Intro DETOUR.ZIP 61199 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : halcyonͿ Ĵ ijĿĿ Ŀ Ĵٳٳ Ŀ NSND 386 SB Ŀ vga >GUS ASMtro RCAMERA.ZIP 91818 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ release version. gus/sb/- (midas) .sYmptom. -----------------------------4k-Intro Compo----------------------------------- AHRUM.ZIP 5288 13.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : [] ASSEMBLY 1995 PRODUCTION [] [] 4k INTRO [] [] AHRUM [] [] CODE: ???/??? [] CRSHTEST.ZIP 6240 13.08.95 [03] Description from File_ID.Diz : [] ASSEMBLY 1995 PRODUCTION [] [] 4k INTRO [] [] CRASHTEST [] [] CODE: J-P/REBELS [] FRACTION.ZIP 4951 13.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : [] ASSEMBLY 1995 PRODUCTION [] [] 4k INTRO [] [] FRACTION [] [] CODE: QUAD/APOCALYPSE [] LOOP01.ZIP 4754 13.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : [] ASSEMBLY 1995 PRODUCTION [] [] 4k INTRO [] [] LOOP 01 [] [] CODE: PASCAL/CUBIC [] NOOON_HE.ZIP 5984 13.08.95 [03] Description from File_ID.Diz : - - ) | #) HEAVEN $ reach it - ) \ by tI .  august 10th *. . o @ REDRUM.ZIP 5269 13.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : [] ASSEMBLY 1995 PRODUCTION [] [] 4k INTRO [] [] REDRUM [] [] CODE: GALVADOS/JAMM [] ------------------------Multi-Channel Compo----------------------------------- ----------------------------------1. Platz------------------------------------ CTGOBLIN.ZIP 369430 15.08.95 [05] Description from File_ID.Diz : ----------- ----- | Assembly '95 Release: | "Catch That Goblin" - by Skaven of Future Crew.. | | [Multich-compo] ------- ----- STAiRWAY TO HEAVEN | +45 747-263-03 33k6 3.6G -- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BA-ATLAN.ZIP 295176 14.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : ۲ ۲ CM ۲ " ATLANTiS " (.XM) music by Blue Adonis / PURE From the ASM95 MultiChannel Compo CANYOUFL.ZIP 328271 14.08.95 [03] Description from File_ID.Diz : ----------- ----- | Assembly '95 Release: | "Can you feel it" - by Prism of EMF & Plant.. | | [Multich-compo] ------- ----- STAiRWAY TO HEAVEN | +45 747-263-03 33k6 3.6G -- ----------- SPEED.ZIP 6101 16.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : [] ASSEMBLY 1995 PRODUCTION [] [] 4k INTRO [] [] SPEED [] [] CODE: CODEX/PARANOIDS [] ASM95_RE.ZIP 4934 15.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : ------------------- ASM95 R*SULTS (nearly complete) ------------------- Ŀ TOTAL KB : 10596 TOTAL FILES : 27 Ŀ AREANAME : G01 DESCRIPTION : SPIELE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC BUBB.ZIP 539475 24.05.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Bubble Blobb 2 - Eine Mischung aus Flipper, Breakout und Labyrinth. Nette VGA-Graphik, Soundkartenuntersttzung. Shareware-Version vom Mrz 94 GOT100.ZIP 733808 26.07.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: *** GOD OF THUNDER *** Software Creations Arcade/adventure game. Thor must think and fight his way past dozens of puzzles and hundreds of enemies to reach the final showdown with the evil boss who is terrorizing innocent villagers! Sound Blaster digitized sound and full Adlib soundtrack. VGA & 286 or better required. SANFIGHT.ZIP 1109512 16.05.94 [ 1] Sango Fighter , Beat'Em Up NYET3.ARJ 616818 01.06.94 [00] Schoenes Tetris SKYROADS.ZIP 416343 26.07.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ SkyRoads: Great 3D challenge for those who dare! Ķ Imagine cruising a road in Crab Nebula with your starglider! Catch breathtaking views of the universe! Loaded with superb graphics, marvelous tunes and smooth 3D animation,SkyRoads is a game that is definitely fun to play! [VGA/EGA, SB/Adlib] ͼ PORK.ARJ 170418 20.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: PORK I: The Great Underground Sewer System PORK is a parody of the classic Infocom text adventure ZORK I, THE GREAT UNDERGROUND EMPIRE which was written by 'Diabolical' Dave Lebling and'Maniacal' Marc Blank and originally published by Infocom in 1981. ZORK has sold more copies than any other adventure game (and probably more copies than any other program -- period). It is truly a classic! In writing PORK I have tried to retain some of the cleverness, low cunning, and humor of ZORK -- while poking little good-natured fun at it. AQUANOID.ARJ 137962 26.06.94 [ 1] Schoenes Breakout aehnliches Spiel SAMSON.ARJ 1456252 07.07.94 [03] Samson 3D-Adventure , Teil 1 SAMSON.A01 878580 07.07.94 [03] Samson 3D-Adventure , Teil 2 SPD.ARJ 1456410 07.07.94 [00] Spd Adventure , Teil 1 SPD.A01 1331955 07.07.94 [00] Spd Adventure , Teil 2 KELLOGG.ZIP 1583120 08.08.94 [00] Kellog's Werbespiel CAWADO.ARJ 158538 25.08.94 [01] Cawado , lustiges Schul-Adventure BARS.ZIP 746296 03.09.94 [ 1] Geniales Tetris aenliches Game (GUS) Macht sehr sehr schnell suechtig ! BEAVISQZ.ARJ 39675 11.09.94 [ 5] Beavis and Buthead Quiz KRYPTEGG.ARJ 935032 11.09.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: -= Krypton Egg PC =- - The Ultimate Break-Out - ========================== This LIMITED & DEMO version can be freely copied. We encourage you to do so. A breathtaking Break Out action game with a lots of news effects and an excellent playability. The 70 frames per second animation brings a new feeling... 60 Levels / 30 Spells / Hordes Attack / Final Monsters / 8 Musics and most of all a FUN GAME. To see & enjoy... without loosing an instant ! TANK12.ARJ 521538 25.09.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: the c r a z y artillery-game! 3POINT.ZIP 643664 05.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: 3 Point Basketball game by MVP Software . Take on "ASBA" stars such as Shackle O'Deal and Bald Barkler in a 3 point shootout. Rick Vitality calls the action as you fire up those threes. Will you be "hot with the rock," or are your shots better described as "what a brick, baby?" Requires VGA+, mouse; Sound Blaster is optional. DADD.ZIP 534482 04.11.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: "Der Aufstand der Dinge" - DADD - Mit Hilfe von Energiegeneratoren hat Prof. Dr. E. Eddison die Dinge zum Leben erweckt, welche jetzt ihren eigen Staat "Dingstown" grnden wollen. Du mut Jack Flash helfen, die Welt zu retten! Systemanforderungen: 80386 Prozessor, DX33 oder hher empf. VGA Karte EMM386 oder kompatibler Gertetreiber 512 kB freier EMS Speicher fr SB-Effekte 1 MB XMS Speicher frei TUBES110.ARJ 545787 13.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ޳ TUBES v1.1 by IMPULSE Help Dr. Lanny B. Brilliant form new molecules and win the Nobel Prize! Match 3 or more similar atoms before your beaker overflows. Create new molecules while watching out for mischief crystals and other bad elements in this action- packed puzzle game! Full soundtrack. Requires: VGA 286+ Supports: SB/Ad/Joy ARNIE.ARJ 1275087 23.11.94 [ 1] Arnie Goes 4 GOld , gutes Werbe-Adventure CREEP101.ARJ 1364400 18.12.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: CREEP CLASH(TM) v1.01 - A real-time rendered True 3D Fighting game playable on any PC 486DX/ or higher with 8 MB RAM. Creep Clash(tm) also h full sound, MIDI & Joystick support for machine equipted with SB Compatible hardware. Register Version is available directly from 47-TEK by ca (800) 478-4788 for only $29.47. The CD-ROM has characters of CREEP CLASH(TM) and another game, Full Motion Video, High resolution High color s Matrox's MGA chip, & a FMV sneak peak an upcomi !BCUBES.ARJ 17266 28.12.94 [ 2] Windows Denktraining DRACER.ARJ 1744071 01.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Desert Racer Playable Demo XMASLE94.ARJ 159878 17.01.95 [01] X-Mas Lemmings 94 !AIDS.ARJ 1316040 28.01.95 [06] Let's Talk About Sex - Aufklaerungsprogram , Achtung entpackt sich auf ueber 20MB! GTG.ARJ 849436 28.01.95 [03] Flirt-game:So doof, das es wieder lustig ist !WINTREK.ARJ 533713 03.02.95 [00] Startrek-game fuer Win PCMUD094.ARJ 383915 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PC-MUD 0.941 BugFixed Neue Version des Multi User Dungeon fr den PC. Viele Bugs gefixt, jetzt auch voll ber Netzwerk lauffhig, verbessertes Online-Editor-System. Features: Ansi-Graphics, Multi-Node, Nicht-Standard IRQ (FOSSIL) 300-115200 Komplett mit ca.400 Rumen, 80 versch. Lebewesen, 80 versch. Objekten, 35 versch. Bilder. Offenes System, d.h. PC-MUD ist online erweiterbar. Ŀ TOTAL KB : 21679 TOTAL FILES : 29 Ŀ AREANAME : G02 DESCRIPTION : DEMOS VON SPIELEN ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC DESERT.ZIP 641452 19.08.94 [ 1] Demo von Desert Strike MICRMDEM.ARJ 111407 27.04.94 [ 3] Micro Machines Demo LOLLYPOP.ZIP 366347 20.08.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ LOLLYPOP PREVIEW From Rainbow Arts Be sure to get the best arcade game, ever. Totally smooth scrolling. Worth the download credz!!! Presented to you by: THE DOMINATORS 1993 ZONERAID.ARJ 694724 05.09.94 [ 2] 3DSpiel Hovercraft-Rennen NASCAR2.ARJ 1378200 21.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: NASCAR Racing Demo [PLAYABLE!] DFORCES1.ZIP 1751339 05.01.95 [10] Description from File_id.diz: LucasArts DARK FORCES Playable Demo [1/7] ============================================= This is a single level of the upcoming CD-ROM release of Dark Forces. DFORCES1 and DFORCES2 are required to run the demo; the remaining parts are beginning and ending cutscenes and are optional. Requires a 486/Pentium system with 8 megabytes, Microsoft compatible mouse, and Sound Blaster or Pro Audio Spectrum compatible digital card. DFORCES2.ZIP 1584613 05.01.95 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: LucasArts DARK FORCES Playable Demo [2/7] ============================================= This is a single level of the upcoming CD-ROM release of Dark Forces. DFORCES1 and DFORCES2 are required to run the demo; the remaining parts are beginning and ending cutscenes and are optional. Requires a 486/Pentium system with 8 megabytes, Microsoft compatible mouse, and Sound Blaster or Pro Audio Spectrum compatible digital card. PSYCHO.ZIP 1394200 31.01.95 [ 3] Psycho Pinball - Kult-FLipper TYRPREV.ZIP 275665 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -= TYRIAN SLIDE-SHOW PREVIEW =- Take a sneak-peak into Epic's incredible new shooter, Tyrian. Tyrian features enough fast-paced action to destroy any shooter, plus fully upgradable ships, weapons, and more. Tyrian also has a two player mode and modem/network/BBS support! ID-QUAKE.ZIP 1392127 08.08.95 [00] Die Ersten Bilder von Quake Ŀ TOTAL KB : 9365 TOTAL FILES : 10 Ŀ AREANAME : G03 DESCRIPTION : SPIELE ADDONS WIE EMULATOREN UND SPIELE-FAQS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC -------------------------------Programme-------------------------------------- C64ALIVE.ZIP 1439188 09.06.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ C64 A L I V E --- V0.9AH the ultimate C64 successor now coming up with major enhance- ments: * X-mode * OPL3 * puls- width * org. speed on 486/33++ * raster IRQ's & brandnew FLD's >>>>>> C64 forever <<<<<< ; APPLEEMU.LZH 244713 27.05.94 [ 2] Apple II Emulator C64S10CD.ARJ 370676 14.07.94 [14] Neueste Version von Miha's C64-EMulator C64TOOLS.ZIP 64327 15.10.94 [ 3] Tools fuer den C64 Emulator RPAT_12R.ZIP 317854 08.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: RAPTOR v1.2 PATCH FILE - APOGEE ۲ This file is for registered owners of Raptor ONLY!! This file will patch your registered copy of Raptor v1.1 to the newly released v1.2. This patch will do nothing if you only have the shareware version. This patch requires that you have your copy of the game currently installed. (c)1994 Apogee Software DFED171.ARJ 38915 21.03.95 [01] Dark Forces Editor , ergaenzt einige Neuichkeiten in der SharewaereVersion ! DEVIL097.ARJ 287545 25.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: DEVIL 0.97 - An editor for the Parallax game De You need: copro, VESA-compatible graphics card, (shareware available soon) and lots of time. Just unzip DEVIL097.ZIP in your DESCENT directo DL.ARJ 76782 30.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: DL The First and Best Descent Launcher ever Programmed on Turbo Pascal This is v0.9 from DevilsMoon'95 D_ARS100.ARJ 20801 12.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ein Editor fuer Descent (Vollversion), mit dem gespeicherte Spielstaende manipulieren kann. V1.0 von M. Janssen OMFUP20.ARJ 891911 12.07.95 [01] Update fuer Omf fuer Shareware und VollVersion UD.ARJ 252175 24.07.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ULTRADECK: Ver. 1.6, The ULTIMATE tool for Magic:The Gathering{tm} players... VGA, DOS/win MOUSE support, tons of features, EASY to use interface, FAST, all cards and text, powerful 3 level sort, draw hand, restrict, charts of all deck stats, all colorized information, much more... check this out. LOW registration cost of $15, updates via mail/e-mail for $5 for registered users. WITCHFIX.ZIP 276702 08.08.95 [01] Update fuer WitchHaven ----------------------Frequently Asked Questions------------------------------ 3DOFAQ.ZIP 16719 28.09.94 [00] 3DO-Faq DOOMFQ.ZIP 49670 07.06.94 [ 3] Doom-Faq 5.4 OMFFAQ19.ZIP 17844 30.12.94 [03] Omf-Faq V1.9 QUAKEFAQ.ZIP 7280 28.09.94 [02] Quake Faq SPIELE_G.LHA 12954 23.05.94 [00] Faq der Spiele.Ger WCIIIFAQ.ZIP 18440 28.09.94 [ 2] Wing Commander Armada Faq RISEFAQ2.ARJ 5685 13.12.94 [02] Rise of the Triad FAQ 2.0 VGAPLFAQ.ZIP 12475 25.01.95 [ 2] Vga-Planets-Faq GALACFAQ.ZIP 20657 25.01.95 [00] Faq zu Galactic Civilisations MK2PCF.ARJ 9464 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Mortal Kombat DESFAQ86.ARJ 18111 04.04.95 [00] Version 0.86 of the Unofficial Descent FAQ. DFRCSFAQ.ARJ 12887 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Lucas Arts' Dark Forces DUNE2FAQ.ARJ 16083 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Dune 2 Strategy game PAGANFAQ.ARJ 27719 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Origin's Pagan: Ultima VIII. PRIVFAQ.ARJ 7830 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Wing Commander: Privateer from Origin SRFCTYFQ.ARJ 11165 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Serf City: Life is Fuedal MCRPTFAQ.ARJ 5056 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Bullfrog Magic Carpet STRLFAQ.ARJ 1849 04.04.95 [00] FAQ: Realms of Arkania:Star Trail CRPG ---------------------------Andere Text-Files---------------------------------- DMWAD.ZIP 7199 07.06.94 [ 2] Informationen ueber das Doom-Wad SADDRESS.ZIP 4807 07.08.94 [ 1] Adressen von Spielefirmen OS2_1294.ARJ 1917 13.12.94 [ 1] Native Os2-Game-Liste REBEL.ARJ 1956 28.12.94 [ 2] Hints fuer Rebel Aussault E_PINFAQ.ARJ 9116 17.04.95 FAQ: Epic's Android Pinball RELENTLE.RAR 21714 04.05.95 FAQ: Relentless v1.0 RADIX.RAR 13746 04.05.95 FAQ: Radix: in to the void v2.0 SHADOW_F.RAR 1554 04.05.95 FAQ: Shadow Fighter v.01 X-COM.RAR 53664 04.05.95 FAQ: X-COM - Defense REALMZ-P.RAR 5555 04.05.95 FAQ: Prelude to Pestilence v0.2 ALIEN-LE.RAR 13133 04.05.95 FAQ: Alien Legacy IPREMOTE.RAR 3951 04.05.95 FAQ: IPREMOTE - appletalk playing UFO.RAR 16472 04.05.95 FAQ: UFO - Enemy unkmown 1.22 PRIVATEE.RAR 10479 04.05.95 FAQ: Privateer v1.99999 INTERPLA.RAR 4516 04.05.95 FAQ: Interplay RPG QUAKE.RAR 14754 04.05.95 FAQ: Quake v2.60 DESCENT.RAR 18600 04.05.95 FAQ: Descent v1.1 GALCIV3.RAR 33257 04.05.95 FAQ: Galactic Civilisation SIM_TOWE.RAR 7114 04.05.95 FAQ: SimTower v0.5 OMF2097_.RAR 28766 04.05.95 FAQ: OMF v1.3 MASTER-O.RAR 60940 04.05.95 FAQ: Master of Orion v2.4 GALCIV2.RAR 29892 04.05.95 FAQ: Galactic Civilisation DARK-FOR.RAR 16955 04.05.95 FAQ: Dark Forces v1.12 APOGEE.RAR 33747 04.05.95 FAQ: Apogee v2.4 MECHWARR.ARJ 2630 23.05.95 Mechwarrior II FAQ ;-) release date OMF2097_.ARJ 31708 23.05.95 One Must Fall 2097 FAQ 1.5 RELENTLE.ARJ 22900 23.05.95 Relentless FAQ 1.03 TERMINAL.ARJ 3106 23.05.95 [01] Terminal Velocity FAQ 0.3 ULTIMA-D.ARJ 2793 23.05.95 Ultima Dragons FAQ 1.0 WARCRAFT.ARJ 16207 23.05.95 Warcraft FAQ 0.6 WARLORDS.ARJ 2851 23.05.95 Warlords II FAQ CIVFAQ.TXT 131712 13.06.95 Civilization FAQ I CIVFAQ1.TXT 86545 13.06.95 Civilization FAQ II MOMFAQ.ARJ 81058 13.06.95 Master Of Magic FAQ: - v.1.31 INTERPLA.FAQ 17214 20.06.95 FAQ: - Interplay RPG FAQ JUNE '95 MASTER-O.FAQ 192037 20.06.95 FAQ: - Master of Orion v2.6 DUKE-NUK.FAQ 5287 20.06.95 [01] FAQ: - Duke Nukem 3D v0.1 RELENTLE.FAQ 71410 20.06.95 FAQ: - Relentless v1.04 QUAKE.ZIP 8953 06.07.95 [00] Zusaetliche Infos zu Quake MOMFAQ21.ARJ 37455 19.07.95 A MUST have for OMF:2097 fans!! FXLIST.ARJ 1516 24.07.95 [00] Movesliste fuer FX-Fighter Ŀ TOTAL KB : 5549 TOTAL FILES : 71 Ŀ AREANAME : G04 DESCRIPTION : TRAINER FUER SPIELE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ALONE2TR.COM 1549 02.02.94 [ 1] Trainer fuer Alone in the Dark2 BWINGGER.COM 3357 07.01.94 [ 1] Trainer fuer B-Wing CM193F.ZIP 197127 11.09.94 [ 2] Cheat Machine 1.93 GWS240.ARJ 115666 31.01.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: ۲۲ GAME WIZARD v2.40 ۲۲ The most powerful GAME CHEATING utility ever developed anywhere in the world. NOW WITH FULL DOS EXTENDER SUPPORT UNDER ALL MEMORY MANAGERS. It has the ability to: search/modify/lock items while playing games; create personalized cheat files; save/load current game in progress; view text files inside games; adjust game playing speed; shell to DOS within games; quick exit to DOS from programs and much much more. CT.EXE 53735 17.01.94 [ 2] Cheat Collection Trainer , noch mehr cheats PIFATIP.ZIP 396 20.04.94 [ 3] Built in cheats fuer Piball Fantasies VIKIHINT.ZIP 2321 24.04.94 [00] Tips zu Lost Vikings SC2GRANT.ARJ 4744 09.06.94 [ 1] Money Cheat fur Simm City 2000 COM-EDIT.ZIP 25761 27.06.94 [ 3] Comanche-Missionseditor (oder so aehnlich) EX_CSPOT.ZIP 6850 28.06.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Cool Spot [+3] Option Trainer! ULTIMA8.ARJ 54063 16.10.94 [ 2] Cheatprogramm zu Ultima 8 - Pagan Viele Manipulationen moeglich, plus Ansehen der Endsequenz RAPCHT.ZIP 5449 16.07.94 [ 2] Raptor-Cheat EPBALLS.ARJ 34251 20.08.94 [00] Tips zu Epic Pinball GALACT-T.ARJ 4903 21.08.94 [00] Galactix-trainer XWEDIT2.ARJ 26040 21.08.94 [ 1] X-Wing Cheat XWINGTIP.ARJ 9196 21.08.94 [00] Xwing Tips INF-TIEF.ZIP 4661 23.08.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Tie Fighter Trainer [+8] D-TUBTRN.ZIP 10826 23.08.94 [00] Trainer fuer Tubular Worlds D-LVTRNU.ARJ 7007 23.08.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: [ The Lost Vikings ] ߲ | Interactive Trainer | [ (UPDATED VERSION) ] P r e s e n t S RGE-RAPT.ARJ 22765 28.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: [+6] Trainer for In Search of Dr. Riptide CHEAT151.ARJ 128916 03.02.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: CHEAT v15.1: The ultimate list of cheats and debug codes for MS-DOS computer games. Over 251 games exist in this realm! This is a giant list of secret backdoors and cheat codes for some of today's most popular games! This is only a minor bug fix release. Support BBS: The Cult of the Tentacle, (914) 583-6237 at 28.8k v.fc! PSD-FJAZ.ARJ 23863 08.09.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Jazz Jackrabbit [+5] Trainer OMFTC_11.ARJ 10643 31.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: One Must Fall 2097: The Cheat v1.1 OMF-TC is a cheat for One Must Fall 2097 that allows the user to use $2,147,483,647K to buy misc. items such as new robots or robot upgrades, in tournament mode. Very useful in helping beginner players to get very far in, or beat the game. CHEAT100.ARJ 110923 06.11.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: CHEAT v10.0: The ultimate list of cheats and debug codes for MS-DOS computer games - now including the new additions of Jazz Jackrabbit and many others! Over 243 games exist in this realm, where no trainers are allowed, and no level passcodes can enter this neck of the woods! NEW SUPPORT BBS! The Cheater's Guild 28.8k, 914.583.6237! INF-ROTT.ZIP 3284 02.01.95 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Rise Of The Triad (ROTT) Released: Complete list of all [12/22/94] CHEAT CODES! [o1/o1] -=INFINITY=- Ĵ "THE QUALiTY RELEASES NEVER END." POINTBREAK+3211436925 BOS!HTCC.ZIP 3821 02.01.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: /\_______ ______ __________ 1 \_ __ \ / \/ _______/ 1 9 / |/ / / __ \_____ \ 9 9 / __ \/ | \ \ 9 4 / |/ / _| \ | \ 5 <====\__________\____________/________/====> HERETIC CHEAT CODES (c) ID SOFTWARE [1/1] <==========================================> <>.HS-NS. {32}53212213.<> Europe'sFastestSoundBoard WARCHEAT.ARJ 5672 17.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: War Craft Saved Game Editor BNZ-L3T.ARJ 11288 17.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: LEMMiNGS III LEVEL CHEATER DESCCOD.ZIP 339 25.01.95 [ 3] Codes fuer Descent Ŀ TOTAL KB : 868 TOTAL FILES : 29 Ŀ AREANAME : G05 DESCRIPTION : SPIELE FUER OS/2 ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ASTEROID.ZIP 27392 19.02.95 [ 1] Asteroids fuer Os/2 BATTLE.ZIP 12658 19.02.95 [04] Schiffe versenken fuer Os/2 DALEKS.ARJ 80178 19.02.95 [03] Daleks , schoens OS/2 Strategie-SPiel GREED.ARJ 53443 19.02.95 [00] OS/2 Denkspielchen HELR21.ZIP 287651 19.02.95 [ 1] Heli-Rescue , Ballerspielchen fuer OS/2 MINE25.ZIP 42587 19.02.95 [00] Minesweeper fuer Os/2 NH311OS2.ZIP 706125 19.02.95 [ 1] NetHack fuer OS/2 MUSICMEM.ZIP 128727 19.02.95 [00] Music-Memory , Senso aehnliches Spiel AQNAUT.ARJ 209500 19.02.95 [ 1] Aquanaut - U-Boot Spielchen COLUMNS.ARJ 25597 24.02.95 [ 2] PM version of the game Columns. COLMNS11.ARJ 27665 27.02.95 [00] PM version of game Columns v1.10 UCHESS15.ARJ 179344 03.03.95 [00] Version 1.15GA of UCHESS: Chess for OS/2. FMC210.ARJ 243577 07.03.95 [01] 9 Card Games for OS/2, Version 2.1 COLMNS12.ZIP 28808 26.03.95 [02] Columns game for OS/2 PM HNGMN121.ZIP 339367 04.05.95 [00] Hangman v 1.21 for OS/2 FMCRDS25.ZIP 346936 21.05.95 9 Card Games for OS/2, Version 2.5 GAMEREV4.ZIP 1789047 21.05.95 [00] OS/2 game review issue #4 CHEATS-2.ZIP 221268 05.06.95 [00] CheatMeister/2 V1.1 (Apr.'95) -- Deutsches TRITRIS.ZIP 421036 05.06.95 [00] TriTris V1.0 -- Das suechtig machende Spiel UCHESS17.ZIP 180806 19.07.95 UCHESS v 1.17GA: Chess for OS/2 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 5226 TOTAL FILES : 20 Ŀ AREANAME : G06 DESCRIPTION : ACTIONSPIELE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC NTRAID01.ZIP 643644 27.04.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ** Night Raid - Classic Action Shooter ** ** From Software Creations & Argo Games. ** Violating the Geneva Convention has never been so much fun! Over a MEG of 256 color VGA graphics, music, and multi-channel digital sound will keep your adrenaline pumping! Requires: VGA, 286 or better. AdLib/SB/SS support. 386 recommended. CORRIDO7.ARJ 1202094 15.05.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -=> CORRIDOR 7: ALIEN INVASION <=- By Capstone Software Technology Licensed From Id Software Creators Of WOLFENSTEIN 3D New Features Include: Morphing Aliens & Extended Death Scenes, Full Screen Action, Proximity Mapping, Infa-Red & Night Vision, Diminished Lighting Effects, Mines & More... To Order The Complete Game Call: #1-800-468-7226 GALACT15.ZIP 707636 26.07.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Galactix v1.5 ============================= The FINAL version of an excellent shareware game! The Xidus fleets are invading, and you are the last ship left to save Earth! 286+ VGA/MCGA 3 meg HD Space Required SoundBlaster/Adlib support Free Shareware !!! BATS.ARJ 373820 01.06.94 [ 2] Mutant Space Bats , Ballerspiel STELDEFE.ARJ 418415 10.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: STELLAR DEFENSE II ALL NEW Space Arcade Game 256 VGA Graphics! You're a Lagarian Star Fighter in a desperate fight to save your galaxy from the relentless onslaught of the Yarian invaders. Pilot your ship in a free movement spectrum out-maneuvering your opponents in a series of Yarian conflicts by dodging raytraced asteroids and your opponents attacks. From Locatha Industries & Shareable Software Int'l. RIPTID.ARJ 696602 14.08.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: In Search of Dr. Riptide v1.0 ۲ 386 required. A spectacular underwater VGA arcade game! You have been put on a seek and destroy mission. Armed to the teeth, and with the aid of the quirky JASON sidekick you'll search deep within undersea catacombs for evil, outcast scientist Dr. Riptide. Explore stunning underwater terrain while taking out as many of Riptide's goons as possible. Incredible graphics, smooth scrolling, and great sound effects and music. [JOY/SB SUPPORT] by PMC ASTROCHI.ARJ 374264 26.07.94 [00] Ms Astrochicken MEGA612.ZIP 534652 29.07.94 [ 1] Megatron ein Mech aehnliches Spiel , auch fuer serielles Kabel F18NF205.ARJ 1399776 21.08.94 [ 1] F18 No Flight Zone , WIndows Ballergame KAEON.ARJ 299381 26.06.94 [00] Gutes Space-Game RANGRFOX.ARJ 472203 25.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: RANGER FOX - Hot Arcard Game from Korea - VGA/S LW2.ZIP 423207 11.11.94 [ 2] Line Wars 2 , schoenes Weltraumspielchen mit 2 Spieler Modus WINFIGHT.ZIP 63787 24.12.94 [00] Window's Ballerspiel CMTBST11.ARJ 397911 03.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: COMET BUSTERS! 1.1 High-speed arcade game for Windows 3.1. It features ray-traced sprite graphics, digitized sound, keyboard and joystick control, and a multiple-player option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHOOTG33.ARJ 215987 24.02.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Shooting Gallery v3.3: Colorful VGA action. Offers seven rounds of shooting action with arcade shooting range, skeet, target and wild west shootout. Runs in 256 color mode requiring VGA or MCGA system and a mouse. Includes SoundBlaster support, multiple players, selectable rounds, practice modes and other options. By Nels Anderson (ASP). CON2272.ARJ 1528068 24.02.95 [01] StarTrek: CONFLICT OF 2272 v1.1 AIRLIFT.ARJ 133676 26.02.95 Remake of the classic game CHOPLIFTER. GALAX1_0.ARJ 91731 27.02.95 [ 2] CHAMP Galaxian v1.0 - Atari Classic. 256 colors SENTO101.ARJ 1446141 03.03.95 SENTOO(TM) v1.01 - rendered True 3D Fighting game DECIM8.ARJ 445467 05.03.95 [02] DECIMATION v1.0 - Fast action, Galaxian-style arcade shooter SKART14.ARJ 1433349 20.03.95 [00] SKUNNY KART v1.4 Multiplayer - High Speed 3D DCNT12-1.ARJ 1436258 20.03.95 [00] DESCENT Shareware v1.2 by Parallax 1/2 DCNT12-2.ARJ 1451736 20.03.95 [00] DESCENT Shareware v1.2 by Parallax 2/2 ENOID110.ARJ 188907 06.04.95 [00] Electranoid version 1.10s - Arkanoid clone ROBOTON!.ARJ 69386 19.04.95 [00] Roboton! v1.00 - Fast action arcade BRKFRE10.ARJ 441924 25.04.95 [00] BRKFREE v1.0 - BreakFree 3D action game. RDHOOK13.ARJ 560903 04.05.95 Redhook's Revenge! v1.3 Canye plunder more TIGER21.ARJ 1191491 04.05.95 Flying Tigers distributed by HomeBrew BARYON.ARJ 1128597 11.05.95 BARYON (DEMO) Arcade-style game, is scrollin XATAX101.ARJ 477267 11.05.95 /// XATAX V1.01s - Pixel Painters \\\ CAPFLAG4.ARJ 404015 03.06.95 CAPTURE THE FLAG! v3.1 New Play by E-Mail! SUPSPD11.ARJ 250153 03.06.95 S U P E R S P E E D Version 1.1. VINYL11.ARJ 1418235 04.06.95 [00] Ĵ VINYL GODDESS FROM MARS ķ OUTRID.ARJ 974342 07.06.95 OUTER RIDGE - Fully Rendered 3D Action! ATTACK25.ARJ 85056 13.06.95 LETTER ATTACK Arcade-style typing tutor in BMSHAR10.ARJ 335370 13.06.95 [01] Break Machine Version 1.00 First Release. PACPC.ARJ 122113 26.06.95 Classic Pac Man for VGA HURL.ARJ 1360682 13.07.95 Grab your water balloons and jump into the WHAVEN.RAR 1440000 29.07.95 [03] Whitch Haven , Doom aehnliches Spiel im Mittelalter , sehr gut , auch SVGA ! WHAVEN.R00 1440000 29.07.95 [03] Whitch Haven , Doom aehnliches Spiel im Mittelalter , sehr gut , auch SVGA ! WHAVEN.R01 1440000 29.07.95 [03] Whitch Haven , Doom aehnliches Spiel im Mittelalter , sehr gut , auch SVGA ! WHAVEN.R02 1440000 29.07.95 [03] Whitch Haven , Doom aehnliches Spiel im Mittelalter , sehr gut , auch SVGA ! WHAVEN.R03 911337 29.07.95 [03] Whitch Haven , Doom aehnliches Spiel im Mittelalter , sehr gut , auch SVGA ! THREA141.ARJ 873626 31.07.95 The Game Factory presents ACM-MRIO.ZIP 69535 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ߲߲ ߱ -- - - -Ŀ So how great can a 66kb file be? **FUCKIN' LUNATIC GREAT** : Throw away yar Nintendo : : this is an exact copy of MARIO! : Forget about EMULATORS too! Just one .EXE! NO SHIT! -- - - - Ŀ TOTAL KB : 32043 TOTAL FILES : 45 Ŀ AREANAME : GAP DESCRIPTION : SPIELE VON APOGEE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC BLAKSTON.ARJ 1255765 05.12.93 [ 2] Ballerspiel so aehnlich wie Doom DUKNUKM2.ARJ 1117908 08.12.93 [ 1] Der Nachfolger zum legendaeren Apogee-Spiel HELLOHAR.ARJ 1250560 01.11.93 [ 1] Fly'n'Run von Apogee COMKEEN6.ARJ 399501 12.02.93 [ 4] Commander Keen 6 RAPTOR.ZIP 2027931 27.04.94 [ 3] Neustes Ballerspiel von Apogee echt gut #1HOCUS.ZIP 913482 04.06.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: HOCUS POCUS v1.0 by APOGEE! (VGA) ۲ 386SX or higher -- 567K required ۲ Scrolling action game like Mario Bros., with constant variety of levels, graphics, music, enemies and awesome parallaxing backgrounds. In a magical kingdom, Hocus must overcome many realms before becoming a full-fledged Wizard. Supports ALL major sound boards, like Ad Lib, GUS, PAS, SB & general midi. Three skill levels, joystick/pad optional. Copyright (c) 1994 Mike Voss. >shareware< #1MT_A.ARJ 427013 21.07.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MYSTIC TOWERS v1.1 by APOGEE (VGA) ۲ Part 1/3 Also needs #1MT-B.ZIP & #1MT-C.ZIP. Not a platform game--it's an action/puzzle packed adventure like you've never seen! Explore hundreds of rooms and use magic & wits to overcome the traps, dark forces and varied creatures. Excellent animation, filled with humor. Digital music support. New style game with all the usual Apogee touches, including save/restore & joystick. Requires 286+. Created by Animation FX. #1MT_B.ARJ 390074 21.07.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MYSTIC TOWERS v1.1 by APOGEE (VGA) ۲ Part 2/3 Also needs #1MT-A.ZIP & #1MT-C.ZIP. #1MT_C.ARJ 389152 21.07.94 [01] Description from File_id.diz: MYSTIC TOWERS v1.1 by APOGEE (VGA) ۲ Part 3/3 Also needs #1MT-A.ZIP & #1MT-B.ZIP. #1WACKY.ARJ 1665075 23.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: WACKY WHEELS v1.1 from APOGEE! ۲ 386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED! ۲ A high-speed, VGA 3D point-of-view, full screen racing game. Shareware version has 5 race tracks plus specialty tracks for shoot outs. Also, two player mode via split screen at same PC, or via modem or serial cable. Many options & features. Killer MIDI music & digital sounds supporting most top boards. Joystick, save games, cheats, it's all here! The full game has 42 tracks & eight racers. #1AC.ZIP 1750851 06.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 APOGEE GAME! ۲ 386 or better required! The best 256-color *VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If Duke Nukem has a twin, it's Harry--with an arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missile, photon cannon, micro nukes, jetpack, more) Harry has the zombie aliens shakin' in their slimy shoes! Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster music, superb animation, hilarious story. This game was formerly Halloween Harry. #1BOPPIN.ZIP 1289773 18.11.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: BOPPIN' v1.0 from APOGEE! ۲ Variety jammed arcade/puzzle game! ۲ In an alternate *arcade game* universe, you must free dozens of imprisoned enemies from other video games. Each level has unique VGA graphics in this unusual game. Violence mode provided. Cool animation & cinematics. MIDI music & digital sound for all popular cards. One or two can play together. Level editor in full version, plus 160 levels! Shareware. By Accursed Toys. Supports two joysticks. HERETIC.ZIP 2877670 29.12.94 [14] Description from File_id.diz: Heretic is a supernatural blast-fest that is the most realistic, action-packed fantasy combat computer game for the PC. Created by the graphic masters at Raven Software in concert with the technical gurus of id Software, Heretic adds new levels of play and graphic wonder to the tried and true DOOM gaming environment. 486-33, 4 megs RAM, VGA, 10 megs HD space RSAC ADVISORY (tm), Violence: 3 Blood and Gore 3DTV11A.ZIP 974885 05.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.1 from 3D Realms! #1/3 -- Also needs 3DTV11B.ZIP & 3DTV11C.ZIP. "A 3D shooter that's part Star Wars and part Descent!" Computer Gaming World. Take flight in this futuristic action game, with huge, realistic levels, modem/net support, insane weapons & multi channel digital music/sound. Requires: 486/8MB RAM (4MB at your own risk) "The 3D worlds are breathtaking, like nothing seen before in games."Computer Player mag. 3DTV11B.ZIP 1441600 05.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.1 from 3D Realms! #2/3 -- Also needs 3DTV11A.ZIP & 3DTV11C.ZIP. 3DTV11C.ZIP 1449957 05.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.1 from 3D Realms! #3/3 -- Also needs 3DTV11A.ZIP & 3DTV11B.ZIP. Ŀ TOTAL KB : 19161 TOTAL FILES : 16 Ŀ AREANAME : GEP DESCRIPTION : SPIELE VON EPIC MEGAGAMES ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC $XARGON.ARJ 556892 14.01.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: XARGON 1: BEYOND REALITY A new release from Epic MegaGames: Intense arcade action meets bold exploration. You play the role of Malvineous on an expedition through gigantic, action-packed levels in the style of the award-winning Jill of the Jungle. Excellent 256-color art, highly animated enemies, Sound Blaster music/sound, and more! Requires 386/486, VGA, and nerves of steel. JILL12.ZIP 304800 26.07.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: New 256-color scrolling arcade adventure, supports VGA/EGA/CGA/Jys, Sound Blaster. HOT! Epic MegaGames brings you a new era in gaming with this immense 16-level world featuring Super Nintendo-quality animation, effects and sound track. Try JILL OF THE JUNGLE now! AMATH.ZIP 346334 25.10.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ADVENTURE MATH: Epic's New Educational Game! An excellent shareware learning experience from the makers of Jill of the Jungle. Solve addition & subtraction problems in 256 snazzy VGA colors. Adlib scores, Sound Blaster sound effects and voice! Makes learning fun for ages 5-10. Epic MegaGames, member ASP. ZONE66.ARJ 1324167 18.10.93 [ 1] Ballerspiel von Epic + Gus Support PINBALL2.ZIP 837771 24.05.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: EPIC PINBALL: Super Android A major new version of the ultra-popular pinball thriller from Epic MegaGames. Epic Pinball brings true arcade-style pinball to life on your PC. This update brings many hot new features to the original: Surround Sound for stereo sound cards, improved music and sound, and more! Epic Pinball is currently the #2 game on the Shareware Top Ten! SOLARWIN.ARJ 483697 09.06.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: ۲SOLARWINDSİ۲ Space Arcade-Adventure game from Epic MegaGames! *HOT* thriller -- 256-color VGA graphics, SOUND BLASTER musical sound track, digital sound effects, Joystick & mouse support. You are JAKE STONE, BOUNTY HUNTER. You'll take on the galaxy while a detailed STORY develops, revealing a devious plot. Commercial-quality 1993 shareware release from EPIC! 1JAZZ.ARJ 1422976 06.08.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: JAZZ JACKRABBIT from EPIC MEGAGAMES A GROUND-BREAKING game with ULTRA-SMOOTH, FAST VGA graphics, ROCKING Digital Audio with Surround Sound, and WHITE-HOT action. YOU MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT! Look out Sonic. Jazz Jackrabbit is coming towards you at light speed, and this little bunny carries a big gun! Lead the animated Jazz across the galaxy to save kidnapped bunny princess Eva Earlong. HOLHAR.EXE 1441024 11.12.94 [00] XMAS Jazz Jackrabbit Coole Grafik (im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes!) OMF20.ARJ 2931520 10.07.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ONE MUST FALL 2097: Version 1.1 Welcome to the future of fighting from Epic MegaGames. In the year 2097 steel will bend and sparks will fly. You control a massive robot through match after match of strategic fighting action. Blazing animation, stereo music & sound for all major sound cards, 1 or 2 player action. A true Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter killer--MUST SEE TO BELIEVE. Try the largest shareware game ever created! Ŀ TOTAL KB : 9423 TOTAL FILES : 9 Ŀ AREANAME : GDOOM DESCRIPTION : DOOM ZEUGS ACCESSLEVEL : NORMAL/ EPISODE4.ZIP 417204 23.05.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: DOOM Episode 4: Yahoos in Hell ============================== Here is a completely new episode for DOOM. All episodes can be completed without cheating. Only the best pwad releases were include in EPISODE4.WAD. EPISODE5.ZIP 525922 27.05.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: DOOM Episode 5: Yahoos Burning ============================== Here is a completely new episode for DOOM. All episodes can be completed without cheating. Only the best pwad releases were include in EPISODE5.WAD Thanks to all the pimply kids who have time to put these quality wads out! SUDTIC.ARJ 585422 16.07.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: The Innocent Crew presents: ---=[ Slaughter Until Death ]=--- a completely new episode for DOOM 9 new levels and additional graphics ------=[ Get it or die!! ]=------ DM1_2RPT.ZIP 450819 04.06.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: This patch file upgrades your DOOM v1.1 REGISTERED to DOOM v1.2 REGISTERED. Unzip into your DOOM directory and enter PATCH at the command line to upgrade Filename: DM1_2RPT.ZIP RDOOM.ZIP 72599 07.06.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: RanDOOM version 1.4 RanDOOM is a utility which will randomize the placement of objects in the DOOM playfield. Additionally, RanDOOM has some smarts about the manner in which it will randomize things - it's designed to never leave you with a pillar blocking the exit, or a keycard on the opposite side of the door from where you start, or to erase all the DEATHMATCH warp-in spots with other objects preventing DEATHMATCH network play, or to replace the endgame bosses with other objects (thus preventing the completion of an episode). In short, RanDOOM should always leave you with a playable level. BNBDOOM.ZIP 508523 19.06.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: Here it is! Beavis and Butthead doom patch! Makes the imps into Beavis and the demons into Butthead! Includes 3 levels and sounds! @X05 SWD HD TRSi/TRR CoURiER @X0 PYTHONWD.ZIP 381964 24.06.94 [ 1] Monty Python-sounds fuer Doom RGDMED.ZIP 131307 07.06.94 [ 4] Doom Editor von Renegade , V1.0 DMGRAP11.ZIP 41409 02.07.94 [ 7] Doom Grafik-Editor DMCH3.EXE 13462 07.06.94 [ 2] Doom-Cheat-3 STARDOOM.ARJ 1461375 16.07.94 [ 7] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ĵ The Ultimate Starwars-Collection 3 amazing , really big Missions Original Starwars-Soundtrack Original Starwars-Soundeffects Graphics Replacement And a lot more ... Requires The Full-Version of Doom Runs with 386 486+ Vlb strongly recommended ! SWLASER.ARJ 13834 07.08.94 [ 8] Wandelt Raketen in Laser um SDGUNS11.ZIP 64264 25.08.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: *************************** Super DooM Guns v1.1 New Guns for DooM: - Chaingun fires TWICE as fast - Pistol fires as fast as a real semi-auto pistol - FULL Auto Shotgun - Increased Bullet Capacity - See Through Plasma Gun Explosion - New Rocket Launcher FX and less likely to blowup infront of player *************************** D_PRISON.ARJ 302866 01.09.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: The Prison Project for DOOM ==================================== Find out your way of the High Tech prison, deep in the wastelands. Including a lot of new sounds, some new grafix and tons of fun. Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ô Release 22.7.94 ==============================[1/1]= R2WOLF.ARJ 688078 15.09.94 [07] Wolfenstein-Patch fuer Doom DM1666RP.ARJ 769737 25.09.94 [10] Description from File_id.diz: This patch file upgrades your DOOM v1.2 REGISTERED to DOOM v1.666 REGISTERED. Unzip into your DOOM directory and enter PATCHIT at the command line to upgrade NOTE: YOU MUST UPGRADE FROM DOOM v1.2. Filename: DM1666RP.ZIP DOOMTRK1.ARJ 199582 25.09.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Doom Trek Doomtrk1.WAD by Chris Maslin & Brian Hallinan DCC33.ARJ 82979 22.11.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: DOOM Control Center v3.3 - NEW! Supports DOOM 1 Run single/serial/modem/network games. Mouse-d user interface, control all aspects of modem an games WITHOUT command line parameters. Use ext WADs, edit chat macros, saved games. Re-assign of WAD files. Browse internal directory of WAD New features: - Supports DOOM v1.666 - Browse the level stats of WAD files - Add your own descriptions to WAD files SMRLDOOM.ZIP 50649 22.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Shoulder Mounted Rocket Launcher for Doom by Io [1/1] Puts the rocket launcher in doom where it should be. WADSFX9B.ARJ 32218 22.11.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: WadSFX 0.95 - DOOM SOUND EFFECTS EDITOR Creates WAD files from .VOC's or other sound WAD's. Sounds can be played from the editor on Sound Blaster compat. cards. Registered DOOM required. FREE! DEU300.ARJ 51006 29.01.95 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: DOOM EDITOR UTILITY VERSION 3.00! SHOOM_1.ARJ 166110 23.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: =(22/9/94)======================= ܱ ߱ ߱ ߱ ۱۱ 1st of S.H.O.O.M series ---===> PLAYER TO TROOPER <===--- Scare the hell out of your mates in a DeathMatch when you, the TROOPER, shoots em' w/ BFG9000!!! ===================(LoRd JeStEr)= PACDOOM.ZIP 80033 01.12.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: P A C - M A N D O O M A Graphics/Sound Patch File for DOOM 1.2 - The latest arrivals from the Inter-Dimensional Gateway... Yes, the PacMen have invaded DOOM... - "There's no turning back now." CRINGE1.ZIP 789467 01.12.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: [ MKDOOM ]Ŀ [ DOOM PWAD EPISODE 2 REPLACEMENT] This is IT! This is THE external WAD file for DOOM lovers! All NEW music! All NEW levels! Contains complete episode 2, levels 1 through 8 and secret level! Superb levels for Multi- player network, Deathmatch, or Single play. Totally external; never touches any of your original DOOM files. This ZIP file contains the new levels and music. Get the other two files and experience the entire ensemble of erradication. File [1/3] CRINGE2.ZIP 1337209 01.12.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: [ MK DOOM ]Ŀ [ DOOM PWAD EPISODE 2 REPLACEMENT] New Xtra BLOODY graphics! Check out the new Double-bladed Chainsaw, or the gold Chaingun and Rocket Launcher. Beware of the new character-The Son of the CyberDemon. Check out that death scene! Blue Demons, hanging chains with meat on it's hooks, plus a whole lot more. No more wondering who those guys hanging from the ceilings are; they're easily disinguished as your fellow Space Marine Officers who just weren't as good as you. This is the graphics patch for CRINGE! Totally external; never touches any of your original DOOM files. File [2/3] CRINGE3.ZIP 343683 01.12.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: [ MK DOOM ]Ŀ [ DOOM PWAD EPISODE 2 REPLACEMENT] New sounds for CRINGE! This file will make CRINGE! complete if you've got the first 2 already. It doesn't replace all of the originals, but makes it a little better for your playing enjoyment. This is the sounds patch for CRINGE! Totally external; never touches any of your original DOOM files.File [3/3] ALIENTCA.ARJ 928829 04.12.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: AL|ENS DOOM Total Conversion by Justin Fisher Some bug corrections, from suggestions of the net: fixed the order of WADS, to avoid player flashing in cooperative play; put another sound, to avoid occasional old imp death cry; increased the grid ceiling size, to limit aliasing. Includes DeHackEd patch and new sounds/graphics. Requires Doom 1.666 (registered!) Part 1 of 3 - Contains WAD files. ALIENTCB.ARJ 940170 04.12.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: AL|ENS DOOM Total Conversion by Justin Fisher Some bug corrections, from suggestions of the net: fixed the order of WADS, to avoid player flashing in cooperative play; put another sound, to avoid occasional old imp death cry; increased the grid ceiling size, to limit FEMDMSND.ARJ 38172 09.12.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: FEMDMSND.WAD - Female Player Sound Patch for Registered DOOM Version 1.2 - 1.666 to accompany FEMDOOM.WAD Graphic Patch. No-one suffered to make this WAD - honest! Written by Amanda, Ivor B. and Rob Lord. 90k 16th Oct. 1994 FLAMER11.ARJ 46758 09.12.94 [ 2] Flamethrower fuer Doom v1.1 Ersetzt den Plasma-Werfer inkl. Sounds FULLON.ARJ 242594 16.12.94 [00] Fullon Episode! 5 Neue Levels plus 4 modifizierte Level! Genial fuer Deathmatch!! APOC_DTH.ARJ 637083 16.12.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ( 0) ID: - This is the APOCALYP.WAD file with DMBGGGR.ZIP 15814 09.07.95 [00] Doom Beginners Guide , uebersetzt von Hendrik Fischer LOST2.ARJ 660255 31.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Title : Lost in Paris ][ Filename : LOST_*.WAD Author : Herv Benvel DMBLOODY.ARJ 437974 05.02.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: *** DOOM - BLOODY DUNGEONS OF HELL *** A VERY HARD NEW EPISODE FOR DOOM !!! Natuerlich nur Vollversion ! (Single & Multipla Laden mit: doom -file dmbloody.wad DMCAD51.ARJ 679739 05.02.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: DOOMCAD 5.1: THE state of the art Doom level creation facility. Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, prefab construction kit, FULL tutorial. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Fixes buggy 5.0 RMS249B.ZIP 21136 27.03.95 [00] Ein file , mit dem bis zu 5 leute gleichzeitig ueber serial Cabel spielen Koennen ! ( IPXSetup ersatz fuer doom 1 ! DOOMOS2.ZIP 351588 12.04.95 [00] Doom fuer OS/2 , benoetigt das Wad der 1.666 DMF1OF3.ARJ 1239256 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -*DOOM MUST FALL*- (1/3) The best of both worlds, this Total Conversion patch for DOOM v1.666 combines the characters of One Must Fall with the engine of DOOM and creates a totally new experience! Requires Registered DOOM v1.666 (work on v1.9 and DOOM2 in progress). Includes new graphics, sounds, music, levels (a whole episode), death match levels, weapons, executable, EVERYTHING! The biggest DOOM patch ever! Go crazy! -*The Avatar*- DMF2OF3.ARJ 921689 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -*DOOM MUST FALL*- (2/3) The best of both worlds, this Total Conversion patch for DOOM v1.666 combines the characters of One Must Fall with the engine of DOOM and creates a totally new experience! Requires Registered DOOM v1.666 (work on v1.9 and DOOM2 in progress). Includes new graphics, sounds, music, levels (a whole episode), death match levels, weapons, executable, EVERYTHING! The biggest DOOM patch ever! Go crazy! -*The Avatar*- DMF3OF3.ARJ 960405 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -*DOOM MUST FALL*- (3/3) The best of both worlds, this Total Conversion patch for DOOM v1.666 combines the characters of One Must Fall with the engine of DOOM and creates a totally new experience! Requires Registered DOOM v1.666 (work on v1.9 and DOOM2 in progress). Includes new graphics, sounds, music, levels (a whole episode), death match levels, weapons, executable, EVERYTHING! The biggest DOOM patch ever! Go crazy! -*The Avatar*- EDMAP140.ARJ 453940 11.08.95 [00] Der beste Doom Editor , den Es gibt ! DMIPX.ARJ 3743 04.08.95 [01] Doom IPX Treiber fuer Lantastic DM19RPAT.ARJ 511439 08.08.95 [03] Update von Doom 1.666 Reg. auf 1.9 DMAUD11A.ARJ 39400 08.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Dmaud upgrade 1.1a by Bill Neisius. Now it works with all of the sounds of Doom II. The docs are still from the old version of Dmaud so use the -l command to see all the sound addresses DM19_UD.ZIP 1067925 08.08.95 [02] Ultimate DOOm , komplette neue Episode fuer Doom 1.9 , von ID ! TALON3.ARJ 339269 08.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : HERE IT IS!! THE ULTIMATE COMPILATION This one is all original and includes: THE_KEEP ZINJJ THEKEEP2 MAZE CRUSHER BRIDGES PLUS....2 brand new never-b4 seen wads! So save some hard drive space (instead of getting each wad seperately0, and get them in this handy easy to download form!! (Besides, the two new wads kick!) - TALON D2V40.ARJ 97286 11.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : D2 v4.0, the ultimate DOOM2.EXE editor! Edit Thing, Ammo, Weapon and Frame tables and create new evil monsters or modify old ones. Cyber demons that look like players, super-fast rockets, invisible troopers, rapid-fire weapons, Infinite Ammo, and more! Six patches included, for super weapons, enemies that look like players, Imp fireball launcher, flame thrower and a Skull Launcer, or create your own! Works on DOOM2 v1.666, v1.7a, and 1.9 DCK20.ARJ 426216 11.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Doom Construction Kit v2.0 (Zerius Dev.) Edits DOOM, DOOM 2, and HERETIC maps. If you thought 1.0 was cool, check this out: DCK uses all the memory of your 386/486 computer to help you create intricate dungeons quickly and easily. DCK unobtrusively takes care of mundane tasks like sidedef, sector and vertex references, but still allows you complete control over the design of your map. DCK is fast, powerful, very intuitive and has a great interface. Requires DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 or Heretic, a mouse, a SuperVGA or VESA card, and a good imagination. Uncrippled *FREEWARE* by Ben Morris / ZDev DHE24.ARJ 86381 11.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : DeHackEd v2.4, the best Doom exe editor available! Minor improvements over v2.3 include smarter error handling in string loading, three more "unknown" bits found, and other minor fixes. Load the included patch for an incredible arsenal of super weapons! Includes mouse support and works with all versions of Doom from 1.2 to 1.9. DMANSI.ARJ 28318 11.08.95 [00] Ansis fuer Doom , sehen leider eher aus wie durch einen GIF2ANSI Konverter :-( DOOM.JPG 36367 11.08.95 [00] Ein erstes Bild aus dem kuenftigen Doom-Film! FLOTCUBE.ARJ 3983 11.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Demo-WAD fuer einen schwebenden Wuerfel ohne F_SKY1-Tricks GALERIA.ARJ 334905 11.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ϳ -=* LA GALERIA *=- ULTIMATE DEATHMATCH LEVEL ʹ THE BEST LEVEL FOR DEATH- MATCH IN DOOM ! 22 NEW Ϳ SOUNDS & RECORDED DEMO IN GALERIA WAD Ŀ DESIGNED BY MAD ALEX HANDBUCH.ARJ 39180 11.08.95 [00] Handbuch und Tips um Wads zu basteln HIROSHIM.ARJ 731010 11.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : HIROSHIM.WAD Authors Wes Ratliff & Tim Sommers A montage, or potpourri, if you will, of funny, cool, scary, etc. sounds for DOOM. If you can tell us where each quote (i.e not sfx) came from, we'll send YOU $25!!!! Listen, you may not like these sounds, but at least they're well-done! NWP.ARJ 188064 11.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : -----NWP for D00M ][ v1.0----- NWP: The New Weapons Pack for D00M ][. This patch replaces four Weapons within D00M, now with a new Laser-Rifle and Chain-Gun (from Dark-Forces) and the Shoulder Mounted Rocket Launcher and a new Plasma Rifle, also some sounds have changed. Also includes some sight to help you aim :) Now for D00M ][ !! ----------------------------- BFG.ARJ 4409 13.08.95 [00] Die 1000 duemmsten Doom-sprueche BIGSKY.ARJ 46953 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ¿ ر۲ Ʊ۳ !! DEATHMATCH ARENA !! ۲ Ʊ۳ BIGSKY wads using the ۲ Ʊ۳STRONGHOLD concept. Skill۲ Ʊ۳strategy and higher frag ۲ Ʊ۳scores are a givin. BIGSKY۲ Ʊ۳forces a straffing skill ۲ Ʊ۳which is rarely needed in ۲ Ʊ۳the reg. DOOM2 levels or۲ Ʊ۳other so-called deathmatch۲ Ʊ۳arenas. Less hiding, more۲ Ʊ۳fraging. This arena will ۲ Ʊ۳ improve your straffing ۲ Ʊ۳ skills - GUARANTEED! ۲ Ʊ۲ BORG_WAD.ARJ 49564 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : This file contains the graphics needed to change the Sargeant character to a Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Requires DOOM 1.666 Registered version and DMGRAPH 1.1 DOOM_E13.ARJ 830946 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͻ T H E A R E N A O F D E A T H ͹ NEW GREAT EPISODE FOR THE NR. ONE GAME DOOM FROM THE MAKERS OF "THUNDER RUN", "BLOODY DUNGEONS OF DOOM" AND "ESCAPE FROM HELL"! 9 NEW LEVEL WITH NEW GFX AND SOUNDS ! SINGLE & MULTIPLAYER !!! ͼ DTEPIS3.ARJ 306645 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͵THE 9 LEVELS OF HELLͻ Nine levels created by David Turpin with DEU. The Registered version of DOOM is Required to play these levels. ** NEW MUSIC ENCLOSED ** ͼ STORIES.ARJ 17142 13.08.95 [00] Die Komplette Doom-Story NWT103.ARJ 78929 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ NewWadTool by TiC NWT v1.3 Finally THE all-in-one utility for Doom, Doom II & HERETIC WAD files - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Extract & insert resources as RAW, GIF, PCX, WAV, VOC, MUS & PWAD EASY texture & pname editing! Play sounds & view any graphics WAD-cleaner - Replaces DMADDS/F > Updated version <Ĵ Ŀ WAD creators - DOWNLOAD THIS! Ĵ DEU53B9.RAR 427127 20.08.95 [00] Deu 5.3 Beta9 DMGPH11D.ARJ 38043 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : DOOM Graphic Editor - version 1.1d Nov 1994 **** By Bill Neisius *** DMGRAPH will store graphics into or extract graphics from DOOM WAD and PWAD files, in GIF or PPM formats. Graphic format type is controlled by the filename suffix, or by using the '-T' option on the command line. * New -w switch: Path to WAD File. * New -n switch: New graphic entry in PWAD not found in IWAD. Ŀ TOTAL KB : 23310 TOTAL FILES : 66 Ŀ AREANAME : GDOOM2 DESCRIPTION : DOOM2 ZEUGS ACCESSLEVEL : NORMAL/ DM2NIR.ARJ 27279 08.02.95 [05] Nirvana-Sounds fuer Doom II D2HOCKEY.ARJ 49193 08.02.95 [ 2] Das Doom Hockey Spiel fuer Doom 2 mit einigen kleinen Verbesserungen & Bugfixes D2NMERCY.ZIP 5199 21.03.95 [00] Doom 2 Level from Reptile (Doom2 NoMercy BLUDBTH3.ARJ 25559 21.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: This is the ultimate deathmatch level! 50 to 60 hours spent testing 2 player deathmatc Perfect layout of weapons and health! Every factor taken into consideration -weapon layout (all but the chainsaw)...no o -health layout (even the amount you can acqu -ammo (barely enough so keep goin back for m -warp in spots (6 total) -ambush spots -sounds (to locate where they are) -lighting (never to dark, but some dark enou -obstacles -consequences -even graghics -monsters (none) Play for hours and hours, and still come back f BLUES.ARJ 59082 13.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : DOOM2 DEATHMATCH - MAP 18 - LOTS OF HALLUCIN. WALLS + 2 CRUSHERS + A TELEFRAG TRAP DCITY.ARJ 36126 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͻ Another Cool Deathmatch WAD for DOOM II Good for 2 players and even better ͻ for 3 or 4 players ͹ By the one and only ͹ DarkAngel ͼ DESPAIR.ARJ 48434 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͻ An awesome Deathmatch WAD for DOOM II Good for 2 players and even better ͻ for 3 or 4 players ͹ By the one and only ͹ DarkAngel ͼ Ŀ TOTAL KB : 244 TOTAL FILES : 7 Ŀ AREANAME : GHERET DESCRIPTION : HERETIC SACHEN ACCESSLEVEL : NORMAL/ TOWERSOH.ARJ 46540 10.02.95 [01] Deathmatch The Best ! Fuer Heretic ! FORTLAV2.ARJ 46212 19.02.95 [01] DeathMatchLevel fuer Heretic HER_DUEL.ARJ 41564 19.02.95 [01] DeathMatchLevel fuer Heretic HRBALKIL.ARJ 8944 24.02.95 [03] DeathMatchLevel fuer Heretic ARENA31.ZIP 14688 19.02.95 [01] DeathMatchLevel fuer Heretic HEU1.ARJ 188704 08.02.95 [ 2] Der Kult editor fuer Doom (II) Jetzt in der Heretic version ( und mit daemlichen Namen ! DM2CNV16.ARJ 86671 19.02.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : DM2CONV v1.6 - BEST WAD CONVERTER! Convert DOOM WADs to run with DOOM2 or HERETIC. Fully configurable. Powerful object substitution! PUBLIC DOMAIN with sources. CORTDETH.ARJ 32474 26.02.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ---Courtyard of Death--- This Heretic file was converted from Slapme3 for DOOM ][. It's designed for deathmatch around a castle courtyard, and has some beasties added for those of you who want them around. It also has a few good snipe spots and two duck blinds. An LMP showing secrets added. KILLDS.TXT 1828 26.02.95 [ 2] Heretic: - How I killed d'Sparil HERSECTR.ARJ 3145 27.02.95 [01] Heretic: - All known sector definitions DROME.ARJ 18167 27.02.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Title : Earth Drome Filename : Drome.Wad Author : Jeffrey Steelman Episode and Level # : E1M1 for HERETIC Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds/Music : No New Graphics : No Comments : Remake of an old fa : Remake of an old favorite! GATE14.ARJ 191245 05.03.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : GATEKEEPER v1.4 DOOM 1.666, DOOM ][ 1.666+ -AND- HERETIC Launching Utilities: This is the program honored by id Software in both thier November '94 and December '94 id Software Press Releases! No other DOOM front end even compares! DOOM to DOOM ][ PWAD importer included! HHE10.ARJ 59890 09.03.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : HHE v1.0, the Heretic Hack Editor! Edit the Heretic v1.0 exe file to make the same fun alterations as the popular program DeHackEd for Doom. Slice and dice the internal data in Heretic to make your own fun creatures. Also included is the ever popular super weapons patch is also. Many improvements large and small throughout the program! HTDEJAVU.ARJ 17620 09.03.95 [01] Heretic: - deja vu - c/o mister dud. MAYBE1.ARJ 14295 09.03.95 [02] Heretic: - deathmatch HWE122.ARJ 155673 20.03.95 [00] Heretic: - HERED v1.22 Heretic Map Editor SCRAMBLE.ARJ 15679 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Deathmatch wad for Heretic. Lots of combat. Many opportunities to meet your opponent. INYF_HRT.ARJ 12766 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : HERETIC DeathMatch (E1M1) By Lou Garcia "IN YO FACE" (INYF_HRT.WAD) - A deathmatch only level without any monsters except your friend-become-prey. It's strictly move fast and kick ass from begining to end. First level in a developing Deathmatch only episode! Requires Registered version of HERETIC. E-mail me at IVORY TOWER BBS (305)-860-0307 H_PDATA1.ARJ 94554 20.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Pro-Data Deathmatch Wad for Heretic #1. A Big, fast-action Heretic Deathmatch Wad. Good ambush spots, but don't stay in one spot too long. This is a frag-a-second style wad. With 4 players, someone will always be getting fragged. Check out the Map!! Pro-Data Computers BBS 619-461-1756 4 Player Doom, Doom 2 & Heretic 22 CD Roms - 2 Gigs - 8 Lines ENT!HERT.ARJ 1283 21.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Heretic (ID) Full Cheat Codes HEINOUS.ARJ 44976 22.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͻ Oh! Most Heinous A level for heretic By Blackfist no sound changes, yet ͼ 1HCHURCH.ARJ 30467 26.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ***HCHURCH.WAD for Registered Heretic*** -----''''Church of the Heretic````------ Made by Jeff Buckland. Supports Single, Co-op, or Deathmatch play. Lots of tricks can be done with a Mace and a Tome of Power, so watch out! **************************************** Jeff Buckland (Buckster) / S.A., TX buckster@ephsa.sat.tx.us CAMELOT.ARJ 81527 31.03.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : A great new pwad for HERETIC - Camelot NEW MUSIC! and a totally original level. this one is designed for individual play, but works well with deathmatch or co-op multi-difficulty, good luck with smite- miester mode!........from.......JOE! PURPDTH4.ARJ 60986 31.03.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : New deathmatch level for Heretic! This one is small and very fast paced with few places to stop and rest. Reg version req. Replaces E1M3. Enjoy. HTICSPEC.ARJ 6031 11.04.95 [00] Heretic: - Unofficial Heretic Specs STEALTH2.ARJ 7224 11.04.95 [00] Heretic: - StealthELF HTICFAQ.ARJ 29547 11.04.95 [00] Heretic: - FAQ v1.0 MR4HTC.ARJ 12324 16.04.95 [00] Heretic: - Markroom for Heretic PENDPP12.ARJ 11462 16.04.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : -=Pendelton's Playpen 1.2=- wad files for DOOM, DOOM 2, & Heretic This is a fast and simple level for Deathmatch play using deathmatch 2 rules. There's no exits on this baby. It's do or die until time runs out. CHAOS31.ARJ 61800 17.04.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ CHAOS31.WAD CHAOS31.WAD ۲ ÿ ------------ ------------ * ONE NEW LEVEL FOR REG'd HERETIC ONE NEW LEVEL FOR REG'd HERETIC!!!! * FOR DEATHMATCH, SINGLE, OR CO-O FOR DEATHMATCH, SINGLE, OR CO-OP PLAY * LOTS OF SECRET/HIDDEN AREAS LOTS OF SECRET/HIDDEN AREAS * BEST FOR DEATHMATCH, SINGLE.... BEST FOR DEATHMATCH, SINGLE.... * MADE FOR SPECIFICALLY FOR MODEM MADE FOR SPECIFICALLY FOR MODEM PLAY!! * CREATED BY "Kent the' Hacker" CREATED BY "Kent the' Hacker" FRO_PWAD.ARJ 76525 18.04.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Frodo PWAD for DOOM2 and Heretic DOOM2 lev for DOOM2 and Heretic DOOM2 level 1, 2, and 3 Heretic e1m1, m2, and m3 HERE_MAP.ARJ 132205 18.04.95 [00] Heretic: - maps HER_CODE.ARJ 664 18.04.95 [00] Herectic: - codes HSTLTH2.ARJ 7223 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - new level HTOWER.ARJ 22080 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - The tower wad for KNT_KEEP.ARJ 54161 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - KNIGHT_KEEP Episode 1 Map 2 HTRINITY.ARJ 355251 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - beta version LAVA_PIT.ARJ 24014 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - PWAD built HCOBUGD1.ARJ 1198 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : COBUG Deathmatch V1.0 for Heretic V1.0 This is a no holds barred battle to the death featuring 9 of the most diverse and difficult levels That could put together. There are no working exits so these settings are recomended when playing Deathmatch 2.0 setting with a 5 minute time limit and monsters. Yes, there are monsters, makes it a little more interesting. HCRTYARD.ARJ 10140 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - The Sinister Courtyard HDUNG1.ARJ 21716 19.04.95 [00] Heretic: - Dungeon 1 HERETRIX.ARJ 232485 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ HERETRIX.WAD HERETRIX.WAD ۲ ÿ ------------ v1 ------------ v1,000,001 * ALL NEW EPISODE 3 FOR HERETIC!! ALL NEW EPISODE 3 FOR HERETIC!!!!!! * LEVELS 1-7 LEVELS 1-7 * FOR DEATHMATCH, SINGLE, OR CO-O FOR DEATHMATCH, SINGLE, OR CO-OP PLAY * LOTS OF SECRET/HIDDEN AREAS LOTS OF SECRET/HIDDEN AREAS * LOAD'S OF ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR Y LOAD'S OF ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR DEATH- * MATCHING PLEASURE. MATCHING PLEASURE. * CHOOSE HIGHEST DIFFICULTY SETTI CHOOSE HIGHEST DIFFICULTY SETTING... * TO HAVE DEATHMATCH WITH BOSSES TO HAVE DEATHMATCH WITH BOSSES ONLY, * NEW-WELL DESIGNED/TESTED LEVELS NEW-WELL DESIGNED/TESTED LEVELS..... * NOT A BUNCH OF PWADS SLAPPED TO NOT A BUNCH OF PWADS SLAPPED TOGETHER! * CREATED BY "Kent the' Hacke CREATED BY "Kent the' Hacker" ۲ UL201.ARJ 177829 08.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : The ULTIMATE Launcher For DOOM(II) & HERETIC! - Fully Supports DOOM(II) & HERETIC! - Menu-Driven Access To All Game Options! - Fully Supports Multi-Player Games! - WADs Are ZIPed Until Needed! - Handles Over 8000 WAD Files Per Game! - Allows 6 Separate Saved Games Per WAD! - Built In Map Viewer! - Keeps Track Of Date/Time/Elapsed Time WAD Was Played! - MUCH MUCH MORE! Ŀ TOTAL KB : 2454 TOTAL FILES : 43 Ŀ AREANAME : GVGA DESCRIPTION : VGA-PLANETS SUPPOURT ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC VGAPL300.ARJ 944520 05.04.93 [14] Vga Planets 3.00 VGAGER.ZIP 59213 15.05.93 [16] Deutsche Doc zu Vga-Planets BSIM2.ZIP 134939 18.01.95 [08] Battle Simulator ][ fuer VGA-Planets PLNAEDIT.ZIP 30819 23.11.94 [ 5] UTIL zu VGAPLANETS veraendert Planetennamen SCOHIS.ZIP 28799 23.11.94 [ 2] UTIL zu VGAPLANETS auswertung der Daten? SHIPDESI.ZIP 52201 23.11.94 [ 7] UTIL zu VGAPLANETS errechnet Kosten fuer Schiffsbau HOST315.ZIP 178245 23.11.94 [06] Hier ist der Host 3.15a Nitro fuer VGAPlanets GALTRAK.ZIP 52479 23.11.94 [ 2] Galactic Traker fuer VGAPLANETS (UTIL) ALTLIST3.ARJ 24041 16.12.94 [ 5] Schiffslisten Ersatz fuer VgaPlanets ALTLIST4.ARJ 23352 18.06.95 [00] Alternative Schiffsliste 4 ALTLIST5.ARJ 14295 18.06.95 [00] Alternative Schiffsliste 5 PLANETS.ARJ 145765 20.12.94 [23] Update fuer VgaPlanets , ist dringend notwendig fuer den reg. Patch ! ONEPLAYE.ZIP 162375 24.12.94 [15] Util um Vga-Planets auch alleine gegen denn Computer spielen zu koennen. Echt gut VPTDOS38.ZIP 131775 22.01.95 [ 3] util fuer vpl 3.0 VPMAP014.ZIP 42740 22.01.95 [ 7] Generiert Karten fuer VgaPlanets BEYE20.ARJ 26701 22.01.95 [ 4] Bullseye - Util zum Planen von Hyperspace spruengen WORM034.ARJ 38553 28.01.95 [06] wurmloecher leicht gemacht aber nur fuer vgaplanets 3.00 aber sonst ist cool men KILLRACE.ZIP 36407 21.03.95 [02] Loescht Races aus einem aktiven Spiel VPLMOD1A.ZIP 62513 21.03.95 [03] Automatisiert Spielerzuege HST32B3B.ARJ 369554 18.06.95 [00] Neuer Host 3.2 B3b. Konfigurieren ist notwendig-> neue Hconfig-Optionen. Bugfixes und neue Regeln incl. VGA-HINT.ARJ 52413 08.06.95 [00] Gute Tips zu VPL aus dem Internet. CRACK.ARJ 30991 08.06.95 [00] Crackt Playerfiles, nur fuer den Host, nur mit Host-Datafiles! ANAL27.ARJ <> MAPGEN13.ARJ 33189 18.06.95 [00] Map Generator, jetzt auch mit Spiralarm-Galaxien. Vielleicht fuer die naechste Runde? VSCORE13.ARJ 35052 08.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: VGA Score v1.3 - An enhanced scoring system for VGA Planets 3.0. Nearly every asset of an empire is included. A must for hosts. VPLR250.ARJ 174190 05.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ¿ ۲ VPLRead 2.50 for VGA Planets 3.0 Great tool for VGA Planets players, includes databases for messages, planets, starbases, ships, meteors, scores and mines. Stores information from dark-sense, super-spy, mine-sweep, sensor-sweep, meteor-messages, and exploration. The contents of the databases are shown visually on a starchart. Built-in message- editor. Shell-function, all your favourite planets-tools can be integrated in the program. ORAKEL.ARJ 19754 22.01.95 [06] Description from File_id.diz: Orakel V 1.0 Vorhersage von : -Wachstum der Colonisten -Wachstum der Natives -Stimmungsaenderung der Colonisten -Stimmungaenderung der Natives FREEWARE by J.H. MAXVGA.LZH 11945 25.11.94 [04] Max/2 Vga-Planets-Door MXOPLI20.ZIP 96540 05.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Maximus-OS2PLANETS-Interface Version 2.0 Dieses "Door" ermglicht das Anmelden, und das UP- und DOWNloaden der RST- und TRN-Files, unter Maximus(evtl. auch bei anderen OS/2-BBS-Systemen siehe Doku). MXVPLI20.ZIP 96601 05.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Maximus-VGAPLANETS-Interface Version 2.0 Dieses "Door" ermglicht das Anmelden, und das UP- und DOWNloaden der RST- und TRN-Files, unter Maximus(evtl. auch bei anderen OS/2-BBS-Systemen siehe Doku). IMP206A.ARJ 322751 15.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ۲ ۲ ۲ IMP 206 PRE ۲ ۲ ۲ OFFLINE-STRATEGIE-SPIEL fr bis zu 12 Teilnehmer, bei dem fanatische Herr- scher in einer fernen Galaxie um die Vormacht kmpfen. Jeder spielt dabei offline am eigenen Rechner mit diesem Terminal; die Aus- wertung aller Zugdateien erfolgt beim Spielleiter, der die Resultate wieder an die Spieler austeilt. je nach Einstellung 50-180 Plane- ten, 20-50 Raumschiffstypen Forschung, Bndnismens, diverse Charaktere, Finanzbersicht, Steu- erliste, Planetenverwstung, Spio- nage, anonyme und offene Nachrich- ten, Know-How-Transfers, Minen, Sprengungen, spielinterne Zeitung, optional Zufallsereignisse, Spe- zialschiffe usw. usw. SVGA, Soundblaster-Untersttzung, komplett mausgesteuert, Scrolling Tutor, der anhand von bungsaufga- ben ins Spiel einfhrt Idiotensichere, deutsche Anleitung, Onlinehilfe -------------------------------------- Die Hostfiles sind in diesem File bri- gens nicht enthalten, sondern getrennt als AWP206A erhltlich. ====================================== ====================================== English information and first transla- tions for this popular german offline- strategy-game now also included - don't miss it ! GALABANK.ARJ 37968 15.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Galactic Bank ist ein Geld Transfer Tool fr VGA Planets ab Host 3.20 AWP206A.ARJ 181785 15.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ۲ ۲ ۲ AWP 206 A ۲ ۲ ۲ Dieses Paket enthlt die Dateien, die bentigt werden, um das neue Offline-Strategie-Spiel IMP zu leiten. Das IMP-Terminal, das zum Spielen bentigt wird, ist nicht enthalten, sondern mu separat als IMP206A.ARJ besorgt werden. VPLALIEN.ARJ 43514 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ALIENS! for VGA Planets 3.5 We've all seen the movies... now the ALIENS are invading the Echo Cluster. This Add-On for Host 3.2x provides a new, common enemy for all players, as well as the possibility to use ALIEN-infested ships as bioweapons. EDPLN100.ZIP 23691 18.06.95 [00] Editierprogramm fuer Host. Veraendern der Bilder etc. HULLREAD.ZIP 26019 18.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: HULLREAD displays the complete Shipspecs! VPUT315.ARJ 511197 18.06.95 [00] Das ultimative VPL-Tool. Kann ALLES verwalten, anschaulich machen etc. (Man kann auch von dort Cargo transp. und Schiffe bewegen!) STRBS1-2.ZIP 366504 09.07.95 Description from File_id.diz: Starbase+ SHAREWARE v1.02 (regular release) for VGA Planets 3.5 2 Bug fixes since v 1.0 Copyright ( 1995 Dave Killingsworth - All Right Overview Starbase+ is an add-on utility for VGA takes advantage of the AUXHOST features found i add-on provides starbases with more inherent ab abilities is the ability to sweep mines, lay mi and use medium deep space freighters to carry s between starbases. VPLALN13.ARJ 48056 09.07.95 Description from File_id.diz: ALIENS! for VGA Planets 3.5, V1.3 New Version featuring logfile of the important ALIEN activities and (much) smarter beasts... It has become even more difficult to stop them! Ŀ TOTAL KB : 4561 TOTAL FILES : 38 Ŀ AREANAME : GIDX DESCRIPTION : INDEX-LISTEN ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC IND_0495.ARJ 58772 25.04.95 Index_Liste aus 4/95 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 57 TOTAL FILES : 1 Ŀ AREANAME : P01 DESCRIPTION : NODELISTEN UND ZUSATZPROGRAMME ACCESSLEVEL : WORTHY/ BTPOINT.ARJ 1071158 14.06.94 [ 4] Binkley-Point-Paket FDPACK.ARJ 1496249 17.07.94 [10] Vorinstalliertes Fd-Packet NODESR24.L34 60673 05.03.95 [00] Nodeliste Vereinigte Region24 NODELIST.ZIP 1098777 20.08.95 [12] Die aktuelle Nodelist NODEDIFF.A83 <> NODEDIFF.A90 <> NODE024L.ZIP 143576 23.04.95 [01] Nodes024 Light NODEDIFF.A02 37848 23.07.95 [01] Aktuelle Fido-Nodediff NODEDIFF.A09 9996 29.07.95 [01] Nodediff day 209 NODEDIFF.A16 201859 05.08.95 [01] Aktuelle Fido-Nodediff NODEDIFF.A23 91460 12.08.95 [01] Aktuelle Fido-Nodediff NODEDIFF.A30 35204 19.08.95 Aktuelle Fido-Nodediff Ŀ TOTAL KB : 4147 TOTAL FILES : 10 Ŀ AREANAME : P02 DESCRIPTION : POINTLISTEN AUS DEM 2454ER ACCESSLEVEL : WORTHY/ 120POINT.PVT 472 25.10.94 [ 1] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.09.94 121POINT.PVT 668 25.10.94 [ 1] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.09.94 460POINT.PVT 329 25.10.94 [ 1] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.09.94 524POINT.PVT 1473 19.06.95 [16] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.09.94 MRPOINTS.ZIP 21673 17.08.94 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.09.94 112POINT.PVT 812 25.10.94 [ 5] Pointliste der konTRAST-BBS 116POINT.PVT 494 25.10.94 [ 5] Pointliste der Blubber Box 95POINT.PVT 2502 28.11.94 Pointliste 2:2454/95 500POINT.PVT 492 02.01.95 Neueste Pointliste der 2:2454/500 518POINT.PVT 1036 02.01.95 Pointliste Gero, 2:2454/518 124POINT.PVT 734 21.01.95 Pointliste der Blue Moon 440POINT.PVT 2740 19.02.95 Pointliste der ReDiBox fuer das FidoNet 300POINT.PVT 1326 23.02.95 Pointlist der CIB-BBS vom 22.2.95 345POINT.PVT 1162 02.03.95 Pointliste des Pipesmoker's Paradise BBS 515POINT.PVT 1518 31.03.95 Pointliste der Black-Box, 2:2454/515 355POINT.PVT 578 13.03.95 Pointliste der HellRazor's 92POINT.PVT 1256 16.03.95 Pointliste der Pellenz-Box 207POINT.PVT 726 23.03.95 Pointliste Inka's Sky 2:2454/207 93POINT.PVT 1333 27.03.95 Pointliste PianoBar 50POINT.PVT 2427 07.04.95 Pointlist Higli-Box 2:2454/50 109POINT.PVT 1286 26.04.95 Pointliste der FANtasia Film-BBS 325POINT.PVT 475 28.04.95 Pointliste der IMMI's Programmers Box 97POINT.PVT 3226 03.05.95 Pointliste der Klystron Box 100POINT.PVT 1789 10.05.95 Pointliste der Walhalla 420POINT.PVT 505 14.05.95 Neue pointliste der /420 340POINT.PVT 510 16.05.95 Pointlist 520POINT.PVT 1999 22.05.95 Neueste Pointliste der 2:2454/520 523POINT.PVT 933 22.05.95 aktuelle Pointliste der 2:2454/523 105POINT.PVT 844 24.05.95 Pointliste Gummibaer 111POINT.PVT 2610 14.06.95 Pointliste der Wild_Planet 123POINT.PVT 453 15.06.95 Pointliste Knucklejoint 99POINT.PVT 2121 17.06.95 Pointliste der HEAVENS PIPE 117POINT.PVT 1062 24.06.95 Pointliste Shuttle to Heaven 306POINT.PVT 639 08.07.95 Pointliste Paranomina (Uwe Eischens, 2:2454/306) 315POINT.PVT 1121 11.07.95 FidoNet Pointliste Upd. der *COOLMAN BBS* 222POINT.PVT 1275 13.07.95 Pointliste der DogCity-Box 98POINT.PVT 2726 13.07.95 Pointliste der Heavens Gate 410POINT.PVT 855 17.07.95 Neue Pointliste der Taunus-BBS 130POINT.PVT 3148 29.07.95 Pointliste BammBamm 106POINT.PVT 699 08.08.95 Pointliste der HEAVENS-DATABASE 201POINT.PVT 2032 09.08.95 Pointliste Unikum 2:2454/201 Manfred Jackel, Siershahn 108POINT.PVT 1784 13.08.95 Pointliste der N-Box 550POINT.PVT 1710 13.08.95 Pointliste der Rheinland-Box 91POINT.PVT 1544 17.08.95 Pointliste SchachCafe 118POINT.PVT 592 17.08.95 Pointliste von Elle's Fischteich Ŀ TOTAL KB : 77 TOTAL FILES : 45 Ŀ AREANAME : P03 DESCRIPTION : NODELISTEN AUSM SKNYET ACCESSLEVEL : WORTHY/ SKYNET.350 <> SKYNET.357 <> SKYNET.006 <> SKYNET.013 <> SKYNET.020 <> SKYNET.027 <> SKYNET.034 <> SKYNET.076 <> SKYNET.097 <> SKYNET.104 <> SKYNET.111 <> SKYNET.118 <> SKYNET.132 9091 22.05.95 -=SkyNet-Nodeliste=- first List from 166:700/0 alte Listen bitte mit Ŀ TOTAL KB : 8 TOTAL FILES : 1 Ŀ AREANAME : S01 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /C64 ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC C-64.RAR 13851 06.04.95 [00] !!commodore-64!! GHOST.RAR 49005 06.04.95 [00] ghost HUBBARD.RAR 97075 06.04.95 [00] hubbard's upper 5 MEGAMIX.RAR 54254 06.04.95 [00] mega mix '88 SKYDANCE.RAR 44839 06.04.95 [00] ottifantendemo Ŀ TOTAL KB : 252 TOTAL FILES : 5 Ŀ AREANAME : S02 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /CHIPSTYLE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 10K.RAR 4470 06.04.95 [00] 10kblur 40KINTRO.RAR 4660 06.04.95 [00] 40k-intro 4KINGS.RAR 14547 06.04.95 [00] iMAT-kwww? AKALAILA.RAR 3096 06.04.95 [00] <<<< AKALAILA >>>> ANARCH07.RAR 2626 06.04.95 [00] anarchy.07 ATOMIC.RAR 4178 06.04.95 [00] atom henge AUTO.RAR 13910 06.04.95 [00] auto BEAVER.RAR 4520 06.04.95 [00] curm.what beaver?? BOB.RAR 7940 06.04.95 [00] bob le cintre BOUH.RAR 8101 06.04.95 [00] bouh BREAKDOW.RAR 7551 06.04.95 [00] breakdown CABINET.RAR 12388 06.04.95 [00] -cabinet plouf CAMEROON.RAR 7960 06.04.95 [00] cameroon dark!!! CHANGES.RAR 2522 06.04.95 [00] -changes CHIPS.RAR 9458 06.04.95 [00] j.chips#0088 CLARKE2.RAR 2673 06.04.95 [00] clarke2 COMPOTE.RAR 5292 06.04.95 [00] compote-fraise CYBERIAD.RAR 2201 06.04.95 [00] cyberiad CYBER_II.RAR 42166 06.04.95 [00] cybernoid ii.fix DAYOFJOY.RAR 4476 06.04.95 [00] day of joy DOWNSTAI.RAR 4531 06.04.95 [00] downstairs ECHO.RAR 5941 06.04.95 [00] echo 1 FYVUSH.RAR 8278 06.04.95 [00] MIS' KYRP'SI LUURAA? INTROGHO.RAR 4761 06.04.95 [00] introghost LORD.RAR 19812 06.04.95 [00] Lord dirion LOST.RAR 3110 06.04.95 [00] lost scrotum MENTAL.RAR 2748 06.04.95 [00] mental madness PLANET.RAR 5359 06.04.95 [00] Planet Ahead PULLOVER.RAR 4012 06.04.95 [00] pullover PURPSHAD.RAR 3936 06.04.95 [00] purple-shades PWEEKEND.RAR 6404 06.04.95 [00] -puter weekend RABAN.RAR 5639 06.04.95 [00] raban train SCISS.RAR 4831 06.04.95 [00] scissors mix2 SECRET.RAR 5072 06.04.95 [00] secret gardens SEEKING.RAR 10501 06.04.95 [00] seeking_sanctuary SHAMPOO.RAR 7214 06.04.95 [00] shampoo SHORT.RAR 12432 06.04.95 [00] short-loadingtune SKYRIDE.RAR 3723 06.04.95 [00] skyride SMALLISH.RAR 2337 06.04.95 [00] smallish.b_iv+ SOUNDCHI.RAR 5643 06.04.95 [00] soundchip44 SPACEJAM.RAR 15259 06.04.95 [00] Space jam herherher SPIRITS.RAR 16019 06.04.95 [00] Ancient Spirits SPOT.RAR 10214 06.04.95 [00] spotlights STREAM.RAR 15438 06.04.95 [00] stream flight SUOMALA.RAR 5767 06.04.95 [00] suomalainen jylhyys SUOMI.RAR 6520 06.04.95 [00] le nacht.grim SYNTH2.RAR 4809 06.04.95 [00] synth2 SYNTH88.RAR 8867 06.04.95 [00] synth88 TEAMWORK.RAR 56202 06.04.95 [00] teamwork VIINAAA.RAR 7512 06.04.95 [00] .-b-.viinaaa VIRGIN.RAR 49572 06.04.95 [00] virgin WIN.RAR 18807 06.04.95 [00] posisions WIZ.RAR 13434 06.04.95 [00] wizardry WORK'IN.RAR 18189 06.04.95 [00] work'in GI_MOD.RAR <> 6CHN MOD FILE LEGEND DESIGN [01/01] BBSTRO.RAR 2301 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.04.95 TC.RAR 6188 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 06.04.95 WFRED.ZIP 26988 02.06.95 [00] Whistling Fred CHIPTOON.ARJ 389809 17.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: SAM / IMPHOBIA CASCADA PRESENTS HIS CUTE LITTLE <<<< CHIPTUNE COLLECTION >>>> BY TALENTS LIKE: LIZARDKING/TRITON * TDK / MELON DOH / CRYPTOBURNERS * EMAX/TRSI ZODIAK/IMPCDA* JOGEIR LILJEDAHL PURPLE MOTION/FC * SOME1 /RAZOR REFLEX/MOVEMENT * HEATBEAT/CNCD SVOLKRAQ/GOLLUM * WOTW/ ESSENCE ETC,ETC,ETC.... TIXTUNE LOVERS WILL ENJOY THIS! [LOTUS SOUND BBS +49 40 5551813] NX95-SMT.ZIP 273999 11.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ETERNITY II - DEEP IN YOUR EYES ------------------------------- 2ND PLACE IN AMIGA 4CHNL COMPO! ------------------------------- COMPOSED BY : SMT/HAUJOBB PLAYTIME : 15:00 MINUTES(!) Ŀ TOTAL KB : 1207 TOTAL FILES : 59 Ŀ AREANAME : S03 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /DIGITAL ( IN DER ART WIE CRYSTAL DREAMS) ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC CD2MODS.RAR 762755 06.04.95 [00] The decalogue/Ambient power Desert dawn/Trans atlantic Crystal Dreams 2 Mods CD_STAR.RAR 145421 06.04.95 [00] crystal starlight DARKDAY.RAR 45129 06.04.95 [00] DARK DAYS DIGITAL.RAR 59790 06.04.95 [00] Digital Dreamer ENIGMA.RAR 128841 06.04.95 [00] enigma FREESTYL.RAR 53006 06.04.95 [00] FREESTYLE LOOM.RAR 76039 06.04.95 [00] FRUIT OF THE LOOM PARTY3.RAR 100667 06.04.95 [00] Trip to heaven WORLDOF.RAR 182717 06.04.95 [00] world of fantasy DOS.RAR 128701 12.05.95 [00] Doskop , Module by Lizardking WILD_MCA.ZIP 427852 18.04.95 [00] Gutes Mod! von Lizardking COMPULSN.ZIP 264953 23.08.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ COMPULSION TO OBEY by LIZARDKING / TRN This module came first at the Assembly 1994 4 channel music competition Ĵ [iMAGiNATiON] V_ESTRNG.ZIP 221625 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ Third place on the MC2 Music Contest 94 (Veteran) Songname : Estranged Type : MOD Author : Khyron Country : USA ; -].DIZ[- Made By CyBeR JoBe POINTBREAK+3211436925 V_OVERLD.ZIP 227337 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ Fourth place on the MC2 Music Contest 94 (Veteran) Songname : Maximum Overload Type : MOD Author : Synth Dream PC Country : NETHERLAND ; -].DIZ[- Made By CyBeR JoBe POINTBREAK+3211436925 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 2758 TOTAL FILES : 14 Ŀ AREANAME : S04 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /FUNKY ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC BARBRIAN.RAR 122385 06.04.95 [00] bar-brian DANCING.RAR 118757 06.04.95 [00] dancin'nation DRAGFUNK.RAR 124575 06.04.95 [00] dragonsfunk ELYSIUM.RAR 86042 06.04.95 [00] elysium GHOUSE.RAR 137696 06.04.95 [00] grosshouse GUM.RAR 102112 06.04.95 [00] gummisnoppis HELLA.RAR 146501 06.04.95 [00] MOD.digi-mix1 HIGHLAND.RAR 112987 06.04.95 [00] highlands JUMP.RAR 87039 06.04.95 [00] jump.funkyremix MADNES.RAR 50154 06.04.95 [00] _ sound of madness. PHANTASI.RAR 243700 04.01.80 [00] phantasie PROX2.RAR 86563 06.04.95 [00] px.bladswede remix! STAGEBOX.RAR 118666 06.04.95 [00] stagebox TIED-UP.RAR 110200 04.01.80 [00] WAITFOR.RAR 101518 06.04.95 [00] wait for you BOO.RAR 205350 12.04.95 [00] boo OUTTERFU.ZIP 94324 01.06.95 [00] Outer Funk BUD.ZIP 159399 10.04.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: ----------- ----- | The Party '94 Release: | "BUD" - by Moby & Ra of Nooon.. | | [MultiCh compo] ------- ----- STAiRWAY TO HEAVEN | +45 747-263-03 28k8 3.6G -- ----------- PHUNG.ZIP 246052 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ڿ THE GATHERiNG 1995 ڿ 4 channel competition release Title : Phunq eternal ڿ Author: Interphace / Andromed.ڿ [iMAGiNAtiON SERVES YA] Ŀ TOTAL KB : 2396 TOTAL FILES : 19 Ŀ AREANAME : S05 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /HARD'N'HEAVY ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ANARCHY2.RAR 74033 06.04.95 [00] anarchy2 BETWEEN.RAR 109307 06.04.95 [00] between the eyes CORTOUCH.RAR 133961 06.04.95 [00] cortouchka! HARDCORE.RAR 137451 06.04.95 [00] TDT-LAMER-HARDCORE IMPOS.RAR 23427 06.04.95 [00] impossibility -h.m. LIV.RAR 107105 06.04.95 [00] mod.jam MET.RAR 130658 06.04.95 [00] the priests ii MOD_HEAV.RAR 601605 06.04.95 [00] heavymonger.p53 ORION1.RAR 75466 06.04.95 [00] orion SANDMAN.RAR 53688 06.04.95 [01] sandman.pal T-STRUCK.RAR 182037 06.04.95 [00] thunderstruck THISISTR.RAR 94768 06.04.95 [00] this is thrash TRASHCOL.RAR 54977 06.04.95 [00] trash-collector SMOKEWAT.ZIP 53216 02.06.95 [00] Smoke on the Water Ŀ TOTAL KB : 1788 TOTAL FILES : 14 Ŀ AREANAME : S06 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /POP ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ABACAB.RAR 99376 06.04.95 [00] abacab ALF.RAR 54950 06.04.95 [00] alftheme ALICIA.RAR 47447 06.04.95 [00] alicia ALPHA05.RAR 26763 06.04.95 [00] Saxophone dreams BAD.RAR 158243 06.04.95 [00] bad BIGJAPAN.RAR 56357 06.04.95 [00] BigInJapan BOOM-B.RAR 414122 06.04.95 [00] boom-boomin' you BREATH2.RAR 65807 04.01.80 [00] Every Brth You Take BROKEN.RAR 23534 06.04.95 [00] broken wings BST.RAR 33582 06.04.95 [00] bst CROCKETT.RAR 80753 04.01.80 [00] crockett DONTWORR.RAR 22844 06.04.95 [00] dont-worry DRIVEMEC.RAR 56031 06.04.95 [00] drive me crazy FOOTLOOS.RAR 56514 06.04.95 [00] lets hear my baby FRENCHKI.RAR 190748 06.04.95 [00] FrenchKiss GHOSTB2.RAR 89415 06.04.95 [00] ghostbusters ii HELMUT-K.RAR 133817 06.04.95 [00] Die Aerzte: Helmut K ICE_BABY.RAR 39466 06.04.95 [00] ice ice baby MAMA.RAR 115253 06.04.95 [00] mama(new) MICHELLE.RAR 13978 06.04.95 [00] Michelle PAPADONT.RAR 54332 06.04.95 [00] papa dont preach PHIL_COL.RAR 116559 06.04.95 [00] tar-concert in air RUCKSA.RAR 119363 04.01.80 [00] SCRIMI.RAR 89869 06.04.95 [00] smoothcriminal SHOUT.RAR 84611 06.04.95 [00] shoutitout SLOWROCK.RAR 18418 06.04.95 [00] slow rock THATSALL.RAR 100001 06.04.95 [00] thats all M12_MODS.RAR 821132 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 REVAMP.RAR 203923 17.04.95 [00] Revampness / hoert sich an wie aus der ElementsDemo TILLFRID.RAR 92520 17.04.95 [00] TILLFRIDAY LATENGTS.ZIP 351474 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: [MOD] Late Nights by Mr. Man/Andromeda! *** GRRREAT! *** Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3741 TOTAL FILES : 31 Ŀ AREANAME : S07 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /POPSYNTHI ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 3EDGES.RAR 149130 06.04.95 [00] 3 Edges -= tR/\Sh =- BEY.RAR 336635 06.04.95 [00] beyond_music DAS_OMEN.RAR 76835 06.04.95 [00] das omen (xy.tpp) DEPECHE.RAR 46453 06.04.95 [00] visions ENOLA.RAR 47125 06.04.95 [00] enola_gay GLOBAL_T.RAR 111635 06.04.95 [00] global trash 3 v2 GO.RAR 88144 06.04.95 [00] go west HSL_KRAF.RAR 81711 04.01.80 [00] hsl kraftwerk jarre HYSTERIA.RAR 53237 06.04.95 [00] hysteria IMPERIUM.RAR 126597 04.01.80 [00] Imperium ITSALAW.RAR 75053 06.04.95 [00] KLISJE.RAR 122243 06.04.95 [00] klisje paa klisje MOONLIGH.RAR 27305 06.04.95 [00] moonlight shadow NEVEREND.RAR 43489 04.01.80 [00] NEVERENSTORYRIPP NEVERSAY.RAR 47954 06.04.95 [00] never.say.goodbye OVERLOAD.RAR 136936 06.04.95 [00] overload POW.RAR 133304 06.04.95 [00] power of the roots REMIX.RAR 66951 06.04.95 [00] -remix-1.1- SHADOWRU.RAR 129271 06.04.95 [00] Shadowrun STORIES.RAR 61277 06.04.95 [00] stories never end2 SUP.RAR 39066 06.04.95 [00] super-baz TURRICAN.RAR 74693 06.04.95 [00] turrican-ii-remix DEFLORAT.ZIP <> SUNDANCE.RAR 222302 04.01.80 [00] DEFLORAT.RAR 316063 06.04.95 [00] Defloration , supergeniales Modfile COLD.ZIP 115397 01.06.95 [00] Die richtige Musi fuer kalte Wintertage ENJOYSIL.ZIP 121185 01.06.95 [00] Enjoy the Silence from Depeche Mode T2.ZIP 82184 02.06.95 [00] Terminator 2 Theme VRS_MOD.ZIP 102866 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: HandMade NO ModRip junk ͸ The DT.MOD file extrated from: ķҷķ an Ӻ production ijĺĺĺij Ľ ַ ķķķķķ Ӻ Ľ ķĽķ ĽĽ ĽĽĽ Winner of the Asm'94 demo compo ; DIMINISH.ZIP 155146 15.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Diminishing (8CHN) by Nitro Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3115 TOTAL FILES : 29 Ŀ AREANAME : S08 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /ROCK ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ARCANE.RAR 69110 06.04.95 [00] arcane BYTEGLID.RAR 42909 06.04.95 [00] byteglideaway DEATHSTA.RAR 82015 06.04.95 [00] deathstar HARLEY.RAR 70247 06.04.95 [00] harleymusic HOUSE_OF.RAR 69986 06.04.95 [01] House of Rising Sun JAM.RAR 174613 06.04.95 [00] jam-session JIMI.RAR 195364 06.04.95 [00] jimi hendrix JUMPING.RAR 100658 06.04.95 [00] jumping jack'son MIG29.RAR 88614 06.04.95 [00] mig-29 NIRVANA.RAR 49776 06.04.95 [01] NIRVANA_____________ SASCHA.RAR 87313 06.04.95 [00] S A S C H A . . . SPACECRU.RAR 80626 06.04.95 [00] new title TIGEREYE.RAR 32604 06.04.95 [00] WILDTHIN.RAR 125604 06.04.95 [00] wild thing TAS.ARJ 65682 22.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ WOS-NETZ Soundmodul ͸ ߳ Name : tasmanian rock Instrumente : 8 Patterns : 31 Tracks : 33 Hatch by: JOEY's ܳ ; Ŀ TOTAL KB : 1303 TOTAL FILES : 15 Ŀ AREANAME : S09 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /SPEECH (MIT SPRACHE , TEILS WITZIG) ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC AMIGA.RAR 125228 06.04.95 [00] Amiga Hass ATARI.RAR 104763 06.04.95 [01] ata DESERTST.RAR 387208 06.04.95 [00] DESERTSTROM EDELWEIS.RAR 123885 06.04.95 [00] Edelwei FIGHT1.RAR 260391 04.01.80 [00] FIGHT FREMDSPR.RAR 67832 06.04.95 [00] fremdsprache HELMUT.RAR 93428 06.04.95 [00] helmut.rap.remixed OH_YEAH.RAR 69099 06.04.95 [00] Oh Yeah PINKPANT.RAR 214830 04.01.80 [00] pink panther mix RAP.RAR 114590 06.04.95 [00] rap RAPPELKI.RAR 136829 06.04.95 [00] rappelkiste THE_BUND.RAR 760828 06.04.95 [00] the bundy mix TNCWOLF.RAR 199465 06.04.95 [00] The Wolf-Mix 1992 USA92.RAR 185417 06.04.95 [00] usa92 VOKOHL.RAR 70735 06.04.95 [00] vokohl WHITE1.RAR 218060 06.04.95 [00] whitesong ALFMIX.ARJ 119559 17.04.95 [00] Der AlfMix , ich lach mich Tod :-) Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3175 TOTAL FILES : 17 Ŀ AREANAME : S10 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /SYNTHIPOP ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 12TH_WAR.RAR 98036 04.01.80 [00] 12th warrior 1869.RAR 110978 06.04.95 [00] 1869-title 3D.RAR 49086 06.04.95 [00] 3d 4EVER.RAR 63809 04.01.80 [00] 4ever 7UP.RAR 51047 06.04.95 [00] approach AIRWOLF.RAR 28818 06.04.95 [00] airwolf ALICE.RAR 149100 06.04.95 [00] alice in amigaland! AMAZING.RAR 37281 06.04.95 [00] amazing ANOTHER.RAR 58978 06.04.95 [00] another 64 mix APOCAL.RAR 80274 06.04.95 [00] apocalypse ARMYBEAT.RAR 95263 06.04.95 [00] armybeat ARTIFICA.RAR 71459 06.04.95 [00] artificial ATM.RAR 165838 04.01.80 [00] Atmosphere ATOMIX.RAR 31379 06.04.95 [00] atomix remix AXEL-F.RAR 43226 06.04.95 [00] axel f. BRIDGE.RAR 104206 06.04.95 [00] bridge BRIDGE2.RAR 91535 06.04.95 [00] bridge ii CEBIT.RAR 36568 06.04.95 [00] cebit CIRCUS.RAR 70317 06.04.95 [00] the circus CONFUSIO.RAR 85813 06.04.95 [00] -confusion-i- CRYSTAL.RAR 48486 06.04.95 [00] crystalhammer CYPER.RAR 32303 06.04.95 [00] pd DAISY.RAR 146215 06.04.95 [00] daisy chain DEMOZAK.RAR 66804 06.04.95 [00] MEGADEMOZAK ELMSTRT.RAR 216481 06.04.95 [00] elmstreet FROGMIX.RAR 31572 06.04.95 [00] the frog mix INCONVEX.RAR 58977 06.04.95 [00] inconvexible INTRO3.RAR 18657 06.04.95 [00] intro3 KAWAI.RAR 72386 06.04.95 [00] kawai-k1 KENT.RAR 41257 06.04.95 [00] the kent song LOCATION.RAR 121434 06.04.95 [00] Bloood LOTUSTIT.RAR 38886 06.04.95 [00] bootup LUNAWAVE.RAR 93796 06.04.95 [00] mod.Luna-Waves MANDFORC.RAR 42198 06.04.95 [00] mandelforce MASQRADE.RAR 47820 06.04.95 [00] masqrade MEGAFOR.RAR 72307 06.04.95 [00] megaforce MYWAYTO.RAR 61349 06.04.95 [00] my way to the stars NOISE.RAR 60517 06.04.95 [00] noise#celtic OLDMAC.RAR 77919 06.04.95 [00] old macdonald PAN.RAR 160805 06.04.95 [00] PAT.RAR 51783 06.04.95 [00] pat REDSECTR.RAR 156306 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 SALUTE.RAR 54405 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 SONG.RAR 41978 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 SQ3INTRO.RAR 65968 04.01.80 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 TEDDYS01.RAR 33340 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 TEDDYS03.RAR 49130 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 TEDDYS06.RAR 19209 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 TEDDYS07.RAR 28547 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 TEDDYS08.RAR 26877 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 TEDDYS09.RAR 53815 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 VOYAGER.RAR 44461 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 YELLO.RAR 70491 04.01.80 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 ZINESFX.RAR 89547 06.04.95 [00] (v0.00) Adopted : 05.04.95 COUNTDOW.RAR 59333 17.04.95 [00] countdown title HALLUC.RAR 83614 17.04.95 [00] hallucinations / hoert sich verdammt nach Giana Sisters an :-) OCTAVES.RAR 52709 12.04.95 [00] agrometrical dream2 BJ-ADAY.ZIP 228584 01.06.95 [00] Another Day , Four Channel Entry for the Gathering 95 from Valhalla BREATHOL.ZIP 82686 01.06.95 [00] The Breath of Life ETHER.ZIP 116135 01.06.95 [00] Etheral Passage LIO.ZIP 104426 01.06.95 [00] Ruhiges Mod MOLECULE.ZIP 113064 01.06.95 [00] Und noch eins von Jester / Sanity OPTFUCKU.ZIP 89618 01.06.95 [00] Optimum Fuckup by JEster of Sanity PALLE.ZIP 27088 01.06.95 [00] And another Tune by JESTER OF SANITY STARDUST.ZIP 111029 02.06.95 [00] Well Well , and just another by Jester / Sanity SCR_MIND.ZIP 97399 02.06.95 [00] Scrambled Mind by Heatbeat of Rebels WIZARDRY.ZIP 132919 02.06.95 [00] Wizardry , yeah guess , Jester of Sanity :-) Ŀ TOTAL KB : 4997 TOTAL FILES : 67 Ŀ AREANAME : S11 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /PURE SYNTHI ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 2010.RAR 105978 06.04.95 [00] VCC+GIGICAR 1989 !! ALPHADUC.RAR 59738 06.04.95 [00] alphaduck BLUE.RAR 65755 06.04.95 [00] blue shaddows CHINA.RAR 56642 06.04.95 [00] china EQUINOX4.RAR 50818 06.04.95 [00] EQUINOXE.RAR 57293 06.04.95 [00] equinoxe2 JARRE.RAR 31189 04.01.80 [00] jarre MAGNFIEL.RAR 31753 06.04.95 [00] magnetic fields IV METALSYN.RAR 70669 06.04.95 [00] metalsynth NOTHING.RAR 50912 06.04.95 [00] nothing ODYSSEY2.RAR 83086 06.04.95 [00] odyssey-part2 OXY.RAR 73712 06.04.95 [00] oxygene iv OXYGENE2.RAR 41982 06.04.95 [00] oxygene2 POPCORN2.RAR 29865 06.04.95 [00] popcorn SPACE.RAR 76232 06.04.95 [00] space-journey SPACEDEB.RAR 263287 06.04.95 [01] space_debris THEMODEL.RAR 49036 06.04.95 [00] the model TUBELLS.RAR 22759 06.04.95 [00] tubularbells Ŀ TOTAL KB : 1192 TOTAL FILES : 18 Ŀ AREANAME : S12 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /TEKKNO U. TRANCE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC AFRICA.RAR 123691 06.04.95 [00] africa ANNO.RAR 281074 04.01.80 [00] anno_2137__part_ii DIGDREAM.RAR 29999 06.04.95 [00] hypnautic-ii FELIX.RAR 190488 06.04.95 [00] Don't-U-want-me IF-THEN.RAR 51481 06.04.95 [00] if...then.... INDIO.RAR 173216 06.04.95 [00] running out of time ITSMYLIF.RAR 160993 06.04.95 [00] its-my-life-remix KEEP_ON.RAR 346833 06.04.95 [00] keep on dancing MAXIMUM.RAR 273841 06.04.95 [00] maxoverd MENTLART.RAR 775083 06.04.95 [00] TRANCE EXPERIENCE MORE_AND.RAR 39538 06.04.95 [00] More and more MR_VAIN.RAR 345434 06.04.95 [00] mr.vain(stony) NOLIMIT.RAR 216056 06.04.95 [00] no limit OPENSESA.RAR 324700 06.04.95 [00] OpenSesameHardcoreRe OUTOFSPA.RAR 144294 06.04.95 [00] Out of Space_Uraniu PANDEMON.RAR 119787 06.04.95 [01] pandemonium POSSESED.RAR 336449 06.04.95 [00] possesed by a track RHYTHM.RAR 631771 06.04.95 [00] rhythm is a dancer STARBASE.RAR 37088 06.04.95 [01] dream off (mco) TEKKNO.RAR 158406 06.04.95 [00] TEKKNOHYPERPEDIA TOMSDINN.RAR 147711 06.04.95 [00] toms diner TRANCE.RAR 186165 04.01.80 [00] Trance-Machine TRIBAL_D.RAR 330515 06.04.95 [00] tribal dance U4IA.RAR 207325 04.01.80 [00] u4ia U96.RAR 261833 06.04.95 [01] das_boot_(tremors) U96LSNOC.RAR 406804 06.04.95 [00] u96-loveseesnocolor WARP1.RAR 879186 06.04.95 [00] warp_1 BASS26.ZIP 34433 10.04.95 [01] MegaBass.Mod TECHNOZO.RAR 147660 17.04.95 [00] techno zoom EXTERM.ZIP 252345 01.06.95 [00] Exterminate from Snap GARAMPIM.ZIP 679147 01.06.95 [00] Ambient Song by Fuzzi / TRSI KINDOFLU.ZIP 177570 01.06.95 [00] A secret of love S_O_S.ZIP 186624 02.06.95 [00] S. O. S. MARUSHA2.RAR 367215 06.04.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: [ MoDuLe ] Ļ Mod Type: MOD 31 Instr. SongName: Sotr bcs tranz remix Channels: 8 Dos Name: MARUSHA2.MOD UnPacked: 550312 NEW PARADiSE +49-39262-60378ļ DW.ZIP 254792 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: CHN 8 MODULE from ICS Dream World / 46 Pattern / 398 kB Released in 1994 17.00 by SIENCE Ŀ TOTAL KB : 9062 TOTAL FILES : 35 Ŀ AREANAME : S13 DESCRIPTION : MOD-FILES /ANDERE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC CACTUS.RAR 147974 06.04.95 [00] 10.cactus-song JAMAICA.RAR 90374 06.04.95 [00] jamaica JASON.RAR 149000 06.04.95 [00] jason LETSWING.RAR 56563 04.01.80 [00] let's swing it MCHAMMER.RAR 103754 06.04.95 [00] mchammer PRELUDE.RAR 8140 06.04.95 [00] prelude SEX.RAR 36493 06.04.95 [00] xxx STARTREK.RAR 196749 06.04.95 [00] startreksymphony TZPACK.RAR 98264 06.04.95 [00] TZPACK '93 VOLGA.RAR 118174 06.04.95 [00] URALVOLGAFINE WACHET.RAR 3400 06.04.95 [00] wachet-auf GUITAR.RAR 281306 17.04.95 [00] guitar slinger /verdammt gutes Gitarren-Mod ASIXTHSE.ZIP 210273 01.06.95 [00] A sixth Sense , ruhige Klavierstueck CRUSDREA.ZIP 191004 01.06.95 [00] somewhere near a little bit different . be chinese ;-) FLORENCE.ZIP 163284 01.06.95 [00] Florence , Guitarmaessige Stueck by Audiomonster GCOMP.ZIP 222701 01.06.95 [00] Sehr schoenes Gitarrenstueck by Noiseless ISLAND.ZIP 108162 01.06.95 [00] Seeeehr schoenes Gitarrenstueck von Klorathy/freezers LUNATIC.ZIP 212535 01.06.95 [00] Sound o'da Lunatic , and guitar again MOBY-5.ZIP 127081 01.06.95 [00] Cheezy 70's Cop Show MYSTIFY.ZIP 208343 01.06.95 [00] Ein gewaltiges MTM von Sir Roger / Post Mortem VALZ.RAR 38250 06.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ߲ ޱ ޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޱޱ ޱޱ ޱޱ ޱ ޱ-kP ްް ްް ްް ްޱްaRT! - --- INFINY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS TRAPEZE CHILDS a multichannel MOD by MOOG #1 at Volcanic Party FOREST.ZIP 215439 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ߲ ޱ ޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޲޲ ޱޱ ޱޱ ޱޱ ޱ ޱ-kP ްް ްް ްް ްޱްaRT! - --- INFINY PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS FOREST SIGHT a 4 channels MOD by SHAD #4 at Volcanic Party (fOUNd At tRANCENtAL^bE UNdERCOVER) PA'ZAX.ZIP 493989 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: .ooPROJECToo.____ _____ _____ __ _________ (________ /\ \ __\ _ \ \________) Oo (___ / \ \ \ \ \ ___\ \____) oO OOOo /____/\ \__\__\_____\_____\_____\ o!F OOOo \____|/\___\__|__|_____|_____|_____| oO OOOOOOOOOOOo \___| oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOo Project Angel: The Soundtrack oOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoM2:WS DARK.ARJ 54629 11.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ WOS-NETZ Soundmodul ͸ ߳ Name : DARK SAXOPHONE Instrumente : 11 Patterns : 14 Tracks : 15 Hatch by: JOEY's ܳ ; DIGIBOOG.ARJ 31853 11.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MOD: Digital Arts Boogie BY: Unknow Author Good Boogie Theme type music Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3484 TOTAL FILES : 25 Ŀ AREANAME : S15 DESCRIPTION : S3M - DAS SUPERFORMAT VON FUTURE CREW ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------S3Ms das Super-Soundformat von Future-Crew----------------- -----------------------abspielbar mit screamtracker 3.0---------------------- ------------------------oder Renaissance Music Player------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2ND1.RAR 282252 06.04.95 [ 7] 1tes S3M aus 2nd Reality 2ND2.RAR 432047 06.04.95 [ 7] 2tes S3M aus 2nd Reality AMBIENTE.RAR 161386 06.04.95 [ 1] Close Ambient BASE_RA.RAR 252423 06.04.95 [ 4] WHeeL oF FoRTuNe CANT.RAR 128800 06.04.95 [00] Why can't you remember me.. FENDER.RAR 271253 06.04.95 [ 9] -Fender Ovation-(Peric/SPR) ICEFRONT.RAR 181173 06.04.95 [ 6] Ice Frontier REAL.RAR <> SERENITY.RAR 103992 06.04.95 [06] Serenity THEPARTY.RAR 70362 06.04.95 [ 2] Party 1992 Intromusic TOMDINER.RAR 183708 06.04.95 [04] Tom's Diener (Tekkno) WAITE.RAR 65398 06.04.95 [ 1] IntroMusic II R0TZ00I!.RAR 132717 07.04.95 [01] Fuckin R0tz00i , megahardcore STM PM_FRACT.ZIP 106630 02.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ڿFracture In Space Purple Motion / FC Ŀ This tune won the Megaleif'92 ST/PC partys music compo TP4_FCMC.ZIP 854840 25.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: 2 MULTICHANNEL S3M by MARVEL/FUTURE CREW and PURPLE MOTION/FUTURE CREW released at party 4 (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) MENTAL.ARJ 66518 24.06.95 [00] S2M aus der Mental Surgeory Demo von FC ------------------Membaz of Mayday (don't like it :) )------------------------ SPI-PITR.ZIP 216635 21.03.95 [06] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < PiaNo trAncE > FoRmAt: < S3M > StyLe : < TraNCE > LengHt: < 7:42 min's > ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : A meLodiC fasT TranCe tuNe with 11FEB95 soMe niCe pIanOS. SPI-DMEX.ARJ 297172 21.03.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < DrUMMErS MiND RMX > StyLe : < HarDTraNCE/16ChNS > LengHt: < 9 MIN'S > ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : Just a ReMix oF DrUmmeRS mIND .. 16MAR95 BUT a good one ;) SPI-DRMI.ARJ 200543 21.03.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < DrUMMErS MiND > StyLe : < HarDTraNCE/16ChNS > LengHt: < 6 MIN 31 SEC > ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : A faSt hArdtRanCE- tunE wiTh a CooL 09MAR95 MeLodY ... n-jOY!! SPI-KOSM.ARJ 196875 21.03.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < KoSmOs > StyLe : < FaST TraNcE > LengHt: < 5:35 MinS/16 ChN's > ArTisT: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : A faSt, harmoNiC TraNce tUnE ... 26FEB95 RelaX&EnjoY it!! SPI_STAI.ARJ 273501 21.03.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < STAIRWAY > StyLe : < RAVE/16ChNS > LengHt: < 6 MIN'S > ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : HeAr it louD, danCe 2 it , 16MAR95 one of my best :) MOM-OBSE.ZIP 96395 24.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSN TiTle : < ObseSSioN > StyLe : < BEST trance > LengHt: < 3 : 51 min's > ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : THIS is my best work... 25DEZ94 LEECH IT,LEECH IT! SPI-SENS.ARJ 126721 24.05.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < SENSELESS > StyLe : < TechnO-RAVE > LengHt: < 3 MIN 57 SEC > ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : ............. NIcE and fast |16APR95 tuNE ........ STA-HAND.ARJ 342985 24.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < HAND'S UP RAVERS > StyLe : < TRANCE-BREAKBEAT > LengHt: < 10 MIN 55 SEC > ArtiSt: < STARFOX > CoMMenT : A COOL MELODIC TUNE RELAX YOUR MIND 13FEB95 STA-WEGE.ARJ 178270 11.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < WE GETTING DOWN > StyLe : < MELODIC RAVE > LengHt: < 7 MIN 10 SEC > ArtiSt: < STARFOX > Format: XM (FASTTRACKER) CoMMenT : This was my first XM-TUNE ,a new way 18MAI95 to make better music MOM-THE.ARJ 103135 11.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSN TiTle : < The message > StyLe : < Harmonic trance > LengHt: < 5 : 52 min's > ArtiSt: < SpikE > CoMMenT : ThiZ iS a fInE Ϳ tRanCe tunE - 11/7/94 LEECH IT! :) --------------------------------------HBE------------------------------------ AV-DARK.ARJ 282531 28.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ۲ ۲ PRESENTS ۲ With a New Track: ۲ -= Out of the Dark =- ۲ Demo Music Style/ 16 Channels ۲ Stereo Support FEELMUSI.ARJ 214323 28.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: _ _ ____ _ ___ ۱ / \_/ \( _) )_ (_)( _ \ ۱ (__/\__)___)___) (___/ ۱............... ۱ M E L D ۱(H.ard B.ehaviourE.xcitation) ۱............... ۱Song: FEEL THE MUSIC ۱Style: great Trance-Rave ۱Length: 7:42 minutes ۱Patterns: 78 ۱Channels: 9 (stereo - S3M) ۱Speed: 160 bpm ۱Date: 09.May.1995 ۱- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ۱Comment: One of my best ۱ Trance-Rave songs ۱ ۰ ever! With a mind- ۱ ߰ twisting melody and ۱ a "old-Prodigy"-part ߰ [LOTUS SOUND BBS +49 40 5551813] M_INLOVE.ARJ 159606 28.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: _ _ ____ _ ___ ۱ / \_/ \( _) )_ (_)( _ \ ۱ (_/\_/\_)___)___) (___/ ۱............... ۱ M E L D ۱(H.ard B.ehaviourE.xcitation) ۱............... ۱Song: So MuCh In LoVe ۱Style: Piano-Ballad ۱Length: 4:33 min ۱Date: 30.MAY.1995 ۱- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ۱Comment: love- and dreamsong [LOTUS SOUND BBS +49 40 5551813] JACK.ZIP 226280 04.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ___ _ ___ /\ \ \ /\ \ / \ \ \< \ \ / /\ \ \ \\ _\_ \ Ĵ/\< <--\ \ \ \/\ \ \/\/\/Ĵ \ \ > >-->/ >--> \ \ \/ / / / /\ \ ÿ \ / /\ / / >--> ڴ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ ٳ ʹ < got some muzak 4 u < ͵ /TiTlE : JacktheRipper\ \StYlE : Hardcore!!!/ /LeNgTh: NOTshort!!!\ \TrAcKs: 77/ /FoRmAt: S3M\ \ChAnNeLs: 10/ ͵"Chop smart - chop S-mart !"; YEAH!.ZIP 221244 04.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ___ _ ___ /\ \ \ /\ \ / \ \ \< \ \ / /\ \ \ \\ _\_ \ Ĵ/\< <--\ \ \ \/\ \ \/\/\/Ĵ \ \ > >-->/ >--> \ \ \/ / / / /\ \ ÿ \ / /\ / / >--> ڴ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ ٳ ʹ < got some muzak 4 u < ͵ /TiTlE : !!!YEAH!!!\ \StYlE : increasingHardcore!!!/ /LeNgTh: NOTshort!!!\ \TrAcKs: 96/ /FoRmAt: S3M\ \ChAnNeLs: 6/ ͵"Chop smart - chop S-mart !"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SSISOUND.ZIP 260394 23.09.94 [07] Description from File_id.diz: NEW PARADiSE PRESENT Ŀ ݳ S3M Module from FUTURECREW's commercial Production "SSI DEMO" ݳ 93 Pattern / 8 Ch. ݳ very long ݳ great Music by ݳ Purple Motion / FC ݳ Ripped by Mr.Tabun Call +49-39262-60378 DARKNESS.ARJ 113784 13.08.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: S 3 M F i l e Mit DMP x.xx abspielen CHARIOT.ZIP 229347 19.06.94 [09] Description from File_id.diz: [S3M] Chariots Of Fire -HMW- . ---------------------------------------- -> Original by Vangelis . -> Transcribed by HMW . - Full 16 channels . - Duration: 3'30" . - Playable on DMP / Inertia . ---------------------------------------- SK_ASM94.ZIP 275388 18.07.94 [11] Description from File_id.diz: This is the final version of the Assembly'94 Invitation Dentro theme "Deep in her Eyes", with the speech included, as I promised. Enjoy ! Skaven / FC SK_INV94.ZIP 45018 26.07.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: Justa little intromusic I composed for the Assembly'94 Pre Invitation Intro, but they didn't like it, so it wasn't used. Skaven / FC OMNIPHIL.ZIP 103208 05.04.95 [03] Omniphilio von Skaven (Rama Garden II) ASS_MOP1.ZIP 328709 23.08.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: _______ _____________ \_____ X ____/ ____/ Proudly / \___ \___ \ And / : \ : \ : \ Pregnantly \___|_ /___ /___ / Presents ===========\/====\/====\/=================== MASTER OF PUPPETS - THE ALBUM The Complete Scream Tracker 3 Modules! Requires DMP/32 and 2MB of RAM minimum ============================================ Containing Battery & Master [1/3] Storm Master ---=[SYN!/UC]=--- ASS_MOP2.ZIP 478914 23.08.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: Containing Thing, Sanitarium & Heroes [2/3] Storm Master ---=[SYN!/UC]=--- ASS_MOP3.ZIP 470166 23.08.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: Containing Messiah, Orion & Damage [3/3] ============================================ Storm Master ---=[SYN!/UC]=--- OVERDRIV.ZIP 11200 05.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Charts Overdrive-PM from Worldcharts 1993 by FC Ripped by -= Poison =- (The 100% smallest S3M) O'R_CLAS.ZIP 42929 06.10.94 [07] Description from File_id.diz: Great Classic An amazing ballade tracked by O'Realitea in S3M format Stereo WICKET.ZIP 262298 08.10.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: ---- ' $ ttacks ya again ij Masterbeat presentz Wicket - The Final 1 9 A rEaL HiP-HoUsE-RaVe ! 8ij 1 Munich isn't dead == GRGRGR.ZIP 222049 08.10.94 [09] Description from File_id.diz: ķ ķ ڿ ķ Ľ Ľ Ľ MM v Native Force Hard Behavior Excitation ij Titel: Green Grass Grows Stile: Tranze Power Channelz: 12 Length: 4:06 min. Comment: Remix of a song on Ŀ the new SNAP album 04/10/94 MELD Remix 4ALLTYME.ARJ 129477 14.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ۱ ۱ MELD ۱ feat. Masterbeat ۱(H.ard B.ehaviourE.xcitation) ۱ ۱Song: LoVe mE 4 aLL tYmE ۱Length: 8:17 minutes ۱Channels: 8 (Stereo-S3M) ۱Speed: 68 bpm ۱Date: 19.MARCH.1995 ۱- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ۱Comment: slow walz lovesong ۱ singing voices by ۱ Masterbeat WALKAWAY.ZIP 802103 13.08.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ WALKAWAY by STARGAZER / SONiC This S3M won the first place in the Assembly multichannel compo Ĵ [iMAGiNAtiON] NOTC.ZIP 227622 16.08.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Skaven's contributing S3M for the ASM Multichannel competition. (8 Channels - Play using MDP/ST3 - Not DMP) INFINITY.ZIP 346054 19.08.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ INFINITY by NECROS / PM KHYRON / ACiD Assembly '94 multichannel music competition entry Ĵ [iMAGiNAtiON] EMPTMIND.ZIP 688082 23.08.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ EMPTY MIND by EDGE / UNEXPECTED 1994 Assembly 1994 multichannel compo participant (s3m format) Ĵ [iMAGiNATiON] NEARDARK.ZIP 99008 05.04.95 [01] Altes S3M von PM (Ralf, du hast es noch nicht) HULLU.ZIP 59553 30.10.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: 'Hullu' by Purple Motion/FC 7ch V_GUARD.ZIP 142903 31.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ Secnd place on the MC2 Music Contest 94 (Veteran) Songname : Guardian of Souls Type : S3M Author : Krystall Country : CANADA ; -].DIZ[- Made By CyBeR JoBe POINTBREAK+3211436925 NF_ECOUT.ZIP 272439 04.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: . N - F A C T O R . ..... pReSenTs ..... . >eCouTez!< . . (oUr wiReD'94 muLti- . . cHanNeL cOntRibUtiOn) . cOmPosEd bY . lArD!!! + aXeL f. . . . .'94 iS jUsT dA bEgiNNing. 31/10/94 PM-WHEN.ZIP 564091 14.11.94 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ When the heavens fall by: Purple Motion /FC Assembly '94 multi- channel compo contri- bution. Won the third palace Ĵ [iMAGiNAtiON] ZAK.ZIP 88136 07.12.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: Zak-zaka-zak-zak ij [S3M] by Purple Motion /FC in 1994. ij [iMAGiNAtiON] DECEMBER.ZIP 311161 16.12.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Legend Design 1994 presents : : | "December" | | by Necros / Legend Design | | | | 9 channel S3M with a collection | | of 4 traditional christmas tunes | LOVESONG.ZIP 419406 20.12.94 [ 7] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ 2 LOVE 8 . 0 SONG 7 . 1 9 9 4 ~~~~~~------....------~~~~~ done by DJ Mel-O D of Hard Behaviour Excitation Thiz iz a VOICY and mind- trashing S3M with singin' WHY_DONT.ZIP 553064 04.02.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: Juhla'95 Music Competition (1st) Why Dont U Walk Away (.XM) by Chanel 5 / Jeskola! .,oO (Party Release) Oo,. INTHMIST.ZIP 231988 12.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: IN THE MIST by EDGE / EMF [S3M] type module 8th place The Party 1994 multichannel compo [iMAGiNAtiON] K_SOLAC2.ZIP 245206 02.04.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ܲ ܲ ܲ ޲ ܲ - Solace II [S3M] By Lord Pegasus [03/26/95] simply wonderful music :) Length: 9m:53s BPM: 125 - Kosmic Free Music Foundation 1995 DMXCOMP.ZIP 108269 05.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ____ -------.______.____// |____ | \__ | _\ | / || |/ / \__ . __/ dMx'94 | | // /: \ ------ | - / : \ / / | \\ --- |____ /\_____)-(___\ _|____/ (=====\/===============\/=============) Yep, we complain about Assembly '94! Leech this and spread like hell!!!!!! (=====================================) LAURA.RAR 314553 06.04.95 [02] Sometimes my armes are bend back S3m TPSA_SUX.RAR 78459 06.04.95 [01] Polnische Version von AT&T.S3M :-) ALPHATP4.ZIP 389545 01.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: > alpha / Legend Design :. ::::. XCellent :: :: :: Quality ::::: :::::: '94 (tm) The Party IV compo tracks: Shades Of Fall And Winter S3M - 16CHN - 360982b Piano Kix MOD - 4CHN - 389536b (C)(P) alpha/LD 1993, 1994 WSB.ZIP 135146 27.01.95 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: wsb.s3m Ŀ Post Mortem presents ҿ Ŀ Sir Roger's contribution to the multichannel compo at the PARTY 1994 in Herning playlength: 3:01 minutes >>> From THE PARTY 1994 <<< CHARELLA.ZIP 206617 31.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ----------- ----- | The Party '94 Release: | "Charella" - by MG/Wierd Magic.. | | [MultiCh compo] ------- ----- STAiRWAY TO HEAVEN | +45 747-263-03 28k8 3.6G -- ----------- (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) FLP-LOVE.ZIP 299109 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: .S3M - "I will love you" Ŀ Composed by Chanel5 of FLP Released: 7-8-94 at ASM'94 K-DUST.ZIP 263209 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ܲ ܲ ܲ ޲ ܲ - Dust to Dust [S3M] By Leviathan [02/24/95] Mellow Rock Length: 3m:40s BPM: 125 - Kosmic Free Music Foundation 1995 DISCO.ARJ 140447 17.04.95 [00] Disco + Tekkno ?! FREEDOM.ARJ 68522 17.04.95 [00] Spacestation Freedom GOD.ARJ 204584 17.04.95 [00] God isn't it beautyful HIGHWAY.ARJ 276632 17.04.95 [00] Desert Highway MADCHEN.ZIP 211350 01.06.95 [00] Schoenes Stueck von Breeze / CapaCala ROMANTIC.ZIP 214729 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ij Title: Romantic Night Style: slow ballad Channelz: 9 (Stereo-S3M) Length: 3:26 min. Comment: A romantic night at the beach... using birthͿhi-quality samples! 06MAR95Speed in bpm: 72/6 (fOUNd At tRANCENtAL^bE UNdERCOVER) SR-NVISI.ZIP 182234 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ The Surrounders presents Night Vision by Parallax New Age S3M Song SR-OCEAN.ZIP 127573 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ The Surrounders presents Sounds Of The Ocean by Music Man New Age S3M Song V_VOYAGE.ZIP 299250 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ First place on the MC2 Music Contest 94 (Veteran) Songname : Distant Voyage Type : S3M Author : Markell Moss (Maestro M&C) Country : CANADA ; -].DIZ[- Made By CyBeR JoBe VISIONOR.ZIP 114433 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Code "X" Productions Visions Of Reality Composed on ScreamTracker 3.01 Composed by Moby Ŀ Ŀ Released on: 06/29/94 Couriered by Bigboy [Surprise!Code XInfinity] POINTBREAK+3211436925 TIME2JAM.ARJ 106460 11.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ۱Song: Time 2 Jam ۱Style: Hard Trance ۱Length: 7:41 minutes ۱Patterns: 77 ۱Channels: 9 ۱Speed: 160 bpm ۱Date: 03.May.1995 ۱- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ۱Comment: the acid melody is ۱ like "Visions Of ۱ Love"... DMK-HRTC.ZIP 45155 11.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -------- . . | o | O - M U S i C K i N G S . ----------- - /-/ Song Name: Reped. Motions././ File Size: 27,840bytes /./ Composer: Hector....../o/dMk | Date: 5th / April. /o/ | Composing: 20mins /O/ | | Email Address:-->> | | hector@gpo.swin.edu.au OR | | hector@werple.mira.net.au _ dMk-/-/---- |_| 1995 A music module in S3M Format... SPI-2NDS.ZIP 242548 28.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: MMBRS F MADA PSNS TiTle : < ThE 2ND SIgHN > StyLe : < TEcHNO-BREAKBEAT > ChN's/LengHt: <16/doNt knOw> ArtiSt: < SPiKE > CoMMenT : FaST, gOOD PiaNoS anD soME aCiDsaMplEs 18FEB95 ECHOS.RAR 157595 24.07.95 Description from File_ID.Diz : ڿڿڿ¿ ڿڿ.ڿ ôôôôô '95 "Echos Of Salvation" An Original Tune By MOBY. Euro/Dance Style. Ch:13/Patt:52/Time:6:33m [Stereo S3M] OCT-EDRI.ARJ 66315 04.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ ۳ ܳ presents: ߳ Eternal Drifting (Autuus) style: deep-in-heart & emotional ambient (18.Feb.95)Ĵ octocock productions 1995 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 18267 TOTAL FILES : 82 Ŀ AREANAME : S16 DESCRIPTION : VERSCHIEDENE ANDERE SOUND-FORMATE ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------MTMs das Mehrstimmensoundformat von Rennesaince----------------- -------------------------am besten abspielbar mit----------------------------- -------------------------Renaissance Music Player----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _1CHIP.RAR 103835 06.04.95 [00] Protochip Pursuit _1EUPHOR.RAR 142411 18.04.95 [00] Euphorium _1MARBLE.RAR 107648 06.04.95 [00] Deep Marble _1SHADOW.RAR 120935 06.04.95 [00] Shadowhacker _1VORTEX.RAR 201477 06.04.95 [ 1] Vortex ANGRY.RAR 152431 06.04.95 [ 2] Angry Beat EMOTEXPE.RAR 167070 06.04.95 [00] Emotional Experience HARMNICS.RAR 48479 06.04.95 [ 1] Digital Harmonics LIGHT.RAR 120848 06.04.95 [ 2] Symphony of Light POWERBBS.RAR 175398 06.04.95 [00] The Power of Flight SONIC.RAR 250019 06.04.95 [01] Sonic Mindkiller WINTER.RAR 287417 06.04.95 [00] Winter 9#DELTAX.ZIP 175359 12.03.95 [00] Gutes MTM FLINTSTN.ZIP 610915 19.08.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ WOS-NETZ Soundmodul ͸ ߳ Name : FlintedStones KLFmix Instrumente : 31 Patterns : 26 Tracks : 115 Hatch by: JOEY's ܳ ; THEMASK.ZIP 348694 14.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͳNostalgia͸ ThEĿ ۱ ۱ ۰ ۰۰ ۰ ofEmotionsٳ TheMusicfromtheDemo Echoeso/tPast Composedby T h e R E W Ĵ SMNOGOOD.ZIP 362395 05.04.95 [ 9] No Good by ~ The Prodigy~ V_LOST.ZIP 123597 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ Fifth place on the MC2 Music Contest 94 (Veteran) Songname : Lost In My Fantasy Type : MTM Author : MR2 (Clement Poon) Country : CANADA ; -].DIZ[- Made By CyBeR JoBe POINTBREAK+3211436925 --------------------------------------XM--------------------------------------- SHELCOMB.RAR 356787 06.04.95 [02] Shelcomb gutes XM von Lizardking ENHANCD3.RAR 104244 29.07.95 [01] Enhanced by Vogue / Triton EXPLORAT.RAR 35863 29.07.95 [02] Exploration by Vogue / Triton LIQUIDAT.RAR 117083 29.07.95 [02] Liquidation by Vogue / Triton CLAUSTR2.ZIP 436017 14.09.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ CLAUSTROPHOBIA by LIZARDKING / TRITON This XM won the first place in the the Assembly 4 channel competition Ĵ [iMAGiNAtiON] DEVLPR94.ZIP 191764 10.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: XM, Developer-94 / Vogue FUR_ELIS.RAR 60743 06.04.95 [00] Fuer Elise, sehr schoenes XM KLF-VRTX.ZIP 295515 23.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: KLF94--- | Eternal Vortex 2.0 by Khyron 11-13-1994 Rock/"Demo" music . O 2m35s 140 b.p.m . o 10 track .XM o . O | Kosmic Free Music Foundation ---- POINTBREAK+3211436925 FUR_ELIS.ZIP <> EL-HEART.ZIP 214844 19.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: P Ŀ¿ Ŀ 3 O 2 C I Ĵ 1 A N 1 L T presents 4 L B "Broken Heart" 3 R by Elektro / CNA 6 N E format: XM [8ch] 9 O A Xx , . . , xX 2 W K Rel'd at Juhla '95 5 oOo PointBreak +3211436925 oOo STARXMC1.ZIP 492004 19.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: -=*> XM-COLLECTION #1 <*=- includes: - Let the beat control your body (Fasttracker 2.0 Remix) - Moonlight Shadow - Harmonic synthesizer song Requires FastTracker 2.0 or compatible player... [ DizDate: 10/2/95 [ Sent by: Mr Mixx TEXP_IA_.ZIP 255430 19.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: .. TIME EXPLOSION .. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- great Fast-Tracker-II Sound-Module (.XM) by IA / FORCE-II -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ... get in trance ... DAC-SPED.ZIP 173781 28.02.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: NAME: "SPeeD-TRiP" CHN-MODE: 14 SPEED/BPM: o3/176 PATTERN: 236/186 TiME: 1o:4o min THiZ A RADiCAL RHYTHMS PRODuCTiON CRIMEA.ZIP 830884 01.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: []--[] Ķ "Crimea in Perpetuum" Composer: TheKraken of Mostly Aardvark Style: Ambient... Channel: 18 Pattern: 37 BPM: 100 1024kB-GUS not enough !!! [][] TOX-OUTW.ZIP 268949 01.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -[ RADiCAL RHYTHMS ][1/1]S THE MUSiC I LABEL N G L E R --E > TOXiC TRANCER presents: <޳L T H E R E M i X P R O J E C T ޳E included remix: ޳A SUNBEAM - OUTSIDE WORLD ޳S -This is a FastTracker II Product-޳E ľ (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) There Used To Be An Advertisement HereĿ KILLALLPUBLICITYINDIZFILES![Bl.AdNiS] SUN-ACON.ZIP 151978 06.03.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: [RADiCAL RHYTHMS Single Release] ݳ ݳ ݳ ݳ [RADiCAL RHYTHMS] ݳ presents ݴ AMbiENT CoNTRoLS ݳ 176 BpM SPEEd o3 .XM-File ݿ REQUiRES TRiToNS FASTTRACKER ][ ݳ FoR PLAYBACK. 1oo% GUS-PRooFED! ݳ : this is a real melodic-trance ! : no club-ware this time. listen - ݳ - and let the ambient control ! ݳ - [SUNNY#1] REFLECTR.ZIP 498779 06.01.95 [05] Description from File_id.diz: Reflecter by Zodiak/Cascada From THE PARTY 4 Multichannel Compo WF.ZIP 418355 08.01.95 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: WORLD OF DRAGONS by LIZARDKING / TRN [XM] type module 3rd place The Party 1994 multichannel compo [iMAGiNAtiON] ED-BEYON.ZIP 266090 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Ŀ Beyond Heaven Contribution to the Multichannel Competition composed by Dray of EyE-d-ALiSTiC ͼ ED-TRAIN.ZIP 181890 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Dray / EyE-d-ALiSTiC presents Ī Train to the Moon Playtime: 03:48 Format: XM Style : something techno-like with 150 bpm ͼ NEVER.ARJ 144956 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ! . W0RLD 0F S0UND NETW0RK . ! ǿ ڶ ] TiTEL: Never Ending Story Never E[ ] C0MP0SER: LIZARDKING [ ] S0UND-TYP : XM [ ] INSTRUMENTS: 26 [ ] PATTERN : 16 [ ] FiLENAME : NEVER [ ] BYTEs : 265628 [ ] [ HATCHED BY: WoS-ID v1.65b :) K3O3APRT.ZIP 157764 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ | -[.KEiTH.3o3 /dLT.PC /RR. /PAiN.]-Ŀ | | | PRESENTiNG: --- Sumthin' [.FALLiNG.APART!.] More Soft 4 ur Earz. .FoRMAT. |(.PLAY WiTH FT3!.) [.K.3o3.] (.nothin.4u.) ---- RELEASED:16.o2.95 (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) LIB-MS1.ZIP 536568 01.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: [ ADVANCED, EXPERIENCE ] Ϳ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ THE COEXiSTENCE [TWO XM's BY LIBERTINE/TC] STARLIGH.ZIP 230419 02.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: STARLIGHT SYMPHONY by EMAX / TRSi [XM] type module 5th place The Party 1994 multichannel compo [iMAGiNAtiON] (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) TGU-FEEL.ZIP 1027454 11.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -(Radical Rhythms'Single Release)Ŀ | Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ | ڿ ڿ | presents -- ------ D E P T H O F F E E L I N G Ĵ TRANCE - 4:49min. - 16Bit[95%] - 22Ch 170BPM - .XM-File - HANDMADE QUALITY |-- ----- --  lah dipsalma chrnos `emth  - Use FT2 or Cubic 1.0 for replay! - | ----- (You won't regret if you get diz!) FUNKYMIX.ZIP 146004 15.07.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: TTA '93 "FunkyMix" 669 Music Module for your Gravis Ultrasound or SoundBlaster sound card. By TTA of Nova Scotia, Canada. From the Max! (902)454-8351 HIGHSKY.RAR 97076 24.07.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ¿ Ŵ Zymotic [Inertia] Ŵ Ŵ Presents ش ش Ŵ Ŵ High in the Sky Ŵ A fine tuned .XM house creation Playing this song might give you the illusion being in the Escape or the iT but you're wrong , you are alone in your very own room! .XM , 10 channels , HQ samples INFERNO.ZIP 437395 25.07.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : TSS Ŀ Multichannel ij Inferno Dance by LizardKing ij 3rd Place -----------------------------------DMF---------------------------------------- CLOUSND.ARJ 28227 04.08.94 [00] Adlib Musiken von DER CLOU P3-C16CH.RAR 240028 06.04.95 [00] Gutes Dmf ( X-Tracker Format) KN-WHALE.ZIP 341615 20.08.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: - R R : A H : . D Y i T . C H A M L S . ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ----- -- . SAVE THE WHALES KN-WHALE.DMF . KKK-WL33.ZIP 183574 25.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: RADiCAL RHYTHMS SINGLE RELEASE KEWL KFTE KRU CANNIBAL, MUTZE AND YARAK PRESENT... SIKTIR LAN! 6 Minutes of HardestTrance RADiCAL RHYTHMS KICKS YOUR ASS OVN-OFFE.ZIP 87374 12.11.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: AhYPERNOVAWiREd'94RELEASEĻ ij ͻ ڷڷ· ÿڿڿ¿¿ڿڿ ڶվٳ ڴ OVAN/RR/hYPERNOVA/CLT PRESENtS ͻ thE.OffENSE (1st PLACE At WiREd) ͼ fASt-MOViNG dMf CREAtiNG thE ULtiMAtE AtMOSPhERE fOR YOU! ͼ -iNCLUdiNG hN-PLAYER fOR Pb ON:- GUS (1Mb)  Sb  SbPRO  Sb16ASP 44KHz ANd StEREO.WhERE.AVAiLAbLE ͼ THREE-2.ZIP 70411 18.11.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: -Ŀ | + . ߱ -- . ܲ .-- ij ScHDeWWAn & ScAMp oF -VacuuM- ij -=> THREE-2.DMF <=- ij > THE HiDEOUT +49-611-547324 < | - COS-MOVE.ZIP 373655 30.12.94 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ()----() The Absolute Move (O6:55 18O BPLM) Higher than possible (rapid trance) --( Radical Rhythms 25/12/94 )-- -- COSMiC (Radical Rhythms).(klf) gus (1meg) creative's sbpro16awe 44 KHz & in stereo where available ()--() .[teDDy/RR!].[teDDy/RR!].[teDDy/RR!]. KANN_DAS.RAR 133886 06.04.95 [02] Kann Das Alles Sein ? DMF von Simon Kissel COS-PART.ZIP 451527 06.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ()----() Da Part of Love (Trancental Edit) (Einfach nur Trance)(6:35mins 155BPM) 44KHz.Stereo.pbon GUS.Sb.16.AWE32 ---- a 16/2R product 4 Radical Rhythms by COSMiC (Radical Rhythms.Klf.Dls) ۳ Official ۳ Rel Date ۳ 19.O1.95 Attention : Varusha.Dj Bibi.Mark'Omas fans.this is nothin whatcha gona like ()--(UNDERCOVER) (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) CK-VR.ZIP 476236 14.03.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Ĵ Ŀ Ŀ \ / member of < Ĵ  XOGRAPHY Ĵ 09-28-94 ͹ presents an other DMF called "Virtual Reality" ----- ! realtime stretching ! 22 CHNL. | 3:38 Min | 20 patt. Style: wave/electronic + player for GUS,SB,SB16,SBPRO Thissignstandsforquality͹ Ŀ [< ________________________  ͼ CK-WATIS.ZIP 259460 14.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Ĵ Ŀ Ŀ \ / member of U < Ĵ  tIs & N Ĵ XOGRAPHY D ͹E Hy MUSICFREAK, ya love music ? R tIs is my first X-TRACKER DMF "What is Tekkno" 22 voices [3:58] Min OB WITH XTRACKER THE AREA OF "REAL"NB MUSIC ON PC HAS BEGUN ! ES -->WOS-NET SOUNDMODUL<-- tIssignstandsforquality͹ Ŀ F [< L ________________________ A  G ͼ RAU-DICK.ZIP 544709 24.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ĵ Presents a smash-hit-remix 4 all ladies in da h0U$! Ĵ SHORT DICK MAN (REMIX) [.DMF44.1kHzStereo04:54] With analog 1210-Styles [A Pthd.V- product] Rel.Date.......07.03.95 AGRESIVA.ZIP 420563 01.05.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ---------= ---ͺ / PReSENTS // 12.o3.94 / NAMEAGGReSSiVA/HaRDCORE RaVE iNFOTT 5:25 /+44KHz /+2o CH 11o PoSiTiONS/ 1o6 PaTTS FoRMATXTRaCKER (DMF) GUS o768K: :(C)'94CoSMiC [iW-/-DeLUSiON] .SPeED+--- SPeED -/86 TiCKS-/ ---ReLEASE #7 CK-BOING.ZIP 282899 28.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ĿĿ Ŀ\ / release- < Ĵ  date 25-06-95 ͹ An original up-to-date remix original by KRAFTWERK -=> boing bumm bumm chak <=- 24 chnl. | 5:53 min | 39 patt. Style: Techno-Pop 31 samples DMF form. | 8-Bit | 28 KHz GUS Ŀ [< ________________________  ͼ COS-CELE.ZIP 518031 10.07.95 Description from File_id.diz: [RADiCAL RHYTHMS SiNGLE RELEASE 4]͸ ޳ ޳ ޳ ޳ ޳ ĸ޳ ݳCELEBRATiON GENERATiON (WESTBAM)޳ ݳ THE OUT OF THE jUNGlE EDiT ޳ ݳ BPM 172 TRUNNiNGT 6:13 ޳ ݳ OFFiCiAL RELEASE DATE 14/O7/94 ޳ ľ޳ GUS (1MEG) SB SB PRO SB16ASP޳ 44 KHz & iN STEREO WHERE AVAiLABLE޳ [UNDERCOVER]--[COSMiC#9] >  A [UNDERCOVER BBS] DOWNLOAD...  < EMS-MX03.ZIP 1226057 15.07.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ tm Elot Musc Systems. (e/m/s) We Create Musc For The Unverse. M A X I - R E L E A S E 03/95 Sde A: Venna Sghtseeng Free SPIRIT '95 Edt Sde AA: Wzardy Ttle Tune Delta/16bt Edt Note: Use ONLY X-Play V2.99 !!! (omes rom the Unverse ! --------------------------------UltraTracker---------------------------------- CRYING.RAR 611525 12.04.95 [00] Crying StoneFace CYBOCULT.RAR 179066 12.04.95 [00] Cybocculation DARKFORC.RAR 157728 12.04.95 [00] Dark Force MORPHING.RAR 177947 12.04.95 [00] Morphing TEK2.RAR 222726 12.04.95 [00] WILLOW.RAR 138960 12.04.95 [00] Dance of The Electric Willows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TFMXSONG.ZIP 998409 15.02.95 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: #===========================# #====== T F M X Tunes ======# #===========================# #About 15 _very_ cool Tunes.# #== Enjoy hearing to them ==# #===========================# TUR_TFMX.ZIP 385004 15.02.95 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: []--[] Ŀ -S-O-U-N-D-S- ij > Ripped out from < ! AMiGA ! ij TURRiCAN I & ][ ij Well,some of this sounds will not running with the PC-TFMX Player by Sun Project, but it's great for bug fixing! Now! ÿ It's worth it! Really! ڴ SFTFMXT3.ZIP 70798 23.02.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: -=*>TURRICAN 3 TFMX TITLE-THEME<*=- Works 100% with the PC-TFMX-PLAYER from Sun Project and includes two Bonus tracks... SFTUR3LE.ZIP 374761 16.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -=*> TURRICAN III TFMX-SONGS <*=- -=*> LEVELS 1 TO 4 <*=- Each level includes itself up to 4 tunes, so you finally get about 16 hot TFMX tunes plus Turrican 3 title theme... Works 100% with TFMX player from Sun Project! 1#SYMPH1.ZIP 99692 01.03.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Ĵ Krystall / Astek Presents -= Symphony #1 (FAR) =- For the Music Contest #1 Ĵ (93/12/30) EMERALD.ARJ 66225 02.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Krystall / Astek Presents Emerald Dream (FAR) For Gravis Ultrasound only (93/11/14) BREAKING.ZIP 153099 18.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: _______ / \ ____________ / \ / \ / | \ ___ \__ ______/ / | \ (___) / ____/ (_______|_______) / \ / \ n - Factor (_________) Breaking the Walls a n-MDL by Lard/n-F This is the first MDL singlerelease ever! play with DiGiTrakker or XTC-Play OKTAMOD.ARJ 198180 17.05.95 [00] Mehrere OkatModFiles , Play with XTC-PLAY ! ARRIVAL.RAR 263837 12.05.95 [00] The Winning Module from the X'95 FEAREYES.ZIP 241338 14.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: N o s t a l g i a P r e s e n t s in her The REW's entry for X-95 Music Compo !! Selfplaying EXE - GUS Required !! TD-CHEEZ.ZIP 223615 02.06.95 [00] I want to gi buy some cheese DEVIL.RAR 192068 18.06.95 [00] Play With XTC-Play 0.48 backwards - Hidden MSG Included ! PTM!SONG.ARJ 470876 08.07.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Sounded like God's arrival Fear in her eyes - The REW 2 polytracker modules ripped by KILROY. ͵ Play with XTC-PLAY ver 0.50b! MISTHART.ZIP 377530 04.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : [XM] "Misty Heart". -NPS- ---> Proudly presented by ProLogic 303 Softw presented by ProLogic 303 Software <--- ___________________________________________ | Fast Tracker 2.03 Extended Module Format! | | No. of Tracks: 20 | | Composed by: NG PEI SIN | | Date of Release: 15th July 1995 | ------------------------------------------- *> 2nd place winner in... *> *> The Scene '95 *> (Music Section) *> (Singapore) * Use only players approved in the documentation! DISCONAT.ZIP 267096 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Juhla'95 Music Competition (5th) (.XM) Disco Nation by Reward / Complex .,oO (Party Release) Oo,. ETERNAL.ZIP 192139 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Juhla'95 Music Competition Eternal by Quaint / Splashdance (.XM) .,oO (Party Release) Oo,. -------------------------EigenProduktionen------------------------------------ DISCT.ARJ 163462 17.01.95 [06] Description from File_id.diz: >D-I-S-C-O-V-E-R-I-N-G T-R-A-N-C-E<Ŀ STILE ? A KIND OF TRANCE 8 Channel S3M Tune by S-K-Y-W-A-L-K-E-R /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/---\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ SKY-STTK.ARJ 66305 24.05.95 [00] Stories Never End 2 , by Skywalker Ŀ TOTAL KB : 23006 TOTAL FILES : 84 Ŀ AREANAME : S17 DESCRIPTION : MIDI-FILES ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC BAROCK1.LZH 49123 17.06.94 [ 4] Barock Musik COUNTRY1.LZH 71037 17.06.94 [ 6] Laenderspezifiche Musik , z.b Lambada JAZZ1.LZH 68315 17.06.94 [ 4] Jazz und andere Musik aus den 20ern-30ern KLASSIK1.LZH 57015 17.06.94 [ 6] Musik im klassischen Stil KLASSIK2.LZH 49312 17.06.94 [ 6] Musik im klassischen Stil KLASSIK3.LZH 9784 17.06.94 [ 6] Musik im klassischen Stil KLAVIR1.LZH 46937 17.06.94 [ 2] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIR2.LZH 59896 17.06.94 [ 3] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIR3.LZH 31754 17.06.94 [ 3] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIR4.LZH 46076 17.06.94 [ 2] Ruhige Klaviermusik OTHER1.LZH 15354 17.06.94 [ 5] Andere Midis POP1.LZH 52353 17.06.94 [10] Pop Musik und aehnliches POP2.LZH 67361 17.06.94 [ 9] Pop Musik und aehnliches POP3.LZH 100531 17.06.94 [ 9] Pop Musik und aehnliches POP4.LZH 107255 17.06.94 [ 9] Pop Musik und aehnliches ROCK1.LZH 47698 17.06.94 [13] Rock Musik SCHLAGR1.LZH 133580 17.06.94 [ 3] Schlager und andere volkstuemliche Musik SCHLAGR2.LZH 40098 17.06.94 [ 1] Schlager und andere volkstuemliche Musik SCIFI1.LZH 53330 17.06.94 [18] Science Ficrion Musik , z.b. Starwars , Galactica SIXTY1.LZH 42900 17.06.94 [05] Musik aus den 60ern , z.b. Beatles SIXTY2.LZH 13548 17.06.94 [05] Musik aus den 60ern , z.b. Beatles SYNTHI1.LZH 18464 17.06.94 [10] Synthi-Musik , z.b. von Jean Michelle Jarre WESTERN1.LZH 25786 17.06.94 [ 6] Western Musik BAROCK2.LZH 9068 03.02.95 [00] Barock COUNTRY2.LZH 48893 03.02.95 [ 2] Laenderspezifisches GITARRE1.LZH 13299 03.02.95 [ 8] Gitarren Midis KLASSIK4.LZH 15157 03.02.95 [00] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIER5.LZH 76989 03.02.95 [02] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIER6.LZH 79542 03.02.95 [02] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIER7.LZH 54245 03.02.95 [02] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIER8.LZH 43876 03.02.95 [02] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIER9.LZH 47614 03.02.95 [02] Ruhige Klaviermusik KLAVIR10.LZH 16572 03.02.95 [ 1] Ruhige Klaviermusik OTHER2.LZH 25472 03.02.95 [ 1] Verschiedene Mids POP5.LZH 161775 03.02.95 [ 2] Popige Midis POP6.LZH 124007 03.02.95 [ 2] Popige Midis POP7.LZH 109668 03.02.95 [06] Popige Midis ROCK2.LZH 21368 03.02.95 [05] Rock Midis SCHLAGR3.LZH 7729 03.02.95 [00] (Schlager SCIFI2.LZH 6881 03.02.95 [03] Science Fiction SIXTY3.LZH 13611 03.02.95 [01] AUs den 50er - 60er SYNTHI2.LZH 9558 03.02.95 [04] Synthishizer WESTERN2.LZH 11280 03.02.95 [ 5] WesternMusik TWINPEAK.LZH 1827 09.08.94 [16] TwinPeak MIDI (auf der GUS genial) WC2_MIDS.ZIP 77179 10.08.94 [ 8] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Wing Commander II ͹ A collection of all the music MID's from the game!! ͼ XOG_MIDI.ARJ 5425 02.07.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ some really fucking MIDIS Stefan Brink of XOGRAPHY ͼ MIDIPACK.ARJ 132938 06.10.94 [ 7] Description from File_id.diz: --- ---- --- --- MIDI PACK #1 ---Ŀ YO DUDES! MORE GM MIDI STUFF THIS IS A COLLECTION OF VERY NICE GM MIDI FILES MODIFIED AND ADJUSTED TO SOUND RIGHT ON THE GRAVIS ULTRASOUND BY OUR NEW SOUNDER CANNON! DO YOU OWN A GUS? TRY THIS! -- MIDI PACK #1 ---- TEKKNOPR.ZIP 54046 06.10.94 [ 8] Description from File_id.diz: ҷ ****************** World Premiere ع The new ع SOUNDSTANDARD ع in General Midi ع featuring ع BIG kG & McPiastenع ع TEKNO PRICKS۽ IEMIDI.ARJ 45004 25.10.94 [07] Description from File_id.diz: This is a short collection of eleven Midi files In General Midi format from the Interactive Entertainment CD#4. Sounds Great on GUS. Even works with 256kGUS!! DMMIDI.ARJ 214311 04.12.94 [09] Alle (!) Lieder aus Doom im MIDI-Format (Inkl. des fav. Bunnyliedes :) ) MIDCOLL1.ZIP 78608 01.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo OoOoO tHe LoSt PRDiSe - +54-i-5o2-263o OoOo OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Midi Collection: - Life (Haddaway) - higher grounds (UB40) - Wheel of Fortune (Ace Of Base) - Mr.Vain (Culture Beat) - Living on my Own (F.Navarry) MIDCOLL2.ZIP 235824 01.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo OoOoO THE LOST PARADISE - +54-I-5O2-263O OoOo OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo General Midi Collection#2 -Are you go my way -Sweet Harmony -Heal the world -Would I lie to you -Someday -End of the world -Be my baby -Sleeping sattelite MIDCOLL4.ZIP 155952 01.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo OoOoO H l0S PRD|S - +54-|-502-2630 OoOo OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Midi Collection#4 -Don't pay the ferrymoon -Every Breath you take -I Feel for You -One Day I'll fly away -Don't you want me? -Private Dance -Sweet Dreams -What's Love BBS-GHPC.ZIP 73969 12.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: _/\\_______________//\_____________ _\_ ______/_ _ ______/_ _ ______/__ _ _/ _/ \____ _ \_ \____ _ \________ _ \_ \_______________/____________/___________// ===============bLOODbROTHERS!============== GUS HPC-HelpKit v. 0.85 for HelpPC. - Must for all REAL GUS coders. (If you're programming with SDK, you aren't REAL) =========================================== BIOFOR-M.ZIP 30842 12.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Two Midi-Files from the soundtrack of the upcoming Origin-Release <<< B I O F O R G E >>> ͼ DES_MID.ZIP 95367 12.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: The best Midi-Songs of DESCENT !!! WC3-2MID.ZIP 34497 12.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ 2 great Midi-Files from the musical score of W I N G - C O M M A N D E R I I I ͼ STING.ZIP 128592 09.05.95 [00] Sehr schoene Midifiles von Sting COLEC90.ARJ 82087 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 90 . COLEC91.ARJ 60111 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 91 . COLEC92.ARJ 64140 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 92 . COLEC93.ARJ 59336 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 93 . COLEC94.ARJ 41874 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 94 . COLEC95.ARJ 36310 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 95 . COLEC96.ARJ 61747 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 96 . COLEC97.ARJ 73587 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 97 . COLEC98.ARJ 48219 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 98 . COLEC99.ARJ 32033 17.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: WOS-Net PresentsĿ : : | -= The MIDI CoLLecTioN =- | : : A Collection Of Nice MIDI-Files . Part 99 . MALEK3.ZIP 10586 24.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Malek3.Mid (c) 1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs. Light percussion, low melodic strings, rolling aahs, and blaring orchestra hits are all featured playing their various counter-melodies in this third movement of the MIDI piece named "Malek." Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3943 TOTAL FILES : 69 Ŀ AREANAME : S18 DESCRIPTION : VOCS (Z.B. FUER DEN ANRUFBEANTWORTER :-)) ) ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ARABIAN.ZIP 83352 24.07.94 [ 4] Der Arabische Operator AUSSERIR.ZIP 93385 24.07.94 [ 3] Der Ausserirdiche BLUEM.ZIP 278715 22.07.94 [ 4] Der Bundesarbeitsminister ... DONALD.ZIP 238980 24.07.94 [ 5] Donald Duck Song ERIKA1.ZIP 52899 24.07.94 [ 6] Erika Berga KUHBUNGE.ARJ 844248 11.09.94 [ 2] Voc ueber Kuehe die Bungeespringen , echt ROTFL MAD.ZIP 228178 24.07.94 [ 3] Der milt. Abwehrdienst NATHYM.ARJ 280150 21.08.94 [ 3] Die National Hymne aus dem Hurra-Club! SACHSE.ZIP 214778 22.07.94 [ 4] Ein echter Ostler eben WASHNDOG.ARJ 37101 21.08.94 [08] Beavis&Butthead VOC Washin' the Dog. NINTEN.WAV 7275 17.11.94 [ 2] Gameboy Startsignal BUNDY.ARJ 1154536 28.11.94 [ 3] Haufenweise Wav-Files zu Al-Bundy FKZJOGUR.WV <> Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3431 TOTAL FILES : 12 Ŀ AREANAME : S20 DESCRIPTION : PLAYER FUER SOUNDKARTEN ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC CMOD225.ZIP 75107 15.07.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ CapaMod 2.25 A damn good MOD and S3M player for Gravis UltraSound. SPECT10.ARJ 50535 01.09.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: ۰ĿķĿĿĿ ۰۰ķĽ ۰۰Ľаٰа ۰۰۰۰v1.0 ۰۰۰۰۰۰ ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ ۰۰۰۰ SPECTRAL ANALYSIS for the Gravis UltraSound!! Visually monitor ANY sound source! Amazing display! REQ: 386/486, VGA, Gravis UltraSound DON'T try this on a Sound Blaster CTHUGHA5.ZIP 722287 06.10.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Cthugha-An Oscilliscope on Acid v5.0f Connect your SB/GUS to your CD,Line Microphone or CD-Rom. Fire up your favourite music, then sit back and watch the screen move to the music Now with CD-ROM interface, and mind blowing new rotating flames!!!!!!!! FFT spectrum bars, INI files, Works with the PAS in Mono mode Complete with Source code The Digital Aasvogel Group 1994 Cthugha HSC13ECR.ZIP 106940 28.09.94 [08] Description from File_id.diz: HSC-Tracker V1.3 -=ECR=- SWISS Programming Division -= ELECTRONIC RATS =- !!!! EXTRACT WITH SUBDIRECTORIES !!!! HSCP13.ZIP 26878 02.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: .ַ ַ ַַַ ַ. .::ֶֶ ֶ Ƿǽ::. .::::ӽӽӽӽӽ ӽ ӽ::::. HSC Player v1.3 Modplayer-look-a-like program for playing HSC files (AdLib) Done by [oOtO/aVC] 00:10:09:94 SADT13.ZIP 114126 02.10.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ߺ PRODUCTIONS ܺ Ĵ SurpriseAdlibTrackerv1.3 codedbyErikPojar! uploadedbyTheFaker SADT200.ZIP 194926 24.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: [ Surprise!Adlib Tracker v2.00 ] the ultimate tracker for fm-music now including 73 songs, 31 fm-samples and replay-source by Erik Pojar / S!P [30/05/95] S3MPLAY.EXE 13997 27.08.93 [06] Player fuer S3m-Files IPLAY121.ZIP 145159 17.01.95 [12] Description from File_id.diz: PRESENTS: į> iNERTiA PLAYER v1.21! < ASSEMBLY '94 CD EDiTiON į> 100% 386+ ASSEMBLER! < SUPPORTS: GUS,PAS16,WSS,SB16,SBPro, SB,Adlib,Covox,StereoOn1, PC Speaker and MIDI PLAYS: MOD,NST,STM,S3M,669,E669, MTM,WOW,INR,PSM,FAR & ULT FEATURES: EMS,UMBs,Menu,DOS Shell 256x Oversampling, Volume Amplify, PAL/NTSC Switch, VU-Meters, Graphical V1.21 ! DON'T USE THE VIRUS ! !CONTAMiNATED CD VERSiON! GLX213.ZIP 89524 23.08.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ )> <>> GLX v2.13 <<> <( Ĵ This is the world's fastest modplayer This program is copyright 1993-94 : by TRIAL Productions... Runs on XT's/286/386/486/Pentium !! Supports: SoundBlaster (Pro), PAS GravisUltraSound, AdLib, AdLib Gold Stereo-on-1, Covox DAC, PC-Speaker. Supports the following formats: .669/.E669/.FAR/.MOD/.MTM/.NST .S3M/.STM/.ULT/.XM New features : Finally fixed AdLib Gold ! TRIAL TRIAL DMP4B.ZIP 297687 21.03.95 [01] Dual Module Player 4.0 Beta DMPDR401.ZIP 70992 18.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: *------------------------------* *-- Dual Module Player v4.01 --* *------------------------------* New Drivers for DMP V4.00 Fixes Bug with DMP32 on 16-Bit Soundcards using non amplified modes! Directly from author! AM_ALPHA.ARJ 175955 15.07.94 [ 7] Description from File_id.diz: Ars Musica Alpha is finally out! Another composer, but with SVGA 640x400 in 256 colors interface with scroll bars, gadgets e.t.c. Supporting GUS only at this time. Plays S3M and MOD. GET IT NOW!!! COOL.ARJ 396533 17.07.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: Cool Edit v.1.33 is a waveform editor with features such as: Echo, Flange, Stretch/Pitch change, delay, compress, brainwave synchronizer, noise reducer, envelope, filter, and music generator. Supports WAV(ADPCM too)/VOC/AIF/PCM. Cue and Play list. View waves as amplitude or frequency plots. Analyze component frequencies. Scripts let you play back complex operations. RMP120.ZIP 70157 05.09.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: ߳ Ŀ YOUij TRAN SHOULD USES TOO!!! ĿĿIT!!! ij Renaissance Music Player Version: 1.20 Release Date 8/29/94 Formats: MOD/MTM/S3M Supported Hardware: GUS/SB/SBPro/SB16/PAS/PAS16 AudioTrix Pro/WSS Requires: 386 or Higher Processor Features: Extremely Stable DOS Shell ProTracker Compliant Pattern Tracking Mode ; XTD-G105.ZIP 390409 21.10.94 [09] Description from File_id.diz: - ߳ : : . . ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲. fREiE DEMO-VERSiON!! v1.05 . BY D-LUSiON iS, (C) 1994 by ASI . BUGFiXED VERSiON !!! . ------= : X-TRACKER, das professionelle : Sound Studio. Features : 32 digitale Kanle GUS, SB16, SBPRO, SB . DMF,S3M,MTM,669,MOD . DSF,WAV,VOC,SND,SAM,PAT 1024 Pattern 250 Samples und vieles mehr =-----ľ (somewhere near trancental . be undercover) LUCE.ZIP 114715 07.08.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: RAdiCAL.RhYthMSSiNGLE.RELEASEĻ ij . ͻ . ֿֿҿ ÿڿڿ¿¿ڿڿ . ִվٳ ڴ . . OVAN/RR/hYPERNOVA/CLT PRESENtS . --------͹. .tRANSLUCENCY. . GREAt NEW.AGE/tRANCE tRiP! 14-ChANNElS dMf-tRACk (3'47) .-----ͼ iNCLUdiNG XPLAY V2.oo fOR Pb ON: . GUS (1Mb). Sb SbPRO  Sb16ASP 44KHz ANd StEREOWhEREAVAiLAbLE --ͼ >  A [UNDERCOVER BBS] DOWNLOAD...  < XPLAY299.ZIP 76624 02.04.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ----޸ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ޳ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޳ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޳ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޳ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޳ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޳ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޳ ------ V2.99 - ޳ OFFiCiALX-TRACKERDMFPLAYER޳ _BETA_VERSION_-_DO_NOT_DISTRIBUTE!!_޳ ----޳ (C)OPYRiGHT1994,1995޳ (P)RODUCEDBYRAY&COSMiC޳ -----޳ GUSSBSB-PROSB16SBAWESUPPORT޳ ----޸ INCLUDINGX-PLAY-SHELL2V1.21޳ --޳ (P)RODUCEDBYNiKOLAUS޳ ޳ ------- (V)FP11.ZIP 70240 27.11.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ĿĿĿĿ 20 Nov 1994 Ŀ ; Ŀ ĿĿ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ո;͸ ո վ; Ŀ ո ͸ վ վ Ը Ըվ ; ;; ; ;;; ;; FairPlay v1.1, by JCH / Vibrants --- Great MOD player for SB, SB Pro, SB16 and GUS, featuring... GUI in 640x480x16 mode ECHO and CHORUS on GUS File & Setup requester 99% ProTracker support 16-Bit mixing on SB 16 Sample bars and scopes Fabulous for chiptunes Update: Main volume, commandline support, and files may now be combined and a few bug fixes. ; FT204.ZIP 357760 25.07.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Ŀ PRESENTS ͻ ͻ ͻ ͼ ͻ ͼ ͻ ɻ ͼ ͻ ͼ ͼ ȼ ͻ ͼ ͼ ͼ Fasttracker v2.04 ETRCK06.ZIP 199894 13.10.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Extreme's Tracker v0.6 beta --------------------------- if you own a GUS and need a GOOD tracker, just DL! Featuring full GUS support, great layout, superiour functions, etc, etc, etc... SNDCLUB.ZIP 629594 20.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : SOUNDCLUB - Full fledged musicstudio, soundeditor, synthesizer, FX maker! 32 channel mixer - stereo compact disk quality sound output with some soundcards. MIDI interface. Up to 64 instruments simultaneously. Lyrics window included for karaoke fans. This program replaces thousands of dollars of music equipment, Supports most major soundcards and file formats. Mouse or KB.Creative Dimensions (vga/ega 512k-dos) . Ver 1- 05/94 TM_MODTL.ZIP 43437 25.10.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ڿڿ | Trouble Makers | : Presents : MoD TooLS Automatic Mod Rip Mod Catalog Module Fixer Prog to insert Logos to Mods MOD Sample tools [02/03/94] XMITOOLS.ZIP 52394 25.10.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: XMITOOLS is used to extract XMIDI files (those with the extension XMI) which are a compressed MIDI format. Many games have they're music stored in XMI format, often times all in one file, just appended to each other. Since XMI's are already com- pressed, compression usually cannot hide their presence. When ripping XMI's, chances are you will get quite a few. There are usually different XMI's for every different sound card needed (i.e. you'll get a batch of MT32 XMI's and a batch od GM XMI's). -=[] eCSTaTiC STaTe oF MiND []=- |ijTR 49-234-504439 V.FC| -=[] eXTRaSeNSoRY PeRCePTioN []=- [Zomb's Musicbox +49(0)40-6095587] PLAYB.EXE 29225 31.10.94 [07] Player fuer die UART MPU-401 kompatiblen Karten und Module MIX.EXE 6352 31.10.94 [ 1] Speicherrresidenter Volume-mixer fr die SB-16 DMPC260.ZIP 122608 09.12.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: -=> Dual Module Player Companion v2.60 <=- The front end for almost any music player. Reads inside ARJ/LHA/ZIP/LIM/SQZ/HYP/ZOO & HPK/HA/ARC/PAK/RAR/UC2. Use any music format Allows random and tagged play. Rips samples from MOD/S3M/STM/669/MTM/ULT/FAR/AMF/DSM/PSM Saves samples in SMP/SAM/WAV/FSM/SND/VOC/SPL Play samples on GUS/PAS/SB/DAC/Tandy/Adlib & Speaker! Fast startup with logfile function. Piano-style layout for sample preview. SCRMT321.ZIP 196195 06.03.95 [05] Description from File_id.diz: ܷ Future Crew presents ݺ Ķ SCREAM TRACKER Ľ SSS-10.ZIP 84672 02.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ t EGENd dESiGN t R '94 R : : i presents i . . P P l SSS tRiPlE SSS l E Module player! E . : . great design shuffle play :dos shell introduction play Grab a GUS and take a listen! ! NOW ! [ld'94] REALMP.ZIP 204868 04.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ()  RealTech Module Player v1.18  Supports many sound cards: SB16, WSS, PAS16, PAS+, SB, SB Pro, AudioTrix Pro, Aria, GUS ! Plays: MOD,MTM,S3M,NST,STM,FAR,... Supports VGA / SVGA, Gif viewer ! CD audio player,mixer and nice gfx not crippled : CARDWARE ! new graphics STARP200.ZIP 49613 23.01.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: @X9F 00X +43-1-8924204@X03 _/\________________________ / _____ __ ______ \ \______ \/ \/ _ \ _ _/ | | \ \ \ | \ \\____ / ____/___ /__|__ / | \/\/ PLAYER \/ v2.oo\/| | multi-module s3m and mod | | player for the Gravis | | Ultrasound. Features: | | load 8 s3ms or mods | | into extended memory | | flip modules in dos | | ultra-click free | | wildcard file loading | | and much more... | | an oxygen release, dec 94 | |___________________________| ULTRA161.ARJ 415334 31.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: -< MAS of Prophecy presents >- Ŀ UltraTracker v1.61 - 07-27-1994ͻ 32track 8/16bit composer/editor/player Ŀ supports: MOD,669,FAR,MTM,S3M & ULT ! samples: SND,WAV,FSM,PAT,IFF,UWF & RAW Mouse support, many effects & effect- combination, EMS/XMS, sampleeditor,... Ŀ NEW: more sampleedit functions, global volume control, bugfixes, and more ! - ENGLISH and GERMAN documentation - ! NO CRIPPLEWARE - ALL AVAILABLE ! requires: VGA & GUS (opt. MOUSE & 4MB) ٭ give it a try !ͼ PMS01B.ZIP 48450 05.02.95 [08] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ The Final Musicsystem eXtended Ĵ PLAYER Version 0.01 Ĵ Supports: Gravis Ultrasound SoundBlaster (pro) SoundBlaster 16 Pro Audio Spectrum 16 Windows Sound System Ĵ A Sun-Project Production CP14L.ZIP 245301 17.07.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: CUBIC-Player v1.4lgt ͸ TM PLAYER v1.4light Ĵ formats: XM,S3M,MTM,MOD/NST/WOW, OKT,669,ULT,DMF & MIDI PTM devices: SB/2/PRO/16,GUS/DB/MAX WSS,PAS/16,quiet new feat: fileselector ][ !!!!!! PAS series, PTM, real intepolation smaller bugfixes Ĵ simply the best! CP10.ZIP 988024 31.05.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: CUBIC-Player v1.0 ͸ TM PLAYER v1.0 Ĵ formats: XM,S3M,MTM,MOD/NST/WOW, OKT,669,ULT,DMF & MIDI devices: SB/2/PRO/16,GUS/DB,WSS, GUSMAX,quiet new feat: GUS Mem Multiplier ->8x Echo Menu, GUSMAX/WSS, Note Dots, 1024*768 graph.spectrum analyser, no coprocessor FFI (fast!) Ĵ simply the best! DIGITR23.RAR 117422 25.07.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : TRAKKER v2.3 n-Factor Production ͱ ++ improved version ++ --------  new INSTRUMENT SYSTEM (multisamps, envelopes..) ۲  fullscreen patterneditor ۲  4/6/8/18 channeldisplay  powerfull sampleeditor  protracker-like desktop  MDL xm mod s3m mtm ptm 669 ult far IST pat xi IFF wav voc smp raw ...  includes: cute chipie's by Lard and Rew/NTG FAR08B.ZIP 372168 05.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ķ Digital Infinity presents Ľ FARANDOLE COMPOSER ķ 16 channel digital stereo composer for the Gravis Ultrasound! version 0.8 Release #2! -=Couriered BY Smegma!=- AP_0400.ZIP 85251 04.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: AwePlay by Thor The best module player for the AWE32! Features: +loads and plays XM/MOD modules (for XM, 8/16 bits samples) +up to 30 channels, max 256 rows, max 256 patterns +all Protracker's & almost all FastTracker II's effects implemented +force upload (if not enough RAM on AWE32, less samples, but playing) RADV1_0A.ZIP 76468 19.04.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: The COMPLETE Adlib Package * FULLY functional ADLIB Tracker! * ASM SOURCE Play-Routine included! * HSC & Screamtracker ADLIB support! * The BEST Adlib package available! [A Reality Production] MORGU149.ZIP 172348 31.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ķ Morgul 1.49b, feature-rich player ͹ Supported sound hardware: GUS,SB,SBPRO,SB16,PAS16,WSS,Covox, Speaker,StereoCovox,Aria,AudioTrix File formats: MOD/MTM/FAR/S3M/669/AMF/STM/4DOS/PCX A very convenient file system with tagging,random playing,COPY,delete Superior support for ARJ,ZIP,LZH,HA SQZ,RAR and UC2! Allows you to try and save samples in RAW,WAV and ST3 formats! Also included is a graphic mode with many bells and whistles.  Beta test release, 1.50 will   be out Real Soon Now!  Ľ FUNK106.ZIP 494681 14.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: FUNKTRACKER 1.06 =Hot little Demo Format= 386+. Supports GUS,SB,SPPRO SB16,pas16.FULL Source code By jsno/Super Real Darwin and HORNET DIGI!.ARJ 60530 12.08.95 [00] Digiplay , Samplesbearbeitungsproggram von Sami Tammiletho Ŀ TOTAL KB : 8061 TOTAL FILES : 42 Ŀ AREANAME : SGUS DESCRIPTION : GUS SOUPORT ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC DUNE2G.ZIP 7564 26.07.94 [05] Gus-Patch fuer Dune2 GAIL32.ARJ 90570 19.04.94 [05] Ail 32-Bit Treiber fuer die Gus SIERRA32.ARJ 168707 27.07.94 [03] Sierra 32 Bit Treiber fuer die Gus U8GUS.ZIP 69135 26.07.94 [02] Ultima 8 Gus-Patch (Nur Musik) GUS-SYND.ARJ 1470 25.10.94 [04] GUS Support fuer Syndicate (Nur SBOS) MEGARACE.ARJ 2606 02.11.94 [02] Gus Patch fuer Megarace ESGRAV.ZIP 16281 13.12.94 [01] Patch fuer die GUS bei Earthsiege TFXPATCH.ZIP 734169 27.01.95 [01] Gus-Patch fuer TFX LOREAIL.ARJ 8566 25.10.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ******************************************** Gravis Ultrasound General MIDI support for LANDS OF LORE by Westwood. Requires GUSAIL v1.0. -> Copyright (c) 1993 Johan Sanneblad <- ******************************************** ULTRA06C.ZIP 59885 09.12.94 [07] Description from File_id.diz: ultra06c.zip - version 0.6c of "The Manley GUS Robert J. Manley's Gravis Ultrasound MMPM drive Files installed: ultradd.doc <10K ultradd.sys <40K ultravdd.sys <10K ultravsd.dll <1K cardinfo.dll <30K audhelp.hlp <5K GAIL_3.ZIP 16848 17.02.95 [05] Description from File_id.diz: Vampy finally presents : The NEW HOT "AIL 3.0 Drivers" for the ultimate GRAVIS ULTRASOUND ! No more Ultramid needed ! GUSETUP.ZIP 224152 27.01.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ UltraSound Setup v0.1 replaces setgus.exe & setup.exe - now with nice and easy to use Graphic User Interface MEG304.ZIP 264294 09.06.95 [09] MegaEM 3.04 (Beta) fuer die GUS ULTRA07A.ZIP 122009 25.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ultra07a.zip and UltiMOD v1.1 Version 0.7a of Robert Manley's OS/2 GUS Driver Version 1.1 of Sander van Leeuwen's UltiMOD GUS GUSINST.ZIP 1379532 07.01.95 [04] Gus Disks 3.59 1/6 GUS.002 1457664 07.01.95 [05] Gus Disks 3.59 2/6 GUS.003 1457664 07.01.95 [03] Gus Disks 3.59 3/6 GUS.004 1457664 07.01.95 [03] Gus Disks 3.59 4/6 GUS.005 1457664 07.01.95 [03] Gus Disks 3.59 5/6 GUS.006 1050392 07.01.95 [04] Gus Disks 3.59 6/6 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 9811 TOTAL FILES : 20 Ŀ AREANAME : SHMN DESCRIPTION : SONGS VON HUMANOID OF PROPHECY ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ECSTASY.RAR 188540 06.04.95 [00] Ecstasy (JB'92) XMASRAVE.ZIP 337466 22.12.94 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: 14-cHael-S3m-mUsic-fiLe says ͻ /\/\ey ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܰ /\/\AS ͼ tO aLL tRaCs & rAvEs aRouNd HUMNEXUS.ARJ 322138 19.06.95 [00] Contribution for Nexus from Humanoid of Prophecy 1ST_DN.ZIP 655022 28.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: HUMANOiD of PROPHECY! & EYE of HURRiCANE! Ŀ DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE W MUsiC-GoUP iS Bo - Th ist Rls & IoS - RAVEBEAT.ZIP 174771 04.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE 16 Channel S3M 6:25 ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ δ ɼ ͼ ٳ į BT COMMUNIC.ZIP 352794 19.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE Ĵ 20 Channel S3M 6:25 COMMUNICATION DNCRYING.ZIP 481967 24.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE DiGiTAL NiGHTMARE Ĵ EYE of HURRICANE and HUMANOID of PROPHECY CRYING 4-Ch-MOD-File 16-Ch-S3M-File Ŀ TOTAL KB : 2453 TOTAL FILES : 7 Ŀ AREANAME : SNYP DESCRIPTION : SONGS VON NYPHTON / SANCTION ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ELVEN.RAR 108371 25.06.95 [01] The Ice-Elven FAMA.RAR 1305 25.06.95 [03] Fama , Adlib :-)) WARTRACK.RAR 143725 25.06.95 [01] Wartrack ENCLOSE.RAR 108853 25.06.95 [ 1] Enclosed Violence - S3M von Nyphton/Sanction SPACWARP.RAR 129890 25.06.95 [ 2] SpaceWarp ! Demolied fr die Gruppe Sanction vom July.Ziemlich genitaler Spacesound von Nyphton/Sanction PTOX.RAR 27622 25.06.95 [04] Philatoxia von Nyphton/Sanction PARANOID.RAR <> SOMWHERE.ARJ 56311 25.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: *** -Ŀ -Ŀ Somewhere in time ~ - - ***Synth -composed- *by* -> Nyphton / Sanction <- KB: 81 ; REDRREV.ZIP 264781 25.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ۰ ۲ Nypthon / Sanction ۰ ۲ ۱۱ ۱ ۲۱ۿ ÿ -------Ŀ -->> Redox Reaction Reversed <<-- about 5 mins. Some kind of Trance? Just tag and enjoy it June/1995 Nypthon / $ DILOGIC.ZIP 218432 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ------------------------------------ * A Song,composed by Nyphton/Sanction ͸ This is my contribution to the ͵ NEXUS 95' ͵ DILOGIC.S3M - 2:47 - 299.542 *; Ŀ TOTAL KB : 1034 TOTAL FILES : 9 Ŀ AREANAME : SDIV DESCRIPTION : SONGS VON LOGA OF D.I.V. ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC D3_REMIX.RAR 450174 07.08.95 [05] Der Doom3-Remix von Hendrik Fischer ILU_B5.ARJ 43928 07.08.95 [05] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ THe LoRD oF LoGA pr Presents Ĵ MS-MALO :-) SONG ۲ ij Speed : 5 at 125 bpm Autor : Hendrik Fischer! Patterns: 30 Timlimit: 3:10 ZONK_12.ARJ 27118 07.08.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ ĴMAR'95Ŀ ۲ Lord Loga Proudly Presents ij ͻ ͻ ͻ ͸ վ ɼ ; ɼ Ⱦ ͻ վ ͼ ͸ ͻ ͼ ͼ ͼ LGH-M132.ARJ <> Ŀ LoGA oF ThE ScRAx p r e s e n t s ɿ û CoMPoSeD By LoGA/ScRAx AproX TiME iS 6:37 iN T E C H N O S T Y L E LGH-GOD1.ARJ 131846 07.08.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ Ŀ * Ŀ Ŀ * Kirchenlieds * VOLUME I LGH-LAU1.ARJ 135651 07.08.95 [07] Description from File_id.diz: | ͳ ͵ Ļ S o n g | b y L o g a LGH-DREX.ARJ 93235 07.08.95 [08] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ X i ()1995 g Production.. !!FACE!!.ARJ 136044 07.08.95 [10] Description from File_id.diz: ۳ ۳ ۳ ۳ ͸ ۳ Loga Finally Presentz...: ۳ A New Tune Of Acid ۳ Techno/Trance! ۳ ; ۳ ۳ My First S3m In Full Stereo Sound. Play ۳ With XTC-Play And Good Soundcard! ۳ Don't Switch To Mid Or Surround!It Sounds ۳ Best with the current Pan-Settings! ۰ Ŀ TOTAL KB : 994 TOTAL FILES : 7 Ŀ AREANAME : U01 DESCRIPTION : TOOLS FUER DOS ALLGEMEIN ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC AVIEW.ARJ 138265 03.05.94 [ 3] Archivebearbeiter fuer Norton Commander oder als Standalone ET70HZ.ZIP 5799 02.08.94 [ 6] Schaltet Et4000-karten auf 70/72Hz-Modus. Besser als das Sch... Dmode-programm.! GRAFFX32.ZIP 32915 02.08.94 [ 4] Bildklau in Verschiedene Formate! HYPERDI!.EXE 286082 27.11.94 [ 1] HyperUtilties , unter anderem Hyperdisk und Heyperscreen POVRAY.ARJ 460080 22.06.94 [ 3] Raytracer fuer Dos SONICH2.ARJ 77537 18.09.94 [ 3] CD-Player fuer Dos , achtung nur fuer Matsushita an SBPRO! TDRAW451.ARJ 248349 27.11.94 [16] TheDraw 4.51 UUDECODE.COM 1280 15.12.94 [00] UUdecode VMPEG11.ZIP 77317 18.08.94 [ 1] Mpeg-Player HORROR.ZIP 16236 12.03.95 [03] Ein wirklich horrormaessiger Font :) DOS4GW17.ZIP 143939 21.03.95 [00] DOS4GW Version 1.97 PV250.ARJ 306284 10.02.95 [03] Description from File_id.diz: ͸ ***** PV2.50 ***** Pictureviewer for EGA,VGA,SVGA's, 8514,Hicolor,CEG,MACH32 a. others - up to 1280x1024 on VESA VGA's - autodetects the VGA - over 60 file formats incl Kodak PhotoCD, JPG, TIF,.. - imagegallery - player for AVI,FLx,DL,GL.. - imageprocessing - fileconversion to over 11 fmt. - german english french menu ; DOSM21.ZIP 85029 18.09.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: ---------------------------------------- DOSMAX 2.1 frees conventional memory by loading FILES,FCBS,BUFFERS,LASTDRIV, and STACKS into upper memory, get 628K free with your memory manager. Also load the DOS 5/6 kernel or COMMAND.COM in a UMB. DOS 3 - 6, DR-DOS, Shareware $15. ---------------------------------------- AMISETUP.ZIP 322859 18.09.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: AMIsetup 2.60 - External Setup (new AMI BIOS required). If you ever considered your built-in setup as incomprehensible, boring, inconvenient or incomplete, you have been waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup can save your configuration on disk and restore it. You can even change setup options missing in your BIOS! AMIsetup cracks your password, auto-detects hard disks, runs in batch mode & much more. BREAKARJ.ZIP 17470 20.07.94 [ 6] Description from File_id.diz: *** ARJ Password Searcher *** MalFunction System ` Group Proudly Presents Calculate password for ARJ file Works very fast ! From Russia ! QEDIT3C.ZIP 206556 02.03.94 [10] Description from File_id.diz: QEDIT ADVANCED v3.00C - Blazingly fast, multi-file, multi-window, compact DOS text editor, both powerful and EASY to use. Includes macros; column blocks; variable, smart, and fixed tab support; basic word- processing features. Configurable, including keyboard, colors, and initial settings. Data Based Advisor Readers Choice as Best Program/ Text Editor. Over 120,000 licensed users in 70+ countries prefer QEdit! VGACOP61.ZIP 271235 19.04.95 [00] Vgacopy 6.10 4DOS55A.ZIP 250486 25.10.94 [ 5] Neuste 4DOS Ver. 5.5 1/2 4DOS55B.ZIP 257839 25.10.94 [ 6] Neuste 4DOS Ver. 5.5 2/2 VP3DEMO.ARJ 191105 02.10.94 [04] Demo von Vista Pro LANDSCHAFTSGENERATOR RDSDRW21.ARJ 152422 13.10.94 [00] Prog zum erstellen eigener 3d-Bilder (wie in den Buechern "Das Magische Auge I-III), SUPER TIFFY1.ZIP 1086162 12.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: ***TIFFYPro5.49* - Bildbearbeitung/Visualisierung, Drucken, Prs - Bildformate: TIFF, PCX, JPG, GIF, Kodak PCD, - Kompression: Packbits, Runlength, LZW, JPeG, - Farbtiefe: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 Bit (RGB, YCC), - Farbreduktion, Gltten, Weichzeichner, Schrf - Rotation, Skalieren, Resampling, Spiegeln, Be - Helligkeits-, Kontrast-, Chrominanz- und Gamm - Einfache Bedienung durch grafische Oberflche - Makrorekorder (Aufzeichnen komplexer Bearbeit - Dateimanager mit Kopier-, Lsch-, Umbenennen/ - MCGA, VGA und SuperVGA (mono, 16/256/32768/65 - Matrix-, Tintenstrahl-, Laserdruck; teilweise - Batchverarbeitung mit vielen Kommandozeilenop - Effektives Speichermanagement (EMS, XMS und v - Extrem geschwindigkeitsoptimierter Code mit s XLC_100.ZIP 28630 13.11.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: _________________________ _____________________ \_____ _____ _____\ / \/ \_____ / \ \ \________/__________/ ----------------------- P R E S E N T S ij XLiNK 1.00 (DATA-EXE-FILELiNKER) ij BY JiNX! | O F | : T H E : COEXiSTENCE .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo. P-RIP300.ARJ 126871 14.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: PowerRIP+ (TM) version 3.0 ۲ NEW: Custom scanning -- lets you scan for ANY type of file, and smart extraction/cleanup for MODs and 669s! PowerRIP will rip MODs, S3Ms, MTMs, STMs, ULTs, 669s, PSMs, AMFs, MIDs, GIFs, VOCs, WAVs, BMPs, and more from demos, games, etc.; byte rip parts of a file (now has hex support), and much more! Has an easy to use interface with mouse support! Get it! by Jordan Russell 10/29/94 ANSICV22.ARJ 62474 09.12.94 [08] Konvertiert Gif's ins Ansi-Format STMENUE.ARJ 134784 29.01.95 [00] Das fast schon legendaere Program von Stefan Stein RIPSK101.ZIP 114784 05.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: RIP Sketch v1.01 - Easy to use RIPscrip drawing program for creating online RIP graphics. Includes support for all the level-0 RIPscrip commands plus icons, clipboard, mouse regions and more! This version includes more fonts. Requires EGA and a mouse. Supports Adlib sound. TOP4004.ZIP 28650 19.03.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Copy-Station : **** Programmname : EXTRACT (NT) Version: : 2.0 Autor : Gilles Volant Sprache : E Rubrik : Tools System : NT (Intel) Beschreibung : Enpackt Images von Diskimage, DC EXTRACT 2.0: Extracting files from disk image With PKUNZIP UNARJ like syntaxe, you can extract file from floppy image created by WinImage (same author), DCF, DF, Sabdu, and a lot of disk copy tool which make disk image. Versions for DOS and for NT. You can create image and inject file on it. NOW FREEWARE! M3RIP215.ZIP 63898 18.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ * The fastest ripper!! * Supports 4/6/8 CHN MOD, STM, S3M, ULT, MTM, FAR, XM and MIDI files. Manual, command line and automatic extraction. File menu and info about all formats supported. .-=[lastrSound BBS +34-58-293583]=- NPT31A.ZIP 602546 18.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: NeoPaint 3.1 - A complete image editing/paint program for DOS! Includes powerful features and naturalistic tools (such as oil and water colors) usually found only in more costly apps. Resolutions up to 24-bit. Supports PCX, TIFF & BMP formats. SIA Awards runner-up, Ziff-Davis/PC Mag. s/w awards finalist 1994. Drivers for 300+ printers. Easy to use. Reqs: DOS 3.1+; 640K+; Hard disk; mouse; Herc.mono, EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics card & monitor. PSP30.ZIP 1407931 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Paint Shop Pro v3.0 The complete windows graphics program for image creation, viewing, and manipulation. Features include painting with 8 brushes, photo retouching, image enhancement and editing, color enhancement, image browser, batch conversion, and scanner support. Included are 20 standard filters and 12 deformations. Supports plug-in filters. Over 30 file formats supported. Winner SIA & ZiffNet awards. From JASC, Inc. WPSHELLC.ARJ 225180 23.04.95 [01] OS/2-WpShell fuer Windows LIST91B.ZIP 109335 25.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: LIST Plus is a general purpose file browsing and viewing utility. Features include file selection/utility menu, selective printing, telephone dialer, scrollable windows, and viewing files within archive files. Version 9.1b improves split window displays. ADRAW10.ZIP 83864 25.04.95 [02] Acid Draw, besser als TheDraw BIO.ARJ 22435 25.04.95 [00] Windows Biorhythmus TVDOS.ZIP 42927 02.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Ŀ __ ____ \ / Das wundertolle Ŀ Fernsehprogramm ! .Ŀ. Aktuell und ueber- . . sichtlich. Mit . T V . individueller . . Konfigurierbarkeit. .. Freeware. Kostenloses woechentliches Update. QPV16C.ZIP 493810 24.06.95 [06] Description from File_id.diz: QPV/386 1.6c, the famous grafx viewer, incredibly fast!, with unique preview feature (nearly realtime), mouse panning etc., it supports VGA and many SVGAs (including VESA), requires 386 or better. JPG TGA GIF PCX BMP IFF/ILBM PBM/PNM PCD (PhotoCD) NEW: supports PNG ("ping")!!! ISICALC.ARJ 38754 24.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ISI-CALC 1.0 DOS-Prompt Rechner -Zuweisung von Ergebnissen in DOS- Umgebungsvariable. -Rechnen mit DOS-Umgebungsvariablen -Ausgabe von Ergebnissen in Dateien -Schleifenkonstruktion -deutsche Shareware. Reg: DM 20,-- PHDX.ZIP 56688 24.06.95 [00] Kleines Netzwerk fuer paralle Kabel , auch fuer OS/2 DAC21.ARJ 302718 29.07.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Digital Audio Copy V2.1 Ŀ Now supports SCSI Drives via ASPI !!! Copy Audio Tracks from CD to Hard Disk. Convert them to 11, 22 or 44khz Stereo/ Mono (Mix/Left/Right). Comfortable SAA User Interface. Tools for CD Access included: CDOPEN, CDCLOSE, CDLOCK, CDUNLOCK, CDPLAY, CDSTOP, CDPAUSE, CDRESUME, CDSKIP, CDVER, CDBENCH, CDRESET, CDSIZE, CDCHECK. CDCHECK is a Tool to scan Files on a CD for Read errors. CTHUG53.ARJ 403993 04.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Cthugha 5.3-An Oscilliscope on Acid Connect your SB/GUS to your Line-In or CD-ROM, and watch the hypnotic patterns formed by the music. CD-Player interface, mind-blowing rotating flames. New in this version: - Uses less memory (25k less) - New Stats screen - Bugs fixed - New Techno FFT mode - PAS-16 support Now 3 archives: CTHUG53.ZIP - The essential files CTHUG53X.ZIP - Extra Cool addons CTHUG53S.ZIP - The source code The Digital Aasvogel Group Torps Productions 1995 Cthugha 5.3 CLEA.EXE 33326 08.08.95 [00] simples, aber sehr gutes Festplattenreinigungsprogramm (bak,tmp u.s.w) MOONTOOL.EXE 47104 08.08.95 [00] Mondphasenprogramm fuer Windows Ŀ TOTAL KB : 8853 TOTAL FILES : 43 Ŀ AREANAME : U02 DESCRIPTION : PACKPROGRAMME ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------Packer/Entpacker fuer Dos----------------------------- ARJ241A.ZIP 205713 27.07.94 [08] Arj 2.41 ARJ242A.EXE 278729 23.01.95 [11] Arj 2.42a Beta II LHA255B.ZIP 29435 25.02.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: *** LHA v2.55B *** Yoshi's newest version of his great freeware file compression program. This archive has had the Japanese documents removed, as most of us in the USA have problems reading it on our systems. LZEXE91E.ZIP 86264 19.10.94 [04] LZExe Packer fuer Exe Files UNLZEXE7.ZIP 13751 19.10.94 [06] UNLZEXE PK204G.EXE 202574 12.02.93 [10] Pkzip / Pkunzip 2.04g PKZIP12.EXE 34296 09.05.90 [26] Pkzip 1.2 PKLIT115.ZIP 15836 03.10.92 [ 4] Pklite 1.15 Exe-File Packer DISLT101.ARJ 24592 24.03.95 [00] Dislite , entpackt auch registrierte PKLITE-Files PKXARC.EXE 15126 30.09.91 [09] Packt gearcte Sachen aus , z.b. Nodediffs TINYP3_9.ZIP 84649 19.10.94 [ 3] TinyProg Packer fuer Exe-Files UC2INS.EXE 170696 26.03.94 [06] Ultra-Compressor , packt besser als arj JPEG4386.ZIP 134095 21.12.92 [11] Cjpeg und Djpeg , Gif to Jpg converter SNRC21.ZIP 65699 25.10.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: SONARC v2.1e: a LOSSLESS compressor for digital audio files. Compress/decompress monaural & stereo, 8-bit & 16-bit audio files in WAV, VOC and even "raw" format. Command-line interface; wildcards allowed. Runs on 8086; auto-senses '386. Shareware. Note: Archived using new PKZIP v2.04g. (Bug-fix version of v2.1a) RAR152.ZIP 117245 22.08.94 [03] Description from File_id.diz: RAR Archivierungsprogramm v1.52 Integrierte Archivverwaltung ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Vollbildmodus und Kommandozeilen- bedienung - Hohe Kompressionsrate und Geschwindigkeit - Verwaltung von Fremdarchivformaten - SFX Archive, mehrteilige Archive, mehrteilige SFX-Archive - "feste" Archive, VERNDERUNG MGLICH - Archivkommentare in Farbe - Authentizittsprfung - FREEWARE unRAR-Hilfsprogramm u.v.m. UNRAR101.ZIP 24589 31.08.94 [04] Description from File_id.diz: Der FREEWARE UnRAR Entpacker v1.01 zum Auspacken von RAR-Archiven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - zum testen, betrachten und entpacken - behandelt alte und neue Archive - hohe Geschwindigkeit beim Entpacken - braucht nur 150 KByte Arbeitsspeicher - auch fr pawortgeschtzte Dateien - verarbeitet farbige Kommentare - keine Registrierung ntig! SHEZ95.ARJ 236964 03.05.94 [ 4] Description from File_id.diz: SHEZ v9.5--Premier Compression Shell. Supports ZIP,LHA,ZOO,ARC,ARJ,SQZ,PAK. Added: Support for regular expression searches, ability to stop a search at any time. Specify default sort order, extract files beginning with a dash. Misc corrections and fixes. 10% of proceeds donated to Polly Klaas fund. Still the most versatile shell around. SHEZ.ZIP 263280 25.02.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: SHEZ v10.5--Premier Compression Shell. ZIP,LHA,ZOO,ARC,ARJ,SQZ,PAK,UC2,HAP,RAR, WINDOWS COMPRESSED supported. Improved 4DOS/NDOS support, Strip comments from ARJ files, Config menu hot keys, and numerous misc. fixes. One of the most versatile compressed/normal file manipulators. Easy to use and extremely user configurable. PEM22.ARJ 498746 10.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PACK'em 2.2ͻ ***Shell unter Windows fr ARJ*** Sehr einfach zu bedienende Shell fr ARJ: -packen,entpacken per Drag&Drop -suchen,sortieren,kommentieren -konvertieren (ZIP,LHA,ARJSFX) -kombinieren mehrerer Archive -multiple Volume Backup / Restore -Backupkonzepte per Archivbit -Vorschau vor Packen/Entpacken -umfangreiche dt. Hilfetexte ͼ XLC_202.ZIP 24624 08.06.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: THE COEXiSTENCE PRESENTS XLINK 2.02 by Jinx!/TC Be COOL,link YOUR EXE & DATA files to ONE BiG EXE file XLC RUNS NOW FINE W/ DOS4GW, PMODE/W, Borland 16bit-DPMI TRON121.ARJ 25508 16.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : ͻ TRON PROFESSIONAL v1.21 / Ķ SOME BUGS FROM v1.20 REMOVED!!! pklite,diet,ice,lzexe,tinyprog! . tiny v3.9/diet v1.45f/sea-axe - universal unprotection unit 286-realmode,386-protected mode to open protect 4.00/5.00+ ͼ XOPEN320.ARJ 35680 16.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : New Version - 3.20! Executable File Extractor For PKLite, TinyProg, DIET, COM2EXE, Message Sticker, Ady's GLUE, and a lot more! MANY options enabled in the unregistered! MORE added! THE BEST REGISTER SOON ---------------------------Packer/Entpacker fuer OS/2------------------------- GNUARJ.EXE 68305 13.06.92 [ 4] Unarj fuer OS/2 LH2_222.ZIP 114258 09.12.94 [06] LHA 2.22 fuer OS/2 RAR154PB.EXE 178875 30.06.95 [00] Neuester Rar/2 mit vielen Bugfixes PKZIP.EXE 35984 21.07.89 [ 7] Pkzip 1.02 fuer Os/2 ZIP201C2.ARJ 148866 27.09.94 [ 5] Sehr guter Zip fuer OS/2 kompatibel zu pkunzip fuer Dos UNZ50X32.ZIP 85993 21.08.92 [06] Unzip fuer OS/2 , auch fuer 2.04g ! X-OS2-18.EXE 80896 16.01.92 [ 4] Entpacker Shell fuer Os2 ARJZ015.ZIP 268774 24.07.95 [00] Russischer Arj auch fuer OS/2 ! Ŀ TOTAL KB : 3486 TOTAL FILES : 30 Ŀ AREANAME : U03 DESCRIPTION : TESTPROGRAMME ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ACDC200.ZIP 47069 17.06.94 [ 5] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ Audio Compact Disc Controller v2.00 A resident audio CD player for dos. With full background control, you can play your favorite tracks while running almost any other program. Pop-up on almost any VGA text mode. Features like your hi-fi CD player, including skip, scan, repeat, intro scan, random play, 6 different time displays, volume control with mute, numeric keypad, eject disc, program and status display, scroll bar etc. Now also with database showing disc and track titles, even when playing in the background of other programs. Mouse and multiple CD-ROM support. ͼ CDBENC.ARJ 106495 17.06.94 [09] Cd-Rom-Bench AMI253.ARJ 267634 19.06.94 [00] Programm fuer die Einstellungen in einem AMI-Bios >Shareware< v2 CT_MON.ARJ 42642 19.06.94 [ 2] Monitor-Test. In 3 Aufloesungen und 5 verschiedenen Testbildern. 3DBENCH.ARJ 58391 22.06.94 [04] Testet Vga-Karte und Rechner VGASPEED.EXE 33520 24.06.92 [04] Testet die Geschwindigkeit der Grafikkarte SPEED314.EXE 73544 13.08.94 [05] Landmark , testet cpu und Grafikkarte CONF731S.ARJ 131716 30.06.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: PC-CONFIG V7.31 - System-Info-Benchmark- Programm der Spitzenklasse. Mit CD-ROM Benchmark, erkennt Local-Bus und PCI Boards, Green Boards, alle Arten von CPUs, UMC, TI, Cyrix, 486SL, 486SX/J, 486SX2, Pentium, jede Menge VGA-Chips, APM Funktionen, EPP BIOS, PCMCIA, Pentium Fehler, EIDE etc. Register via CIS GO SWREG: #3878 Ŀ TOTAL KB : 743 TOTAL FILES : 8 Ŀ AREANAME : U04 DESCRIPTION : DFUE-UTILIES ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC SLMR21A.ZIP 178989 29.04.94 [29] Slmr , kleiner Offline-Message-Reader FROGCOM.ARJ 56005 02.05.94 [16] Kleines aber sehr gutes Terminal TER151.ZIP 1123465 13.01.95 [07] Description from File_id.diz: TERMINATE 1.51 TIM101.ZIP 226559 25.10.94 [ 8] Description from File_id.diz: TimEd 1.01; Fast msg editor supporting Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With internal editor. DOS version. ICHATV35.ZIP 141999 17.06.94 [14] Description from File_id.diz: IceChat v3.50 Deluxe SysOp-User Chat Utility For RemoteAccess 2.0x/Sbbs 1.1x Split/Vertical Chat, NoPage Control File, Macros, Character/ Macro Colour Configuration, Emergency Page Option, User - Editor, Definable Chat Screens, ASCII Support, Alias Support, Configurable Strings, VIP User Detection, Generic Dorinfo1.Def Support, Hudson MsgBase Support, JAM MsgBase Support, External DOS Utility Option, Online TextFile Viewing, & MUCH MORE!! VFOS_DEL.COM 2048 26.06.94 [03] Schmeisst VFossil ausm Speicher VFOS_IBM.COM 4096 26.06.94 [04] VideoFossil , z.b. fuer Binkley XP302-1.EXE 433220 04.07.94 [05] Xpoint 3.02 Paket 1 / 3 XP302-2.EXE 460252 04.07.94 [03] Xpoint 3.02 Paket 2 / 3 XP302-E.EXE 44711 04.07.94 [03] Xpoint 3.02 Paket 3 / 3 XP302F.EXE 133715 04.07.94 [02] Xpoint 3.02 Fido Modul, NUR fuer Fido notwendig XP302U.EXE 253741 04.07.94 [ 2] Xpoint 3.02 UUCP Modul, NUR fuer UUCP notwendig XP306F.EXE 136456 27.01.95 [ 1] XP Fido-Modul 3.06 SFS30.ZIP 104970 15.07.94 [05] Description from File_id.diz: ͻ ۲ SWIFT FILELIST SEARCHER V3.0 Ķ Utility zum Durchsuchen von Filelisten *** Features *** - sehr schnell - erlaubt Verknuepfungen [AND/OR/NOT] - stark verbesserte Eingabemaske - startbar aus GoldEd - DOS + OS/2 Version enthalten! - "Intelligente" Non-ASCII->ASCII Konvertierung uvm. * C A R D W A R E ! ! ! * ͼ FDSQUISH.ARJ 605848 16.10.94 [09] Squish Drop in Upgrade , wichtig fuer alle die bisher Frontdoor mit Scantoss benutzt haben und nun mehrere Netze lesen wolen ! PCONV.ZIP 46403 27.10.94 [ 1] Das Pointlisten-Konvertier-Program von Rene Bredlau HCOM108.ZIP 127354 01.12.94 [03] Hydra-Protkol , ermoeglich gleichzeitig Up und Download , zum einbinden in Terminals wie z.b. Terminate DDL100.ZIP 61922 07.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Domain DataLink v1.00 - DOOM & More on your BBS Domain DataLink allows for your users to play DOOM, Falcon 3, DOOM ][, and many other modem games through your BBS. It also allows for DIRECT user to user transfers and more! Works with most BBS packages supporting XTRN.DAT, DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, DORINFO#.DEF, SFDOORS.DAT, and CHAIN.TXT dropfiles. ROGER40.ARJ 216646 21.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: RoGeR Vers. 4.0 Super Filerequestutility extrem schnell und mit vielen Features auch fuer gepackte Filelisten geeignet u.a. fuer: FrontDoor, Binkley, Yuppie, CrossPoint bis zu 10 Nodelisten und bis zu 10 AKAs mit integriertem Dateimanager NEU: Areaauflistung, RAR-Unterstuetzung, Binkley-Domaenen und vieles mehr. BWAVE212.ZIP 350402 17.05.95 [01] Blue Wave 2.12 fuer Dos X00.ARJ 105784 20.05.95 [01] X00 , FossilTreiber fuer Dos RPT2.ARJ 1727204 24.05.95 [02] Ripterm 2.0 FLSTD121.LZH 56309 29.07.95 [01] FastList 1.21 fuer Dos Ŀ TOTAL KB : 6443 TOTAL FILES : 23 Ŀ AREANAME : U05 DESCRIPTION : TOOLS FUER OS2 ALLGEMEIN ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC 4OS2.ARJ 403640 07.08.94 [03] 4OS/2 , 4Dos fuer OS/2 ALRMC29G.ZIP 241071 11.09.94 [ 1] Alarmclock Uhr , Terminerinner und Eventsteuerer in einem BOOTOS2.ZIP 50522 27.07.94 [ 1] Stellt Bootdisketten unter Os/2 her KILLPM.ARJ 32314 24.03.94 [ 2] Kill nichtabschiesbare Tasks LIST18.ZIP 46562 05.04.94 [ 3] Der Lister fuer OS/2 MSHELL.ARJ 85900 31.05.94 [ 5] PmShell Ersatz , speziell wenn Os/2 mit wenig Mb laeuft NEMO03.ZIP 120136 03.07.94 [ 4] Nemo , Norton Commander fuer Os/2 ZS101H.ZIP 228348 14.05.95 [00] Zipstream 1.33 , Stackeraehnliches Proggi fuer OS/2 PGP26I-2.ZIP 261143 05.06.95 [00] Pretty Good Privacy 2.61 fuer OS/2 OS2C_102.ZIP 213631 05.05.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OS/2-Commander v1.02 - The final File Commander OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander cl It offers an integrated archive-handling, bette a user-definable menu, a Tree-function, the mos FIND-function you've ever seen and much more! F support, enhanced sysop features, full network WCD support and more great functions. Try it! MEMSZ252.ZIP 333191 24.07.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : System Resources v2.52 (Rick Papo, 06 July 1995, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Cataln and Danish texts are provided. PMJPEG.ARJ 199871 27.05.94 [05] Pm Jpeg und Gif Viewer PMMPEG21.ZIP 191044 04.12.94 [02] PMMPEG , guter Mpeg Viewer fuer OS/2 PMVIEW90.ZIP 521571 14.06.95 [00] Neuester Pmview 0.90 SBENCH09.ZIP 139509 08.11.94 [ 4] Benchmark-Program fuer OS/2 SHFTRN.ZIP 21392 22.05.93 [00] Shiftrun , haelt Os/2 beim Booten an , gut bei falschen Einstellungen in der Config.Sys UUCODE.LZH 18509 27.09.94 [02] UUDECODE und ENCODE fuer OS/2 AGUSOS2.ZIP 89288 02.01.95 [23] erster offizieller GUS OS2 Treiber !!!!! HPFSTL16.ZIP 53935 15.01.95 [00] Hpfs-Undelete / No Deldir required UNRAR100.ZIP 35104 15.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: The FREE portable source code of UnRAR utility ET4W32D.ZIP 162669 28.01.95 [ 2] W32-Treiber fuer Warp INSP110P.ZIP 347463 02.03.95 [00] Inspecta , Shez aehnliches Tool fuer OS/2 PMD22E.ZIP 179801 25.05.95 [00] PmCopy , sehr gutes Kopierprogramm fuer OS/2 AMOS301.ZIP 37747 13.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: AMOS v3.01 Ŀ AMOS is a DOS-program for OS/2 users! Mounts OS/2 HPFS drives using a TSR, allowing you to access all data using your favourite utilities. Read/only version. Release date: 7th November 1994 FILEB190.ZIP 259191 15.01.95 [04] Filebar 1.90 FILEB205.ZIP 235298 02.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: FileBar 2.05 - Is OS/2 Warp too slow? Then you need this GREAT utility for OS/2. This is an application launch bar and shell replacement for OS/2. Uses MUCH less memory than IBM's WPS and gives precious memory back to your applications. Great for 4 or 8 MB systems which, along with passwording features, make it ideal for network environments! ALL NEW VERSION! DMPLAY.ZIP 110348 30.12.94 [07] Description from File_id.diz: Digital Music Player v1.10 Digital Music Player is an all around music player for OS/2 2.x and above with the multimedia MMPM/2 extensions installed. DMPlayer supports the playback of .MOD (Amiga music modules), .MID (MIDI music), .WAV (digital audio), and even .AVI (audio video interleave) files! All of these may be combined into SongLists and saved/sorted/edited to your hearts content! DMPlayer supports 4, 6, and 8 track modules (Startrekker and Fasttracker). You can even individually compress your modules (only MOD files) with zip or gzip to save disk space! DOLPHIN.ZIP 43589 18.04.95 [00] Dolphin Treiber fuer das dumme Optic-Storage CD-Rom (Das billigTeil von Vobis) HV20.ZIP 58751 19.04.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: HyperView 2.0: an OS/2 file viewer with special features for isolating and extracting information from word processing and text files. Automatically reads and recognizes Ami Pro, DeScribe, WordPerfect (vers 5.x and 6.x), & WinWord (vers 1 - 6). New in 2.0: View ZIP files. GBU108.ZIP 73315 02.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.08 Hardware that has been tested against OS/2. Some works, some doesn't. VP10B003.ZIP 661416 05.07.95 [00] Virtual Pascal , das beste Pascal was es fuer OS/2 gibt , sieht aus wie BP und erzeugt 32Bit Code! VPPAT707.ZIP 3885 29.07.95 [00] Update fuer Virtual Pascal FM2_233A.ZIP 1060362 06.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: FM/2 v2.33 An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/ archive maintenance package with plenty of bells and whistles -- a Swiss army knife for OS/2. SOUNDR10.ZIP 53376 04.08.95 [02] MOD MTM und S3M Player fuer WARP 8--) ATAPI.ZIP 47438 11.08.95 [01] Update fuer Atapi CD-ROms unter Warp , auch wichtig fuer EIDE Festplatten ! Ŀ TOTAL KB : 6466 TOTAL FILES : 35 Ŀ AREANAME : U06 DESCRIPTION : DFUE-SACHEN FUER OS/2 ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC ------------------------------Dfue allgemein---------------------------------- COSTC011.ZIP 34117 26.06.94 [ 1] Kostenberechnung fuer Binkley YABP120.ZIP 179146 16.07.94 [00] Binkley Outbound-Manager fuer Os/2 FLST130.ZIP 282419 14.05.95 Description from File_id.diz: FastLst 1.30 - The ultimate V7 Nodelist processor. Fully automated processing and maintenance, no need for clumsy batch files. Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas, multitasking friendly, many options. Shareware: US$ 20, DM 30, LIT 30,000 MD2_10B2.LZH 464708 28.09.94 [00] Maindoor , Frontdoor aehnlicher Mailer fuer OS/2 SQSHP101.LZH 279835 30.03.95 [00] Squish 1.01 SQSHP111.ZIP 448641 04.11.94 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Squish 1.11 - OS/2 version. Flexible EchoMail processor for FidoNet systems. Includes 16-bit and 32-bit executables. Supports Squish and *.MSG formats. SQAR093.ZIP 80222 06.07.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: ----------------------------------------------- /| / | /__| / | r e a s t a t 0.93 SQARSTAT 0.93 large area statistics for a squis style message base. Features: User stats, net stats, user to user stats, subject stats, quote stats and a new twit index. OS/2 Version ----------------------------------------------- KILLRCAT.ZIP 39361 27.01.95 [00] Squish-BAse Twit Filter QQP124.ZIP 69201 15.07.94 [00] Qqlink , linkt schneller als der squish-interne linker PSRT_11B.ZIP 111873 15.07.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: PacketSorter v1.1b (bug fixed version) Defragments FidoNet mail packets. Can split large messages according to FSC-0047. Speed up message base tossing up to five times with Squish. Runs with OS/2 2.x and DOS. SIO150.ZIP 203838 06.07.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.50. SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supporting any number of ports. Vmodem now has both inbound and outbound Telnet. MA_AM200.ZIP 74542 29.07.94 [00] Ma'am , konvertiert squish.cfg nach seal , msgarea.ctl , nach sqset-batches und vieles mehr .. TE2.ARJ 309473 19.11.94 [06] Te2 , Terminal fuer OS/2 ZOC205.ZIP 565025 27.04.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: ZOC V2.0x - PM Terminal Application for OS/2. Outstanding user interface, solid VT102 and Zmodem, countless options, fast screen output and scrollback buffer, external CIS-B protocol, online JPG viewer, powerful script language (REXX) and lots of other features. Not crippled -- just a registration reminder after file transfer. BINKPNT.LZH 1600200 18.12.94 [ 4] Binkley/2 PointPaket V 0.99 XM198OS2.ZIP 603144 14.02.95 [ 2] Description from File_id.diz: Xenia Mailer/Edit - Version 1.98 (Eval) FidoNet technology mailer/editor package Available for DOS and OS/2 Featuring the Hydra bidirectional file-transfer protocol and much more! Lentz Software Development, January 95 NTMGR95P.ARJ 42552 02.03.95 [01] Netmgr , Netmail Tool ( move , copy bounce) TIM101P.ZIP 216706 26.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: TimEd 1.01; Fast msg editor supporting Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With internal editor. OS/2 version. TIMC_103.ZIP 31650 26.03.95 [01] Description from File_id.diz: TIMCOLOR v1.03. A tiny utility to create your favourite color-configuration for the message-reader timEd. Actually see on screen how the colors will look like when using the reader/editor. Freeware! Update! Now includes a dirlisting when loading alternative configfiles! Much faster screenroutines! FLEETSTR.ARJ 727821 20.05.95 [00] Fleestreet 1.03 , PmMsgeditor fuer OS/2 XTEL_005.ZIP 68645 29.07.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : TeleKost fr Xenia Version 0.05, Telefonkostenabrechnung fr den Xenia Mailer OS/2, In und Ausland !! Registrierung -> 1 Postkarte an den Autor. ------------------------------Zeugs fuer die Box------------------------------ --------------Maximus das Geniale BBS fuer Dos und OS/2----------------------- MAX202C.LZH 477190 04.11.94 [13] Maximus 2.02 GrundPaket MAX202P.LZH 507538 04.11.94 [09] Maximus 2.02 OS/2 Paket MAX202R.LZH 496861 04.11.94 [13] Maximus 2.02 DOS Paket MAX300C.ZIP 688916 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Maximus 3.0 - common executables. A flexible BBS package incorporating RIP support, an advanced extension language, hierarchical message and file areas, a message tracking system for handling technical support queries, and more. MAX300P.ZIP 834561 13.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : Maximus 3.0 - OS/2 executables. A flexible BBS package incorporating RIP support, an advanced extension language, hierarchical message and file areas, a message tracking system for handling technical support, and more. ------------Achtung Grundpaket wird auf jeden Fall benoetigt !---------------- DT_MAD.ARJ 35082 14.08.95 [00] Description from File_ID.Diz : ķ DEUTSCH.MAD Sprachfile f. Maximus 3.0 Ķ Deutsches Languagefile fr Scott's neue Version von Maximus BBS, DOS und OS/2 ͼ bersetzt von: Ulf Rompe@2:241/1095 ͼ Ľ MAXGERM.ZIP 38104 12.12.94 [09] Deutsches Mad und Language-File fuer Maximus 1013TW2.ZIP 476984 26.06.94 [ 1] Tradewars , online-spiel fuer Os/2 DWNSRT58.ARJ 169436 24.08.94 [ 1] Downsort , generiert Filelisten fuer OS/2 FAN_240.ZIP 198193 15.01.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: FAN is a comprehensive file announcing program for BBS systems running under OS/2 or DOS. It incorporates many features not found in "all in one" file processing packages. Support for 1600+ file areas, FAN is ideal for large FDN or Satellite based sites. Announcements can be sent to ASCII text files, *.PKT files, *.MSG, Squish, or JAM formatted message bases. Messages can be customized using FAN macros and announcement templates. FAN has built-in direct support for Maximus, Opus, and RA 2.xx. New files can be announced from a variety of sources, including *.TIC, FILES.BBS, and RA filebases. SIGLAP13.ARJ 50397 11.08.94 [04] Maximus/2 Multiline Chatter WCHAT1A.ZIP 19928 26.06.94 [10] Windows-Chat fuer Maximus FOSSDM05.ZIP 73878 11.09.94 [06] Description from File_id.diz: Dummy Fossil 0.5r1, easy DOS-doors in Max/2 This package provides an interface for DOS-doors with fossil-support to OS/2 BBS Systems AND a BBS-Interface for TextMode Dos-Applications. QSTAT101.ZIP 33435 15.09.94 [05] Description from File_id.diz: Qware UserStatistik V 1.01 Beta - Erstellt eini TAGBETA5.ZIP 140903 13.10.94 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OffTag 1.1 beta/5. This is an Upgrade from beta/5. This is an Upgrade from OffT Description from File_id.diz: TAGFIX05.ZIP 61672 17.11.94 [ 1] Description from File_id.diz: OffTag 1.1 beta/5rev1 Bugfix, now also runs wit SQ2MX002.ZIP 21357 28.09.94 [ 1] Konvertiert Sqafix oder Sqaverw nach Maximus SQAV193G.ZIP 93991 14.05.95 [00] Sqaverw 1.93 German MAXFAKEM.ZIP 9129 28.09.94 [ 3] Description from File_id.diz: Max Fake `Em : This is a small collection of mecca files for Maximus CBCS! An Entertainment System for SysOps which provide some good clean fun :-) by: Rob Spring UEDP201.LZH 190297 27.10.94 [13] Uedit , Usereditor fuer Maximus UED300B3.EXE 92424 20.08.95 [01] Uedit fuer Maximus 3.0 , leider noch sehr Beta HYDRAOS2.ARJ 66777 25.11.94 [03] Hydra-Protokol fuer Max/2 oder Te/2 DIGEST.ARJ 9879 27.11.94 [06] Die Userhoelle , Mecca fuer Maximus , fuer nette user :-> F5.LZH 1409 27.11.94 [03] OS/2 Install-Fake Mecca SCCP201.ZIP 398909 04.12.94 [02] Description from File_id.diz: sixxac Chat 2.01.OS2. Now with _text_coloring_! Windowed singleline and MULTILINE BBS chat utility for OS/2. Tons of features including Maximus support. POPMAX1.ARJ 30219 20.12.94 [13] Maximus Saa Menuestruktur BLMW.ZIP 50582 28.12.94 [ 2] Erstellt MailStatistiken fuer Maximus DLCOUNTE.ZIP 39517 14.02.95 [01] Dlcounter fuer Xenia , Binkley , Maximus von Rene Bredlau MX2XENRQ.ZIP 41306 19.02.95 [ 2] Max Filearea.Ctl To Xenia-Request.Cfg LISTER.ZIP 39054 02.07.95 [00] Generiert aus UserBBs TelefonListen QDDIZI06.ARJ 19345 20.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : QdDizi 0.6 QdDizi ist ein File_ID.Diz Import Programm fuer Files.BBs kompatible Systeme . Durch Cfg auf jeden beliebigen Packer anpassbar ! Dos und OS/2 Executables QDLIST06.ARJ 30110 20.08.95 [07] Description from File_ID.Diz : Qdlist 0.6 Qdlist ist ein Filelistengenerator fuer Maximus der Allfiles , Newfiles und Request.DMP fuer Xenia und Binkley erzeugt. Enthalten sind sowohl eine Dos als auch eine 32-Bit OS/2 Version Verarbeitet auch mehrzeilige File_Ids ! Fuer Max 2.x und 3.0 ! QDLIST6G.ARJ 29995 20.08.95 [01] Description from File_ID.Diz : Qdlist 0.6g Qdlist ist ein Filelistengenerator fuer Maximus der Allfiles , Newfiles und Request.DMP fuer Xenia und Binkley erzeugt. Enthalten sind sowohl eine Dos als auch eine 32-Bit OS/2 Version Verarbeitet auch mehrzeilige File_Ids ! Fuer Max 2.x und 3.0 ! Newfiles Bugfix ! QDS2MX05.ARJ 23068 20.08.95 [02] Description from File_ID.Diz : QdS2MAX 0.5 QdSquish2MAx ist ein Msgarea.CTL Konvertierungstool fuer Maximus 3.0 . Eingelesen werden Squish.CFG und Squaverw/Squish.CFG Maximus 3.0 Grouping Support ! Ŀ TOTAL KB : 11644 TOTAL FILES : 55 Ŀ AREANAME : U07 DESCRIPTION : VIRENTOOLS ACCESSLEVEL : DISGRAC SCN-221E.ZIP 400716 12.07.95 [02] Description from File_id.diz: VirusScan for DOS new version 2.2.0 (221) 04/20/95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. VSHIELD.ZIP 476787 14.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: OSC213.ARJ 401217 12.02.95 [00] Os/2 Virusscaner von McAfee 2.13 VShield version 2.1.3 (213) 11/16/94 by McAfee, Inc. Memory-resident (TSR) virus protection and prevention. Auto-loads into RAM above 1Mb. Req: DOS 3+, 67Kb. FP-218A.ARJ 568223 15.06.95 [04] Description from File_id.diz: F-PROT version 2.18a - June 1995 The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a virus scanner combined with a disinfection program, as well as a resident monitoring program for intercepting known viruses. This program is free of charge for private users, but others are required to register or obtain the 'Professional' version - see the documentation for details. NETS16.ZIP 182310 12.02.95 [00] Virus Schild fr Netzwerke unter windows un dos/2 TBAV.ZIP 270580 12.02.95 [00] Description from File_id.diz: Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. Ŀ TOTAL KB : 2245 TOTAL FILES : 6 Ŀ TOTAL KB in all areas : 498605 TOTAL FILES in all areas : 2474 Ŀ This list was created by QDlist 0.6b (c) 29.6.95 by MautschiProductions Registered to ANDREAS MAUTSCH